\ Wedding Video - Yenra

Wedding Video - Yenra

Capturing the memories for future perusal


Wedding Photography and Video by Chuck Delaney - Covers every aspect of wedding photography from the client's (the bride and groom's) point of view. Aspiring wedding photographers can read about the different types of wedding photographs, different videos, makeup and styling tips for the client, and even a checklist of potential photographs Wedding Photography and Video is directed toward the engaged couple, and offers DeLaney's first-hand experience as a photographer, dean of the New York Institute of Photography, and as a groom. Chapters detail types of wedding images, how to select a wedding photographer/videographer, making the deal, and alternative ideas

Professional Wedding and Event Photos Online - PDF Download - Whereas first and second generation Web Photo Services players rely on consumer's images to draw an audience to their sites, the companies covered in this report leverage professional weddings and events photographers to produce the image content that drives their audience and commerce engines. This report includes results of primary research conducted by Future Image, as well as detailed business profiles of each of the leading players. In addition, the analysis covers management, funding, technology and business practices, key competitive factors and intellectual property issues.