Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act requires accessibility in the electronic and information technology employed by the federal government. Panasonic is committed to helping the federal government meet their obligations under Section 508. The following are some examples of our efforts to be a provider of choice in the Federal Sector:
Panasonic worked with ITIC (Information Technology Industry Council) in developing the Section 508 "Buy Accessible" template.
Panasonic participates in the GSA-sponsored Accessibility Forum.
Panasonic demonstrates products at GSA and other government agency events.
Panasonic develops accessible products and features.
Panasonic offers an extremely wide range of high-quality products, services, and custom applications to meet the Federal procurement needs of today and tomorrow. From electric pencil sharpeners to sophisticated networked surveillance equipment, Panasonic delivers quality, service and value.
Panasonic's Customer First philosophy extends to all of our customers. Our call centers are capable of fielding inquiries via TTY and e-mail, as well as phone, fax, and regular mail. Product documentation is provided upon request in alternate formats, including Braille, audio, and electronic files. In addition, an Accessibility Call Handling Procedure has been put in place to ensure that every effort is made to accommodate our customers with disabilities by immediately escalating inquiries that are not successfully concluded on the initial contact. The goal is to ensure that our customers with disabilities receive the full benefits of our first-rate customer service organization. The Panasonic Customer Call Center (PCCC) staff is trained to handle inquiries on many of our products. Due to the tremendous diversity in the range of products that Panasonic offers, the PCCC staff may refer a caller to another customer service team that specializes in a particular area and is equally committed to keeping the customer first.
The GSA "Buy Accessible" website links to Panasonic's Section 508 product information.