Yenra : Catholic Prayers : Mother Teresa Prayer Page

Recommended Book: First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Kindle Edition (get Kindle app for phone) (paid link)

Thank you, Mother Teresa, for saying YES: I look forward to the day when I may say: "Dear Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Pray for us". Blessings on your dear workers whom you have chosen, and who have chosen Jesus, Mary and you, dear Mother Teresa, to work with joy among the little people, those in whom, as in you, Jesus has confirmed His Great Love. - Larry Paul
Preghiera semplice: La Tua Anima ora vive eternamente con il Signore, là dove non vi è il male, non vi è paura, non più attaccamenti alle futilità della Vita... - Ti prego, ricordati di visitare tutti i poveri della Terra che hanno bisogno di Te, del Tuo conforto, del Tuo Amore...Ricordati di quanti non sanno della Grazia di Dio, perchè non hanno mai potuto conoscerLa, ma vi sono immensamente vicini, nelle loro sofferenze, nella loro povertà... Tu, ora puoi tutto per tutti, e so che guarderai amorevolmente i Tuoi figli rimasti qui, a lottare per la sopravvivenza... - Se mai Ti rimanesse ancora un po' della Grazia di Dio da donare alla Pietà del Mondo bisognoso, Ti prego con tutto il mio cuore, guarda anche a me ed alla mia famiglia, affinchè anche noi possiamo imparare - a sacrificare un poco di noi stessi per aiutare coloro che avranno bisogno della nostra assistenza, e del nostro Amore, della nostra onestà... Dio sia sempre accanto alla Tua Anima santa - Raffaella e Marco - Cardinali Marco e Raffaella
Thanks to God from Two Chinese Buddhists: We thank God for his lending of Mother Teresa to us. Mother Teresa has taught us what a valuable life could be; we should follow her steps and make the World a better place for everybody to live. - From two Chinese Buddhists, Xiaohong Zhu and Maochang Li
Jesus, Another Teresa Next to You: Dearest Jesus: You now have another "Teresa" next to you. So very close to you. As a matter of fact anytime I think of the name "Teresa", the name of Jesus is so close. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to view this life of Mother Theresa in this century. Now that she is with you please allow her to be a great intercessor for us. How we need her! We need so many miracles. I know you will continue to do Your will through her. - Dr. Ana Y. Perez
Peace for our dear Mother Theresa: Dear God, Please give our dear Mother Theresa peace and assounding glory your side and give us strength to continue her work among us here on Earth. Keep her always in our hearts and in our daily lives for strength and joy. May she rest in knowing she was and is well loved. - Susan Y. Chamberlain
Looking Over Us: When I was dripping away from God, your words help me back in track again. When I really needed help, I read your book. What you've done is something no one could achieve in a life time, but you did it. I was stunned news of your death, but I know somewhere, you are looking over us and will help us get back to where we belong. Thank you Mother Teresa and we love you. - Rosa Kim
Kindly Pray for Us: Mother Teresa, Remember us in your prayers in the Heaven and kindly pray for us. - Chacko & Family
Your Love, Support, Courage, and Generosity: Thank you Mother for the inspiration you gave to others through your love, support, courage and generosity. Be at peace, Mother, with the Lord you served so faithfully throughout your life. Rest in peace. - The Marston Family
In Your Good Hands: Thank you Lord, because now Mother Theresa is in your Good Hands. As a Christian we believe that you are near to the person who are prayerful and humble. Lord thank you, We believe in you, I love you as you love us. Please forgive our sins and always be with us everyday, everywhere. - Lucy
From a Spiritual Atheist: I am thankful there was such a woman as Mother Teresa who graced our planet with her love and compassion and genuine caring. An example of how to be humane among so much of "Man's inhumanity to man." - Helen
God Bless Mother: May Mother Teresa' spirit dwell within our hearts. Her impact on the world is nothing short of miraculous. As God knows, the good Mother will forever remain the most honest person this century has seen. God Bless Mother . . . . Enjoy your new level of spirituality! - Chameleon
For a Mother In Heaven: Dear Lord, How happy you must be to finally have the company of such an amazing woman like Mother Teresa. After all her years of hard work, her time for a well deserved rest has now come. Rest peacefully now with the knowledge that you have managed to make a difference...your selfless and compassionate contributions to humankind will hopefully continue to inspire us all and let us never forget the poor, sick and hungry. But most of all, let us never forget the lady who became Mother to them all. Lord Hear Our Prayer - C. Hanrahan
Pass on the Love Mother Teresa gave to us: Even though she is gone, let us try to practice the love Mother Teresa she gave to us. Use love to reach out to the poor, infirm, dying, and less fortunate with the gift of compassion. Stretch out your hand to someone; know the joy love can give your heart. Pass along a kind word, a good deed, a hug, a handshake. These things cost you nothing, but the reward is something money could never buy. If we take love and pass it on, it grows and grows; that is what Mother Teresa would want - a legacy that encouraged people to love one another. - Steven and Christina Campbell
May you always be with GOD!: You deserve to be call "Saint Teresa" for what you have done for our human being on earth. May God always be with you and meet you at the heaven door! I sincerely thank you, Mother Teresa, or I should address you Saint Teresa, from my bottom of our heart for your blessing . We all love you for the work you have done with the blessing of GOD to help the sick and dying ones. Heal the world, make it a better place for you and me, and entire human race there are people dying and you are there to save them and now they missed all the loving-kindness caring you gave them they will never able repay for what have you done to them. Billions thanks for that and I hope they can also do the same works to other poor ones so that we soon can save this earth from evil. Now God have call you back. Mother Teresa. Many of them requested your blessing and please pray for them! We are the children of the GOD and and hope one day we can meet again in the heaven! May you be rest in peace. I sincerely hope more people like you are able to follow your footstep! AMEN - James Nakasone Wong
The Beauty that Shows the Image of God: Enlighten our hearts to the beauty of all that shows the image of God, and that is every living human being on the face of this earth. Beauty of the soul, faith and courage is the path one chooses to merely aid and care for the image evident in the eyes of a child or the sick. Help us to escape flattery and glamour and to genuinely recognize God. Yes, we are sinners and imperfect so may be the images of God amongst us but know that He is there and ours to bring forth. Help us to help each other, let us venture out to discover that the image of God is at our very side in the form of family, and that prayer, love, care and patience is our link to aid on a grand and worldly scale. Expel that which is unclean and unseen, that which obstructs God in the form of temptation and material beauty. As you asked the kind but worldly Princess of Wales to join you, little did her material origins see that your offer came from that of the most high and divine throne - from a true and humble Princess on Earth. The devil seeks to distort the image of God and taint our perceptions of true beauty and nobility; aid us in our suffering. - Juan R. Carrillo
One Day Reunited in Joy and Sweet Fellowship: God who separates us at this time and place shall one day reunite us in joy and sweet fellowship. Looking forward to this day. Please pray for me and my family that we may continually serve God . - Nancy Uy
Blessed Guardian Angel of Mercy: Mother Teresa will forever be our world's blessed guardian angel of mercy. God Bless her and may her successor continue to be as triumphing in her glorious crusades. Our prayers are with her and her loved ones. May Mother Teresa continue to watch over our most unfortunate ones. We ask this in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen. - Lyndy and Tom Ward
More People Like Her: Good Lord: Please, send more people like Mother Teresa who saved so many lives for a long time. Have patience with these foolish sons of yours .Let us do the best for our brothers all over the world. Listen to our prayers for a better world. Don't let us destroy the world but rather improve it. Amen. - Cristian Rodriguez
Patron Saint of the Poor and the Unwanted Children: Dear MOTHER THERESA - YOU are the PATRON SAINT of the poor and the unwanted children, be always with them. Ask our Creator for the protection of the poor and of the children of the world. Be a guiding light to every one of us, that in giving we share the banquet of the RISEN LORD together. I include all the people who suffer from all illness physical and spiritually. I asked this through the mercy of Christ our Lord and through our MOTHER VIRGIN MARY . Amen. - Jan Jen
Forever and Ever, Amen: As a symbol of God's love in this modern world, you brought a sense of duty and compassion to everything you touched. You were not of just one country or of just one faith. Your work reached across all boundaries to touch every soul that could feel on this globe. When you pass on, you do not leave us, but only return home to the God that lent you to us for a short time. You never really leave, but only continue your life of love and charity from afar. May all see, hear, and understand your message of the unconditional love of God long after we can no longer see you, forever and ever, amen. in pax requiecat. - Erin Gerton
May We All be Like Her: Father in heaven, I thank You always for loving, caring souls like Mother Teresa. I know she has been a blessing to many people the world over. I pray that her memory is not forgotten. All too quickly the dead vanish from our memories. I pray this does not happen with hers. She was a special woman while here; and I know that she is with You now. May her memory be engraved on my heart forever. May I never forget her kind, gentle and loving way. In Jesus' precious Name, Amen. - Kathryn
True Disciple of Christ: A dedication and devotion to a true and humble servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Mother Teresa you have served with a pure and true heart for our Lord and savior of our life. You were definitely a reflection of a true disciple in Christ. I know that I know you have been rewarded with a mansion in heaven, that has been prepared for you in the heavenlies and all the angels rejoice. The words I know that you heard from our Lord is, "Well done good and faithful servant". - Love, A sister in Christ - Elizabeth Albani
UN RAYO DE LUZ EN EL CAMINO: Gloria a Dios en las alturas por ese rayo de luz, que nos ilumino el camino para tener como ejemplo a ti Madre Teresa. Tu que extendiste la mano al pobre, al desprovisto de ropa, y al enfermo. Tu fuiste el Rayo de luz en el momento oportuno que una creatura del senor mas lo necesitaba, tu fuiste el Rayo de Luz que resplandecio muchos corazones que deambulaban en la obscuridad. Querida y adorada Madre Teresa, ahora que tu te encuentras gozando del reino de Dios, te ruego que tu luz siga brillando en todos los corazones de la humanidad, en donde tu viste siempre a Nuestro Senor en cada uno de nosotros y que tu obra la sigamos continuando y que nos forjemos en un mundo cada dia mejor, unimos en el Amor, que el Divino creador nos ha ensenado atraves de los siglos Asi sea. - Jose S. Mendieta
For Your Love of Children: Because of your love for the children, your booklet published on the "Right to Life," in Jesus name I pray thanks to you because of my granddaughter born, May 16th 1983, you are an angel in the Kingdom of God. May you forever rest in peace. - Joanne Johnson
Madre Teresa por Siempre: Gracias Madre Teresa por enseñarnos esa elemental tarea de servir con la vida misma a nuestros semejantes. Seguro Madre Teresa que ese legado de amor, servicio y acción será a estas alturas una volquetada de granos de arena para la gran montaña de buenas obras que queremos para este mundo de hoy. - Rubén Darío Baena
Verantwortung für die Welt: Herr,unsere Erde ist nur ein kleines Gestirn im großen Weltall. An uns liegt es, daraus einen Planeten zu machen, dessen Geschöpfe nicht von Kriegen gepeinigt werden, nichtvon Hunger und Furcht gequält, nicht zerrissen in sinnlose Trennung nach Hautfarbe, Rasse oder Weltanschauung. Gib uns den Mut und die Voraussicht, wie Mutter Teresa, schon heute mit diesem Werk zu beginnen, damit unsere Kinder und Kindeskinder einst mit Stolz den Namen Mensch tragen. - Tamara S./Beauvais + Ellen Wittmann
The Inspiration and Love She Gave the World: I pray that all the work Mother Teresa have done will continue. Through her we know the presence of God. I pray she will be united with God; may she forever rest in the hands of God. I will always remember Mother Teresa for all the inspiration and love she gave the whole world. - Stefan Sellberg
One True Faith: One true faith
Underscored action . . .
One true faith
Underscored love . . .
One true faith
Underscored Jesus' life . . .
In one true faith, Mother Theresa you have taught us well. Rest in peace - D. Taranto
For the Poor and the Children of the World: Dear MOTHER THERESA, When you are still on earth you are our living Saint, now that you are in paradise together with all the Saints look us here down on earth especially the poor and the unwanted children of the world. Thanks to our Creator for giving us our patron saint for the poor. The poor in physical and in spirit. Mother Theresa you are a guiding light to the world. In Jesus name we pray through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen. - Jan and Jenny
True Meaning of Love: Bless the children who suffer in the midst of violence and poverty in the world. Open the eyes of the powerful and the shameless society to their needs and show them the true meaning of LOVE. Provide a better world for the unborn. Remember us in God's name. - Roland Tesoro
Probably Asking God to Send You Back: No one can replace you, but our memories will never die, so as long as your memory lives, there is some type of hope that those that depended on you will not be left alone. Your little frail body will not walk, your humor will not makes us laugh, but your prayers for us will be here to do its job for us. How beautiful you were! You will be sorely missed. But now you rest in peace, probably asking God to send you back as you speak. - Mario C. Hidalgo
Blessed are the Poor: The Lord said: Blessed are the Poor-few listened to his words-but you did. You embraced them, loved them, saw Christ in their eyes. You lived their life, as he did--putting us all to shame. Now he has embraced you, made you blessed. We honor you--but do we really listen? Will we follow? Pray for us, help us remember: Blessed are the Poor. - Jean Garvey
Oh Sweet Peacemaker,: You reached with unending love from Jesus, to rescue us from being lost, alone, scared, and homeless. And you gave until Jesus needed you next to Him. Your touch of peace throughout the world, gave us a very needed sense of direction in our spiritual and human life. - Please grant us the courage to reach out to everyone with the same knowledge and love of peace that God gave you to give to us. Thank you for your love and we give back to Jesus what he so graciously gave to us. And that was you. Thank You, Sweet Peacemaker. - Mary Ann Grabo
A Remembrance: We remember you and I hope you do the same for us. The poor will especially remember you. I do not know much about you, but I will probably learn about you in the near future. It is a shame because it takes the loss of a person for people to see how important they were. - Andy Robert Hamm
Thank the Lord: I pray . . . Thank the Lord that he sent this powerful and yet frail woman to do good works and remind us that the work of the Almighty is her for all of us to get done. Mother Teresa walked among us for a long time our sense of time, but in reality she was here for a short stay. She worked hard and against a lot of odds. She was loved people of many faiths. If we want to make her life everlasting for us all, then we will take up her causes and carry on. I thank God, that he has given us this role model and her special touch to duplicate if we but devote ourselves to good works. May the peace and love in the work, the healing of the sick, and the care of the poor and feeble, be the work we carry on in her name and in the name of our Father. Thank the Lord, for Mother Teresa was here for us. Amen. - Brenda Wiggins
Please Be My Courier: Mother Teresa, please be my courier to the Lord, please tell him how much I love him and how much I care. I know you don't need me to pray for you, but I do need you to pray the Lord for me. We live in an unhappy and an unfair world; we don't want to be vanished from the kingdom of God. I know you're next to the Lord right now, so please tell him on my behalf how much I need him and how much I expect from him. You are near the Lord; tell him I always want to be near Him, please Mother Teresa, I'm counting on you, please be my courier to the Lord - Alberto Garcia
Mother Teresa, Pray for Us: Another candle has burned out and you now belong to heaven, as you sit at the right hand of The Father and gaze into His radiant eyes, I ask that you pray for those of us yet to see Him. May we be as loving and as selfless as you were. May our hearts be filled with giving and compassion for those you loved so dearly. Lord I pray that you will make me a vessel of love, compassion and peace. Amen - Brenda Forbes
Jesus In the People Around Us: Mother Teresa, - I've always admired the love you've given to the children of God, who were neglected in our society. You taught me to see Jesus in the person of the people around us. I pray that I may learn to be more like you, to be open to God's WORDs and to be His instrument. Pray for me. I LOVE YOU !!! - Jenny Yap
Working For Jesus: I pray that the work we all take up, whether it be spending time with the poor or working with the needy, that we remember we are doing it for Jesus, as Mother Teresa has shown. - Justin Yap
Je prie sncerement pour que tu soit en paradaias: Je prie sncerement pour que tu soit en paradaias et pour que le chemin que tu as commence sera suivi . - Je suis tres triste pour ton deces , en t'assurant que ton esprit reste toujours avec nous. - Dr. Ahmed Refaat RADY
May Her Memory Continue to Guide and Motivate Me: I thank you for the inspiration that Mother Theresa has been to me. For the way that she gave of herself to the poor and sick. May her memory continue to guide and motivate me to serve you in a needy world - Greg
Like a Mother: Like a mother you took care of the poor,
who's future was unsure,
and like them, you yourself was struggling
in order to keep the faith that they were
worthy of the love of God and of the world.
Now you are a saint, and we will keep the faith alive,
for like a mother, we will try to take care of God's children. - Diana Cruz
Thank You Mother Teresa: I thank you, Mother Teresa, from my entire soul for your blessing which gave me back my life in 1992. I love you and I Love G-d for the work he blessed you with to help the sick and dying. - May your body rest in peace while your spirit continues to do work from Heaven besides OUR FATHER, AMEN - Susie Csik
Love: Almighty God, the Father, I like to thank you for calling Mother Theresa to work among the poorest of the poor. I know you call her back to your side for a good reason. I thank and praise You for giving us a model like Mother Theresa who give her whole life to the poor with deep love and compassion. Through her action of love, it revealed how spiritually poor I am and how sinful I am. Father, please forgive all my sins. It is the time for me to truly return to You. Please Father, continue to guide me and all fellow man, so that we are able to follow the footstep of Mother Theresa especially in her actions and her deep love for the poor and the unfortunate brothers and sisters. Father, watch over me and give me a direction towards your kingdom. - I pray all these in Jesus' most precious name, Your only Son, who lives and reigns with You and in the unity of the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen. - Alexis Paul Loo
Mother Teresa - To Know God, A Personal Tribute: I sit here today and mourn your death yet rejoice and accept your passing. You deserve the highest place heaven can offer. Mine is a personal tribute to you as you know. I am a 46-year-old woman who grew up in the Catholic faith yet for may years struggled with questions and misgivings about that faith. For many years I was not a practicing Catholic and I felt the Church and its teachings lost its ability to convey to me what or who God is. I wasn't seeking any great knowledge of the universe, but I needed some peace with God that I wasn't receiving at church. - Susan
Help the Unborn Babies: Mother Teresa- - Give us the strength that you had to help pass the bill to save these babies from a terrible death. There are so many people who would want these babies. Give us your heart to find the path in making people hear us the way you did. We need to save these children! - Amen - Robin and Patrick
God is with you: Mother, you are the example to all of us. You have shown us how to follow God in our regular life. Your example of love to unwanted is "The Bible" to me. - I hope God gives me the strength to remember your appeal for the needy till the last day of my life. I love you mother. - Sukumar Saha
Irish Blessing: May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back
Until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of his hand. - Michael Thornton
Benditos: Benditas aquellas personas que dedican su vida para beneficiar aquellos que sufren y que no tienen a nadie que los estime. Bendita sea Madre Teresa de Calcuta por darnos un ejemplo de santidad en esta tierra. - Juan Ferret
O Lord Bless Mother Teresa,: Give her many crowns, give her any that I have in heaven for me, she deserves them more than I. Bless her work to go on, and on, and on, that many will continue to feel her love, but most of all that they feel Your love, because that was her heart's desire. Open our hearts to the love and the good that You so strongly implanted in her and give us the holy spirit in the same powerful way You gave it to Mother. Put great peace and kindness in each heart and soul here on earth and help us to strive for the same Christ-like life she so lovingly had obtained. Bless each Missionary of Charity and each helper that they too may find many crowns in heaven for their unselfishness and good hearts too. - Thank you Lord Jesus for you giving me the chance to know her through books and our notes to each other; they have been a great comfort to me. I praise you, Lord, for the impact she has had on me and my life. May I too see you Lord Jesus in every face I see and every soul my life comes into contact with. - Praise You, Jesus, for Mother Teresa! and thank You for her prayers for me; bless her abundantly for each one. - All this I ask in your precious name Lord Jesus, - Amen - Jeanie Cain
Thanks be to God for Mother Tereza: Thanks be to God whose gift to us in the person of mother Tereza has transmitted so much love in this hungry world for love and peace . May God grant us still the possibility of continuing to feel the simplicity and mystery of mother Tereza`s goodness and love towards mankind following her example and inspiration. May her cheerful generosity bless us all and touch all nations also after her death as we so hungrily received from her during her lifetime. Please grant us Lord that the flower You gave us from Your garden will bloom with us forever. Let the light of her thirst for sharing shine to guide us to You in this troubled world .May Mother Tereza keep on touching us with her saintly generosity.
A Prayer from Brazil: Your example is one to be followed all of those who truly believe in love and charity, and most important, in the words of Jesus. We know you are now next to God, so please pray for all of us. - Rachel Biderman Furriela
Love: Dear Mother Theresa, - Thank you for your love and kindness. your strong acts of love and commitment you have enabled me to care for others in a way I never would have done in the past. You have helped me to look fear in the face . . . we must do the thing we think we cannot do. Thank you for your love and courage. - Elizabeth Delaney
Mother Teresa will live in our hearts forever: Almighty Lord: - I know that Mother Teresa is there with you. We will miss her so much. She is an example for all of us. With love all things are possible for love is the only thing that is needed from our hearts. O Lord, you brought her in our lives to teach us. Her teachings weren't about sacrifice, but of love for humanity. I hope that perhaps with her death, more people will reflect back on her messages that you brought to her soul to tell us. - She was a miraculous human. I pray that her love for humanity will be an example to the work; MOTHER TERSA WILL LIVE IN OUR HEARTS FOREVER. - Jacqueline Troya
Help Us Find Someone As Good: God, watch over everybody that has lost someone. Please help us to find someone as good as Mother Teresa. I know you took her for a good reason, so I'm not as sad. Please forgive all of us our sins. Amen. - Cherub
A 17-year-old's Salute to Mother Teresa: Lord, - When you decided to place Mother Teresa on this earth, little did she or the entire world know what she would end up doing. Nevertheless, with your almighty powers, you led her to the "Promised Land." She gave every man, woman, and child she ever met or prayed for a little piece of Heaven. There's no reason we as brothers and sisters can't continue or even begin the work of Mother Teresa, after all, that's our purpose - to spread your word and love for all. Please send Mother Teresa my love for everything she did for everyone. Her dedication to You shows a wonderful example of what a role model should be. Amen. - Clint Goss
The Way to Christ: Creator, - I give thanks for the life of your messenger the Mother. Although I am not Catholic, I understand that there are many paths to holiness, and Sister Theresa exemplified the way to Christ. Everyone around the world, regardless of their religion, has much to learn of the compassion she preached. - Lisa Haylock
Live Jesus In Our Hearts: Dear Mother Teresa, - You taught us with your words and examples to "bring Jesus, only Jesus, always Jesus." In life, you brought Jesus to us and brought us closer to him. In death, you can do more of this. Now that you are with him, help us live Jesus in our hearts. Amen. - Michael delos Reyes
The Best and the Brightest: Mother of God, - Care for our missing friend who continued to imitate Christ seeing the divine in all of humanity. Let us learn from her, and carry on the heavenly mission, which is our reason for being. - Eternally yours, Susanne
Thank You, Mother Teresa, for your never-ending kindness: With the death of Mother Teresa, the entire world has lost a wonderful source of spiritual strength. I will never forget her -- her tireless efforts to help those in need and her humility -- and shall teach my future children about her wonderful work and spirit. I hope Mother Teresa is at peace now with God, and knows how much she is loved and missed. She truly was a living saint if there ever was one. - Michelle Graves
She Loved and Cared: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for a great leader and a devoted person! She loved and cared. In Your precious Son's name. Amen. - Shawny
Santa Madre Teresa: Santa Madre Teresa, hoy ya estas con Dios y todos aquellos que viste pasar de este mundo al mundo divino.
Estoy triste madre, porque te fuiste, el mundo ya no es lo que era con tu prescencia fisica.
Dios, porque se tiene que morir la gente buena.
Estoy feliz, santa madre, ahora, desde la gracia divina, tu manto de bondad se podra extender sobre toda la humanidad.
Dios, gracias por habernos mandado a un angel para enseñarnos humildad. Santa Madre Teresa de Calcuta y todo el Mundo, ruega por nosotros, si solo fueramos de humildes el 1% de los que fuiste tu, este planeta seria el paraiso. - Arturo Vargas Duverney
Bye Mother Tereasa: I know you will take in Mother Tereasa because she was a very loving person. She went out of her way to help the poor as no one in this entire world has never done. I loved Mother Tereasa. I hope no one ever forgets her, because she was a kind woman. - Mykyla MacLeod
Holy Mother: My Dear Holy Mother,
I pray that God is taking good care of you! I also pray that each and everyone here on earth will follow in your footsteps and will help if just one person or family in the little calcutta we find in our own back yards or town or city. - All My Love,
Roberta Ann Teresa Brown
Essence of God: Mother Teresa, her work, her life exude the essence of God. - There could not have been a better example of what Christianity stands for. Unconditional love and care for one and all. What Mother Teresa had done to relieve the physical suffering of people, inspired many of us in the ordinary mass. We all looked on at this angel of mercy and tendernesss-- totally truck awe! My prayer to God is that the spirit of Mother's work will continue in the same vigor as Mother Teresa had intended it to be. - As Mother used to say (I believe), the dying are close to God and serving them brings us closer to God as well. - My other prayer is that with God's grace may all of us be touched Holy Mother Teresa's spirit of giving, caring-- loving one and all, especially the poor and the destitute. - I know Mother Teresa is with God, so my prayers are for God's grace to give strength to the nuns in her order to continue with what Mother had begun. - Santwana Roychoudhari
Te recordaremos siempre: Madre Teresa: Fuiste un ejemplo para un mundo en el que lo material lo es todo. Te recordaremos siempre, y espero que sepas de el cielo que nos has ensenado a todo el mundo que se puede vivir solo del amor. - Gonzalo Navarro
We Love You, Mother Teresa: God calls so many of us, yet so few to do his work on this earth, and it was such a wonderful thing to see how my sweet Jesus used you, helping people around the world. Your memory and kindness from the Lord will always be remembered around the world all. As for me, I love you, Mother Teresa. May God bless us through you as I know you are truly, truly blessed. Please tell God, our Father in Jesus name, how much I love him and appreciated you. Peace be with you and please ask God in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to bless me and my family for we have no one else but Him. Just like St. Anthony and St. Michael and other Saints, you are Saint Mother Teresa whom God has called home to help us. Peace be with you. I love you in Jesus' name. - Carolyn Lewis
Madre Teresa de Calcuta: Hoy rezamos al Señor por el alma de la Madre Teresa e imploramos a ella para que interceda ante el Padre por nuestras almas y la de todos nuestros seres queridos. - Ana y Luis Andrieu
Lejos de Perder Hemos ganado: Lejos de perder un ser humano sin igual, cuyo trabajo y ejemplo es punto de referencia para una vida cristiana marcada por la sencilles y la dedicacion a los pobres, Hemos ganado una santa que ya desde el cielo guiara el camino de un reba~no al que veremos multiplicarce con la gracia de Dios. - Debemos rendirle homenaje, mas con el ejemplo y con nuestras futuras acciones que con un pomposo y efimero acto protocolar. - Dios bendiga a todos aquellos que sigan sus duros pero gratificantes pasos. - Rafael S Livieres Lutz
Now You Rest in Peace: Dear Holy Mother: - Now you are resting in peace, but only regarding your activities on earth. Now, in heaven, your work has more than doubled. There are countless more to be benefited from your intercession. Now, mother, please be an intermediary for me before God. He is more agreeable to listen to you. Sorry to increase your load but intercede for me. - Oscar Gomez Espinosa
The Best Model of All: Mother Teresa is the greatest model of all. May all of us who are admiring her learn to imitate and follow her footsteps. We do not need to be a missionary or even lead a religious life in order to be like her. In our daily living, we can be a Mother Teresa in so many ways. Let's just pray at all times wherever we may be. Love and see Jesus in each person. And I'm sure this world will be a better place . . . . Thank you, Mother, for being such an example. - Geraldine R. Estolano
Passing Away of a Saint: Your birth is a blessing to humankind.
Your works are living examples for all of us.
May your soul rest in perfect peace. - Dennis Olaniyi
Your Life was Filled With a Lot of Love: Your life was filled with a lot of love. Even though all I know is written in my English text, I will respect you forever. - Keiko Akagi
I Want to Help Poor People As You: I was very shocked when I heard your death. I want to help poor people as you. And I hope that all the people on the earth could live happily. - Satomi Kamakura
You Will Always Be My Role Model: Mother, All I can say now is only "I love you and may the almighty God bless you." Actually, I thought of coming to Calcutta to visit you and work with you. But although you are not here anymore, please do pray for me and as well as my friends so that we could come over and follow your footsteps. Mother, you will always be my role model in my life. Lastly, please pray for all the faithful followers of Christ in St. Thomas Church, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia especially the Legion of Mary. Once again, "I LOVE YOU." - Cynthia
Blessed Mother Teresa: Mother Teresa - - a soul committed herself for the good of needy people. Today she is not with us. Our family prays that her soul will be blessed. - Mohanamerry
You Will be Missed Many: You were admired and loved many. Please continue to watch over us. - Qiana Lewis
Help us see the Holy Light Within Us All: Please Mother help us through your life efforts. May they grow like a seed in all of us, so we may commit some kind of selfless act of love and goodness. May your life be a microscope into the human soul opening our eyes to what kind of great and holy things that people are capable of. May the Lord open our eyes to the glory of the Holy light in all of us. May the worthless have worth through the love of God. May the poor be rich through the love of God. May we all know unity under the warmth of Gods gracious love. Mother, these things I pray. - Alexander R. Ambrose
Dear Mother Teresa, Do Pray For Us: Wherever you are, dear Mother Teresa, do pray for us.
May your prayers help us to follow your example in following the Lord Jesus.
May your prayers help us to live as you lived.
May your prayers help us never to forget who you have been.
And may the Almighty God, the work of His Holy Spirit, helping us with the example of His most Holy and blessed Son, never allow us to forget those for whom you lived and whom you served.
And may the same Holy One, always, have mercy upon us. Amen. - Father Roberto Pravisani
May Allah Bless Her Soul: This Holy and Great Lady was loved people of all faiths because of her wonderful gift, that our Creator gave her. This gift is pure love for all humans . . . no matter what race, color, or creed they may be. If the people of this world would only try to act (just a little) like Mother Teresa then we would fine ourselves seeing just a small part of heaven. May Allah bless Her soul and bless all of us who loved Her and who will miss Her. Salaam (Peace) to all. - Melissa Ann Mezynski
Goodbye, My Dear Mother: We the people of the world have lost a mother and a friend; and to the homeless, the poor, and the sick -- an angel of mercy and love. Dear mother, take your rest, for God has called you home now; someone will take your candle and keep it burning for the poor of the world to see. Goodbye, my dear mother; we will miss you. Rest in peace. - Pansy Waterman
Saint - on Earth as she is in Heaven: To a sister-in-Christ, who is well-loved and cherished. The poverty which was your freedom on Earth now grants you riches in Heaven. I know that I need not pray for you as you are now happy with your maker but I shall be praying for the mission you committed your life to.

May GOD bless your life's work. Lots of Love, Christine
Loved the World Over: She was loved the world over and will never be forgotten. - Christina Chambers
Certain Where She Is: Since I KNOW that Mother Teresa is in heaven . . . . May her spirit and love beam down from heaven on all humanity. - Dana
That Her Work Will Continue for Eternity: The world will definitely be a lesser place, with the death of such a remarkable and incredibly giving woman. Her job on Earth has been completed, but I hope and pray her work will continue for eternity. God Bless You Mother Teresa. - Frank J. Adorna
Condolences to This Great Lady: Though I am not a Christian, I would like to send my condolences to this great lady for all she had done for the unfortunate. It's a great loss not only for those who have benefited directly from her but also to us who have learned greatly from her selfless thoughts and her magnanimous heart. I strongly believe that her selfless actions will continue to live in our hearts and will transcend across religions and nationalities. With love and respect, yuen Chen ching
Thank You For All The Humanity, For Everything You Did: All your life you were a good example for everybody. But now you rest in peace. Thank you for all the humanity, for everything you did . . . Thanks. - Rose Courtois
The Poor Lose a Great Friend, But Gain a Great Advocate in Heaven: We can feel both happy and sad for the passing of Mother Teresa. Sad because the world has truly lost a living example of humility and giving. Happy because Mother Teresa is up in heaven with Jesus, and because she will surely continue her work, but now from a higher vantage point. She is an example that people should emulate. If only everyone in the world could learn just a little from her. God bless you Mother Teresa. - Quentin Lewis
St. Mother Teresa, Lead Me On In the Footsteps of Your Life: Oh blessed saint, temper my anger with mercy. Soften my hard heart with charity. Fill me with love when anger rises. Put blessings upon my lips - love within my soul - and aid me to welcome all people as brother and sister. Hear my prayer, blessed saint, and lead me to the love our Lord preached. With kindness greet me, and lead me on in the footsteps of your life. - Mike
St. Mother Teresa, May We Forever Have Your Blessing: Upon the earth, your heart wrapped the world in your love.
In heaven, your spirit comprehends the universe, enriching eternity with your love.
May we forever have your blessing. - Mike
A Living Saint Now in Heaven: Mother Teresa I will miss you here on earth. Your sweet compassion was so warming to our hearts. I take comfort in knowing you are now in heaven. I feel the world has lost our living saint but we have gained an advocate in heaven. Peace forever for you now Mother. - Love, Prudence
Just a Little Pencil and God Did All the Writing: I remember you saying once that you were just a little pencil and that God does all the writing. In humility you lived and died and now you are exalted in heaven. Your work has just begun. Thank you for all you have given. - Maruszka H.
Your Legacy Shall Live On: In life you have touched many lives, and in death I know you shall keep doing the same. Your spirit and good will shall live through us and brighten our hopes and futures because we know that your legacy will live on in our hearts and we shall not forget your good and miraculous deeds. We thank you, Mother Teresa. - Angelo Cosme
To Love As She Loved; To Pray As She Prayed: With the death of Mother Teresa, I feel a loss of what the world will miss. I know that she has seen the face of Jesus, and she is at rest in his presence. My prayer with the ending of Mother Teresa's journey is for others to realize her love for God and turn and live their lives like Jesus would live if he were among us today. To love as she loved. To pray as she prayed. For Catholics to say the Rosary on the day of her funeral and pray for others to take on the load of bringing souls to Christ and carry the love Jesus has for all of us to the world and to our communities. May all of us find love and compassion as Mother Teresa and walk as Jesus would have us walk. In the name of Jesus, Amen. - Vikki Bosely
A Star in the Darkness: Dear Almighty and Everliving God, thank you for sending us a bright enduring light through Mother Teresa. She shined like a star in the darkness of humanity. She said prayers not only for the needy but for all the people of the world. She exemplified selflessness and the very essence of LOVE. She prayed for Peace in this unruly world. May her soul rest in Your peace. - Rob & Glen
Thank You for Caring: Rest well ----- you are truly a saint in every sense of the word. Your kindness and loving attitude will be missed --------- thank you for caring. - Gerard Newcombe
Let Our Heavenly Mother Holy Mary Take You in Her Arms!: I thank God, that He gave us Mother Teresa.
I thank You, Mother Teresa,
that You gave us a new hope and a new meaning for our life.
Let Our Heavenly Mother Holy Mary take You in Her arms!
I pray for that moment when we all will meet together in heaven. - Milan Babiak
May God Embrace You As You Embraced Broken People: I have never met you in person but I love, respect and admire you. May God embrace you in heaven the way you have embraced all the broken people with your unconditional love. - Nora
Goodbye Mother Teresa,: May your spirit watch us on earth and keep us going through this life. - the Tjahjadi Family
A Guiding Angel In Heaven: Each day I thank God for the beauty, the miracle of his creation, and the vision of His perfection that we can glimpse through it. God's world is full of His blessings, one of the greatest of which was the magnificent soul of Mother Teresa. A great light has gone out of this world, but I take comfort in the thought that she sits at the hand of God and is now one of the guiding angels in Heaven. - Connie Miller
Mother Teresa, You Are Already Missed!: In life, you gave us love.
You gave us all you had.
It's you who we are thinking of,
We think, and are so sad.

When you are there, with Jesus,
Please say a little prayer -
That all of us who miss you,
May, someday, meet you there. - BLBHC - 9/5/97
You Brought Me to the Catholic Church: Mother Teresa, God's Grace in your life, you brought me to the Catholic Church. And now you will reside in the presence of His grace. God bless you and keep you. - Paul Dockins
Prayer to Mother Teresa as She Meets Jesus: I wish you the best, Mother Teresa, on your way of meeting Jesus today.
From up near God, don't stop praying for us like you did in all your life.
Thank you for existing in these times, Mother, to show people how love is. - Carlos Wakim
Please Watch Over Us and Keep Us Safe, Mother Teresa: Please watch over us and keep us safe Mother Teresa, these are troubled times and we are in so much need. God Bless and keep Mother Teresa. The world will suffer for this loss. - Pat Dennison
Her Life A Candle: Dear Lord, Thank you for the gift of Mother Teresa. You gave us many years to know her. It must have been difficult to wait so long to call her home. Perhaps you could see how much we needed her. There is a wise saying, "I am not here to curse the darkness, I am here to light a candle." Mother Teresa's life was a candle for all of us. I know she would say that her light was only a reflection of the love you shone on her. Bless her Lord and keep her. The world is a brighter place for having known her. - Lalia
I Miss You So Much: Thank you Jesus for giving us Mother Teresa for so long. Although I knew this day would come I hurt inside with this loss. Mother Teresa, now that you are in heaven, please pray for my family especially my mother, father, and brother who have gone a little before you. Keep in mind also my living family and friends. I miss you so much. - Loretto
The Heavenly Stars Will Shine Much Brighter Now: The world has lost a great lady. The heavenly stars will shine much brighter now; we only hope and pray that because of this increased light that people will finally find their way! Mother Teresa was a major inspiration to this world and I pray that God Our Heavenly Father will arrange with rapidity her sainthood. She was my hero in life as she was for a great many and the world is a much better place with her having existed in it. God bless her and may she rest in peace; we love her and shall never forget her! - Bernie McKeough
Mother Teresa's Glorious Homegoing: As I walked this afternoon thinking of the homecoming of Mother Teresa I was overwhelmed the thought of the glory, peace, light, love, freedom, joy.... that she is experiencing. While most of us are thrilled for a few days off, she is completely free!! I just praise God for giving us such immeasurable gifts. Surely heaven is one of them. My heart rejoices at her homegoing! - Kim Hatton