Recommended Book: First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Kindle Edition (get Kindle app for phone) (paid link)
Angels Prayers: Aspiration | St. Gertrude's Guardian Angel Prayer | Angel Guardian | Guardian Angel | Help Against Spiritual Enemies | Holy Guardian Angels | Our Lady, Queen of Angels | To the Holy Archangel Who Strengthened Our Lord in His Agony | Prayer of the Church Concerning St. Gabriel | St. Gabriel, for Intercession | St. Gabriel, for Others | Holy Michael, the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle | St. Michael, For Powerful Aid | St. Michael, For Protection of the Church | St. Michael, For Personal Protection | St. Raphael | St. Raphael, Angel of Happy Meetings | Thanks to My Guardian Angel
Prayers that are Blessings: Blessing of a Bedroom | When Using Holy Water
Career Prayers: Choosing a State of Life | For the Sanctification of Labor | Success in Work | For Vocations
Prayers to Christ: Christ, King of the Universe | Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus | You are Christ | A Visit with Jesus | St. Louis De Montfort's Prayer to Jesus | Head of Jesus | Shoulder Wound
Christmas Prayers: Christmas Novena
Prayers Regarding the Church: For the Lord's Cleansing, Defense, and Governance of the Church | Preservation of the Faith
Communion Prayers: Act of Spiritual Communion | Before Communion | For Peace before Holy Communion | For Holy Communion | Prayers before Holy Communion | Prayers after Holy Communion | Prayers for Altar Servers
Prayers of Confession: Act of Contrition | Before Confession | After Confession
Consolation: Prayer of Solace
Prayers of the Cross: Litany in Honor of the Holy Cross | A Salesian Way of the Cross | The Cross Is . . . | Friends of the Cross | More Prayers by St. Francis de Sales (including Direction of Intention, Confidence in God, Your Cross, and a prayer to God about the crosses we carry) | Prayer before a Crucifix
Danger: In Time of Danger
Devotion: Offering and Prayer of St. Ignatius Loyola | God Suffices
Dying: For the Sick near Death | To Our Lord for a Happy Death
Easter: Easter Morning
Evening: Evening Prayers
Faith: Act of Faith
Family: Consecration to the Holy Family | For the Consecration of Families to the Sacred Heart | For the Family | For Fathers | A Husband's Prayer | Motherhood | When Nursing or Feeding | Parents' Prayer for Their Children | A Wife's Prayer | Prayer of Spouses for Each Other
Healing: For the Sick | For Those Who Suffer | For Healing | St. Peregrine
Holiness: Chastity | For Holiness
Holy Spirit: St. Augustine to the Holy Spirit | For Enlightenment | Pentecost Sunday Sequence | Prayer To The Holy Spirit | For the Gifts of the Holy Spirit | To the Holy Spirit | Veni Creator
Home: For Protection Against Fires | For the Home
Hope: Act of Hope
Intercession: To Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus for the Conversion of Russia | Deliver Them from Purgatory | Watch, O Lord | In Loving Memory | For the Most Forgotten Soul
Joseph: About St. Joseph | Memorare to Saint Joseph | To St. Joseph for Protection | St. Joseph by Pope St. Pius X | Prayer to St. Joseph
Lent: A Country Prayer for Lent | Short Prayers for Lent
Life: For the Dignity of Human Life | To Protect Life | Mary, Mother of the Unborn
Love: Love Notes from Lovers of the Lord | Act of Love | Love of God | I Came to You Late | St. Teresa of Avila | Scriptural Valentines
Martyrs: North American Martyrs | Polycarp Prayers
Mary: O Virgin Immaculate, Mother of God and my Mother | O My Most Sweet Mother, How Shall I Die? | We Fly to Thy Patronage | For the Beatification of Jacinta Marto | Immaculate Conception | Aspirations to Mary | Consecration to Mary | Mary's Consent | Silence of Mary | Ancient Prayer to the Virgin | To Our Lady, Assumed into Heaven | Our Blessed Mother | Immaculate Heart of Mary | St. Louis De Montfort's Prayer to Mary | Hail, Holy Queen | Hail Mary | Memorare | Our Lady of The Sacred Heart | Greeting Mary | Annunciation, by John Donne
Mass: Before Mass | St. Ambrose Before Mass
Meals: Grace Before and After Meals
Meditation: Arrows
Morning: At the Day's Beginning | Fatima Morning Offering | Morning Offering | Morning Offering to the Sacred Heart | Morning and Evening | Upon Arising From Sleep
Peace: Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace | For Peace
Perseverance: Final Perseverance
Praise: Divine Praises | Gloria | Golden Arrow | Litany of Praise | Prayer of Praise | Psalm by Steven J. Moses
Repentance: To Redeem Lost Time
Requests: To Saint Thomas Aquinas for Catholic Schools | A Prayer in Autumn for Country Living | For the Heart of a Child | Help Me to See the Way | Our Father | I Want to See | Shine Through Me
Saints: St. Alphonsus de Liguori | St. Anne | St. Anthony | St. Barnabas | St. Blase | St. John Bosco | Cyril of Alexandria | Nine Prayers to St. Dymphna | St. Dymphna | St. Francis of Assisi | St. Francis de Sales | St. Patrick | St. Peter | Turibius de Mongrovejo, Bishop | St. Jude | St. Rita of Cascia | St. Martin de Porres | St. Romuald, Abbot | Blessed Josemaria Escriva | St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
Salvation: Graces Necessary for Salvation
Service: Pope Paul VI | Selflessness
Study: Before Study or Instructions | For Students
Travel: Blessing of an Automobile | Before Starting On A Journey | For Travelers
Trinity: Trinity Prayer
Weakness: In Times of Weakness, Trial, Tribulation | Young Heart
Wedding Prayers: Nuptial Blessing Longer | Nuptial Blessing Shorter | Wedding Blessing
A Prayer for Friends | Mary's Crown: A New Litany of Mary | The Confiteor | Mother Teresa Prayer Page | Prayer to Blessed Luigi Guanella | Kitchen Prayer | Most Holy Apostle St.Jude Thaddeus | Good Morning, Sweet Mary | (Mis?)Carried to Heaven | A Motorcyclist's Prayer | The Start of My Day | Prayer of an Altar Server | Nana | Prayer to St. Jude for our Child who is Sick | Prayer for the Salvation of the World | Star of the Sea, Seafarers Prayers | My Prayer to Our Mother Mary | Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary | Hail, Virgin and Mother | Prayer to St. Gemma Galgani | Prayer for Lost Things | Family Prayer to the Holy Family | Dorothy's Morning Prayer | The Angelus | Single Mother Prayer to Become a Godly Wife | Prayer of Thanksgiving to Jesus and Mary | My Inheritance | Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary | Soul Search of a Bride to Be and how a prayer on this site, And God Said . . . No, helped her decide what to do | Reverence for Motherhood, A Prayer for Peace | Prayer for the Gifted | Because of Your Mercy | St. Denis's Prayer | Jesus Forgive Us | Guard and protect me St Joseph each day | Jesus, Lord, I love you | God bless those I love | Let Nothing Disturb Thee (Blessing by St. Teresa of Avila, Spain) | Communion Prayers | For the Beatification of Sebastian Râle | O Blessed Padre Pio | Prayer to Mother Teresa of Calcutta | Daily Offering | Prayer for Priests | Marian Year Prayer (from 1953-54) | Heartbeat Reparation Prayer | St. Joseph Cenacle A Prayer for Peace | Lovely Lady Dressed in Blue | The Newman Prayer | A Creed For Those Who Have Suffered | Trust in God | Prayer for Single Mothers | Prayer Before the Way of the Cross | A Recovering Alcoholic's Prayer | Five Minute Rosary | I Said a Prayer for You Today | Nicene Creed | Learning Christ | To Defeat the Work of Satan | When Using Holy Water (revised) | Fatima Prayer | Prayer for the Reconciliation of Protestants | For All Humanity | Love Notes from Lovers of the Lord | Scriptural Valentines | Prayers from the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Prayers of Margaret A. Davidson: Blessings Upon You | Knotted Rope | My Soul is the Infant | Skinned Knee | Prayer of Spouses | This Day | This Day, Our Gift | Timothy | Waiting for Your Healing | Healing - Introduction | Hear Me, Father