\ Sirius Star Mate - Yenra

Sirius Star Mate - Yenra

Compact satellite radio plug and play transportable unit the size of a deck of cards with both home and vehicle adapter kits

Star Mate

Sirius Star Mate plug and play satellite radio will be available at retail stores beginning this month.

About the size of a deck of cards, Star Mate a transportable plug and play unit that can be used in vehicles, boats and homes, and provides access to Sirius' sixty-five channels of commercial-free music and over fifty-five channels of news, sports, weather, traffic information, original entertainment, and call-in talk shows.

Featuring a three-line full display, the six-ounce Star Mate has thirty presets and a built-in wireless FM transmitter with one hundred frequencies. The Star Mate, including both home and vehicle adapter kits, will retail for $129.95.

"The small, lightweight and affordable Star Mate provides yet another ideal way for subscribers to access Sirius' innovative programming, whether it's in the car, truck, boat, RV or at home," said Larry Pesce of Sirius. "This is the smallest transportable Sirius satellite radio unit to date, and we believe it will be very popular with consumers."