\ FlashDisc - Yenra

FlashDisc - Yenra

Flash disk-shaped USB storage medium is re-useable like a floppy disc, capacious like a thumb drive, yet cheap enough to share


FlashDisc from mystems is a new flash-based storage category marketed in conjunction with its global brand partners.

FlashDisc offers the ubiquitous and simple USB interface, which allows sharing of data on virtually any PC or Mac. With 16 to 32 megabytes packed into an innovative design, people can use FlashDisc to store and share approximately 400-800 documents, 10-20 presentations, 40-80 photos or 15-30 minutes of music.

"With the decline of the floppy diskette as a widely-used storage medium, the megabit growth and increased functionality of our U3 smart drives, people are confronted with an apparently unmet need to easily and affordably share photos, documents and other files with family, friends and work colleagues," said Tzipi Ozer-Armon of msystems. "Anticipating the growing acuteness of this need, msystems is proud to present FlashDisc, an exciting new category poised to radically transform the way people share their data. Together with our global brand partners, we are bringing FlashDisc onto the retail media shelf for this exciting new expansion opportunity."

"In recent market research conducted on our behalf, we have identified an apparently unmet consumer need for small, easy to use, rewritable media with storage density higher than floppy diskettes, but lower than that of personal USB flash drives typically used today," said Noam Kedem of msystems. "msystems' FlashDisc is an ideal media for sharing, which meets these requirements and promises an added growth opportunity for msystems, leveraging our flash management expertise, USB flash drive IP, strategic flash supply agreements and established brand partner channels. This new media category is expected to tap into new mass-market segments, educating new users about the smart benefits of flash-based, data storage."

Memorex is one of those global brand partners. The Memorex FlashDisc offers a high-capacity alternative to the floppy disk and low-cost alternative to personal USB flash drives, bringing to market a re-useable storage medium that's simple for anyone to use and affordable enough to share. The versatile Flash Disc combines low-density flash memory chips -- encased in lightweight but protective plastic -- with a USB connector and protective cap, creating a cost-effective way to share files, photos or music with co-workers, classmates, family and friends.

Unlike USB flash drives, the Memorex Flash Disc is sold in multi-packs (a 3-pack at Best Buy costs $19.95) that can be purchased for the office, classroom or home. For easy identification of contents, each FlashDisc comes with a write-on adhesive label. Additionally, each package of FlashDiscs sports a mix of color schemes to allow for color-coding of files; combinations include black and red, black and blue, and black and yellow.

"Every day, more and more laptops and PCs are being sold without floppy drives, but USB ports have now become totally ubiquitous," said Scott Elrich of Memorex. "Memorex FlashDiscs can be used virtually anywhere and are durable enough to toss in a briefcase or backpack without the need for a protective case. Unlike a diskette, solid state FlashDisc memory is extremely resistant to adverse environmental conditions, including magnetic fields, heat and humidity."

"With the strength of the Memorex brand behind FlashDisc, we are confident that consumers will quickly adopt this new shareable flash media usage model. Consumer data also indicates to us that FlashDisc will capture an entirely new market of users who were previously either unable to utilize existing media types, or opted not to use them," said Memorex's Allen H. Gharapetian