\ Consumer Communications - Yenra

Consumer Communications - Yenra

Conference dedicated to highlighting, discussing and advancing the latest consumer communications and networking technologies, devices and services


The IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) will host the 7th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC) from January 9-12, 2010 in Las Vegas.

Held concurrently with the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), IEEE CCNC 2010 is dedicated to highlighting, discussing and advancing the latest consumer communications and networking technologies, devices and services. In addition, CES registrants will be provided the opportunity to attend a half day of IEEE CCNC 2010 programming at no cost. This includes their choice of technical sessions, workshops, demonstrations and keynotes addresses.

Included in this year's conference highlights will be the keynote address of John P. Shen, head of the Nokia research Center in Palo Alto, California. Shen is currently responsible for the research and development efforts of nearly 100 researchers and professionals actively working to create the next wave of mobile Internet applications, services and solutions. Other noted speakers will include Dr. I.P. Park, Vice President and Director of Computer Science Laboratory Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology Samsung Electronics, and Dr. Henry Sinnreich of Adobe Systems, a noted industry researcher and MCI Fellow, who greatly contributed to the development of the first commercial Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) service by a major carrier.

In addition, throughout the event more than 300 presentations will explore the advance of the wireless and wireline communications technologies that will one day provide on-demand access to both entertainment and information anytime, anywhere, regardless of time or location. This includes a detailed analysis of nearly every technological area ranging from peer-to-peer networking to the designer services and tools used to ensure ease-of-use, security and interactivity.

For instance, special sessions will be held on topics such as "Location Aware Technologies and Applications on Smart Phones," Scalable Adaptive Multicast in P2P Overlays," "IPTV Towards Seamless Infotainment," "Advanced Technologies on Care at Home," "Beyond GPS - Where Navigation Meets Consumer Communications," "Social Networking," "Wave Wireless Technology," and "Integrated and Intelligent Ecological Home Networks."

The conference's workshop program will also include sessions on "Mobile IPv6 Network-Based Localized Mobility Management," "Emerging Internet Video Technologies," "Personalized Networks," "Digital Rights Management," "Intelligent Vehicular Communication Systems," and "Social TV: The Next Wave." Furthermore, a full day of tutorials on January 12th will discuss detailed research into "IPTV and the Future of Video Services," "Glitch-Free VoIP and Video Conferencing," "Content Delivery Networks," "Peer-to-Peer Networking for Consumer Electronics," "4G - Next Generation Mobile Applications," "Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networks," and Wireless Broadband Network Technologies."

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