\ Tulips - Yenra

Tulips - Yenra

Flowers that symbolize the faithfulness of love are fashionable alternatives to the traditional Valentine's Day gift of roses


On Valentine's Day, every man is a bachelor. Even the most married man is on his own when it comes to choosing Valentine's Day flowers. A man simply can't ask the lady for advice.

"Think staying power when choosing flowers," advises flower expert Sally Ferguson. "For long-lasting flowers, choose tight buds just beginning to open. Fully-open flowers are short-hitters," says Ferguson.

More flowers are sold on Valentine's Day than any other U.S. holiday and, not surprisingly, men are the major buyers.

"Roses are the most commonly-given Valentine's flowers, but tulips are closing in as a creative alternative," says Ferguson. "Last Valentine's season, one major national floral retailer alone reported delivering three million roses and nearly one million tulips for the holiday," she said.

Ferguson says, with either of these favorites, the most important thing is to buy buds that are fresh and gift-worthy.

To pick perfect roses, look for:

To pick fashionable tulips, look for:

Says the Netherlands Flower Bulb Information Center expert: "Candy is fattening, lingerie risky, but flowers are almost always sure to please." For longer vase life for all flowers, she adds: re-trim stem tips before arranging, remove leaves below the water line to keep water fresh, place vases away from sun and heat.