Yenra : Catholic Prayers : Mis Carried to Heaven

Recommended Book: First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Kindle Edition (get Kindle app for phone) (paid link)

O spirit tiny who haunts my soul
tear not apart the fabric of my being
but pray to Him to make me whole
and to impart a new way of seeing
that I might believe the promised goal
of innocent flesh to you He's giving.

I know not whether sad distress you felt
while in sickness dying hidden in the womb
not able to be crying to your mother or myself
for some touch or voice of comfort,
but help me believe that He Who called you home
Who knew your lot since long before your life began
Is holding you in playful joy
As only a loving Father can
Who chose to share his love by giving life,
That love may more abound

And help us too, your mother and I,
that we might prepare ourselves to see you for the first time
after all is said and done in our own lives.
Prepare a place for us, that as we, should we be deemed worthy,
become born as babes into that world which you, our child, already know,
we might be welcomed by you, our child so very young,
who has become our older brother.

Sent for publication on Catholic Prayers on May 10, 2000
Copyright February 1989 Pat McGervey, All Rights Reserved