Yenra : Catholic Prayers : Reverence for Motherhood

Recommended Book: First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians - Kindle Edition (get Kindle app for phone) (paid link)

May we always feel compassion for the sorrow of our Mother Mary as her Innocent Son, Jesus, was killed for his teachings of love and mercy.

Dear Jesus, bring comfort to all the mothers of the world whose innocent children have been slain in the unholy wars of religious persecution and abortion. Giver of Life and Light, deliver the Holy Spirit into the hardened hearts of people who are full of hatred for those of different beliefs, and to those who would take the life of an unborn child, that they may receive Your Message of gentleness, love and mercy.

Open their eyes to the precious Heavenly Gift that all children are. Let them begin to comprehend the holiness of a mothers' deep love for her child. Help them to abandon the arrogance, shallowness and pride which destroys their souls, and which causes so much suffering on earth.

Give us the courage to speak out against any persecution that we may witness in our lives, and show us the way to enlighten others about the sanctity of unborn life.

Help us to remember always Your Way of truth, love, mercy and kindness, as the only way to spiritual peace.

Merciful Prince of Peace, may the hearts of mothers be honored by people everywhere, as we honor the Heart of Our Mother of Mercy. Amen

Submitted by Anne Frasca
Copyright Anne Frasca 1999