Mobile Action is introducing a CDMA-compatible version of its popular Handset Manager software, showing how the product integrates mobile telephones with Windows-based PCs.
In Europe and Asia, Handset Manager is widely distributed as an integration solution to connect GSM cellular phones to PCs. The software allows cellular phone customers to share files and manage features on their mobile phones from their personal computer. Handset Manager v8.0 includes sharing of Outlook and Outlook Express address information (.csv files), calendar synchronization, a picture editor to manage cell phone pictures and wallpaper, an audio composer to create customized ring tones, an MMS composer for multimedia messages, and PC-to-cellular file sharing. Mobile Action currently offers Handset Manager for more than 500 different cellular phone models in versions with USB (universal serial bus) cables, infrared links, and Bluetooth-compatible connections.
"Mobile Action has already built a strong global reputation with the help of local retail partners and OEM and carrier partners like Sharp, Panasonic, and SonyEricsson," said brand manager Fitzwilliam Yang. "With the release of a CDMA version of Handset Manager, we expect to replicate that market success in North America."
"Mobile Action has been able to establish a market lead in Asia and Europe because of our ability to remain flexible in terms of our packaging and OEM relationships," Yang added. "We already offer cost-effective integration solutions for more than 500 handsets, including USB cable, infrared, and Bluetooth connectivity, and we have been able to develop custom packages for partners like Sharp, Panasonic and SonyEricsson. We recognize that cellular technology is marketed differently in North America, and Mobile Action has the market agility to work with North American carriers and manufacturers to develop packages that meet the unique needs of American cellular customers."