\ Yoga Cardio Fusion Workout DVD - Yenra

Yoga Cardio Fusion Workout DVD - Yenra

Video workouts and nutrition plans to start fat burning and maintain a life-long healthy lifestyle

Yoga Now

Yoga Now is a system of yoga-cardio fusion workouts and nutrition plans designed to jump-start fat burning and maintain a lifelong healthy lifestyle with yoga. Acclaimed yoga expert Rodney Yee and actress/yoga instructor Mariel Hemingway collaborated to create an energizing synergy of yoga and cardio workout techniques, designed to increase heart rate and sculpt lean muscle.

The Yoga Now system includes the ten-minute morning energizer / ten-minute evening de-stressor DVD, to activate morning energy and to make decompressing quick and easy in the evening, the thirty-inute core workout DVD with new combinations of yoga poses and cardio moves specifically designed to elevate and sustain metabolism, and the fifty- minute accelerated workout DVD to step up the intensity and challenge of the core workout, prevent weight-loss plateaus, and continue delivering results.

Yoga Now also includes a custom nutrition plan with a core foods guide to help you make healthful food choices for a lifetime. It begins with a two-week quick start meal plan based on good fat, moderate protein, and balanced carbohydrates to boost the body's fat-burning metabolic triggers. A yoga pose guide and journaling guide are also included.

"An innovative hybrid workout makes it easy for anyone to start an effective weight loss program," said Howard Ronder of Gaiam.

Most of the consumers who tested the Yoga Now system said they would buy it because it was very effective for weight loss and easy to use. Most saw results within two weeks, and even participants with physical challenges, such as bad knees, were able to do the workout.

Rodney Yee is the instructor of more than twenty-five yoga DVD and video programs. He has authored two books on yoga.

Mariel Hemingway is a twenty-year practitioner of yoga and a voice in the holistic community. She wrote a memoir about how yoga changed her life.

The collection retails for just under forty dollars.