\ Digital Blue - Yenra

Digital Blue - Yenra

Major TV Advertising and Strong Retail Sales

Digital Blue Movie Creator

Digital Blue, known for its best-selling line of kids interactive entertainment and learning devices, enters its second Holiday season with a stocking full of goodies: hot new products, strong retail sales, a major TV advertising campaign, and a distribution network now with twice as many stores as last year.

"Initial holiday sales are excellent, and you could say we are working like elves to keep up with demand," said Bill Uzell, who stepped up as President of Digital Blue earlier this year, from his role as Executive VP of Sales. "Fourth quarter sales have ramped up at a faster rate than last year. Major retailers, including Best Buy, Toys "R" Us and Target Direct, are responding with the same enthusiasm as the kids and parents who love our products."

In recent weeks, Digital Blue inked major new distribution deals with US retailers including Best Buy, Sams.com, and Target Direct. Internationally, Digital Blue products are now distributed at Dixons, the leading UK electronics chain; Amazon.com.uk; Future Shop, the leading Canadian electronics chain; and CostCo Canada. These add to the already-strong customer base the company has with retailers including Toys "R" Us; Comp USA; Circuit City; Gamestop; J&R Music and Computer World; Fry's; J.L. Hammett Co., and numerous online retailers.

Television advertising has begun for three of Digital Blue's featured products:

Commercials for kids are featured on Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network. Parent-targeted spots are running on Style, E!, DirectTV and other networks.

"Digital Blue products let kids play in the real world with unlimited creativity and amazing technology. That's why, for example, we are currently the number one top-selling item in the PC software area at Toys "R" Us," Uzell said.