\ Woodworking Magazines - Yenra

Woodworking Magazines - Yenra

Wood magazine subscription information

Woodworking Magazines

Wood Magazine - This magazine is designed for beginning and intermediate woodworkers. It supplies them with ideas, information and instructions that will help them improve their level of craftsmanship to build many different projects. Every issue features six or more specific projects, as well as a pullout pattern section or chart designed to make project-building easier and faster. Its other features include tool reviews, woodworker profiles, shop tips and safety instructions. If there was a fifth element, it might just be wood, the common but classic substance employed by craftspeople of all levels of expertise. Wood magazine celebrates this most dependable building material, offering woodworkers a wide range of "tips, tools, techniques, and projects," and thankfully keeps in mind that not all readers are born carpenters. You'll learn how to build a sleigh bed (the first of a five-piece matching set) and find easy ways to install crown molding. You'll build a child's table lamp--using clear instructions that include diagrams--and discover why the longleaf pine is the do-everything wood-product tree. Ad space is appropriately dominated by tempting tool products. Fire, water, air, earth, wood--that sounds about right.

Wood Strokes and Woodcrafts Magazine - Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts Magazine provides an assortment of easy to build wood projects for woodworkers of different skill levels, while decorative wood painting ideas inspire gift makers, small crafts business owners and new painters alike.