Asian Americans are prolific Internet users with 75 percent of English-speaking Asian-American adults online. | |
American Flag - Banner of the United States of America. | |
Federal Outsourcing is the fastest growing technology segment within the federal government. |
Maps and flags of the United States help people know where events so much in the news are taking place and help people feel the history of the culture that has contributed so much to the world. Theu United States government is composed of the people and it was created for the people. The United States president defends the constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Census recently shows the United States population as diverse, for people from all parts of the world form America
Canadian Border
April 1865
Federal Outsourcing
God Bless America
God Bless the U.S.A.
Lapel Pins
Pledge of Allegiance
Postal Service