\ Mini Keyboard - Yenra

Mini Keyboard - Yenra

Belkin compact PDA Pocket PC add-on typing solution snaps into place on the bottom of Dell Axim handhelds

Mini Keyboard

Belkin's new mini keyboard for Dell Axim handhelds allows you to compose email and enter data easily and conveniently.

The handheld keyboard snaps simply into place on the bottom of your Dell Axim handheld, allowing you to enter data virtually anywhere. With its flexible, compact design, you no longer need to find a flat surface before you type. It positions perfectly for thumb-typing, and its light and compact design allows you to put it in your pocket and take it anywhere you go.

The keyboard features buttons sized for quick thumb-typing, with tactile feedback. It offers primary application and face board button for special symbols. The product works with most Pocket PC, word-processing applications. It requires no batteries.

The PDA keyboard is currently available for $39 in North America.