Recommended Book: First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Kindle Edition (get Kindle app for phone) (paid link)
O most loving Jesus, deign to let me pour forth my
gratitude before Thee, for the grace Thou hast
bestowed upon me in giving me to Thy holy Mother
through the devotion of Holy Bondage, that she may
be my advocate in the presence of Thy majesty and
my support in my extreme misery. Alas, O Lord! I am
so wretched that without this dear Mother I should be
certainly lost. Yes, Mary is necessary for me at Thy
side and everywhere that she may appease Thy just
wrath, because I have so often offended Thee; that
she may save me from the eternal punishment of Thy
justice, which I deserve; that she may contemplate
Thee, speak to Thee, pray to Thee, approach Thee
and please Thee; that she may help me to save my
soul and the souls of others; in short, Mary is
necessary for me that I may always do Thy holy will and
seek Thy greater glory in all things. Ah, would that I
could proclaim throughout the whole world the mercy
that Thou hast shown to me ! Would that everyone
might know I should be already damned, were it not
for Mary! Would that I might offer worthy thanksgiving
for so great a blessing! Mary is in me. Oh, what a
treasure! Oh, what a consolation! And shall I not be
entirely hers? Oh, what ingratitude! My dear Saviour,
send me death rather than such a calamity, for I
would rather die than live without belonging entirely
to Mary. With St. John the Evangelist at the foot of
the Cross, I have taken her a thousand times for my
own and as many times have given myself to her; but
if I have not yet done it as Thou, dear Jesus, dost
wish, I now renew this offering as Thou dost desire
me to renew it. And if Thou seest in my soul or my
body anything that does not belong to this august
princess, I pray Thee to take it and cast it far from
me, for whatever in me does not belong to Mary is
unworthy of Thee.
O Holy Spirit, grant me all these graces. Plant in my soul the Tree of true Life, which is Mary; cultivate it and tend it so that it may grow and blossom and bring forth the fruit of life in abundance. O Holy Spirit, give me great devotion to Mary, Thy faithful spouse; give me great confidence in her maternal heart and an abiding refuge in her mercy, so that by her Thou mayest truly form in me Jesus Christ, great and mighty, unto the fullness of His perfect age. Amen.