\ Sizing Tall Photos for Instagram using Lightroom, Photoshop, and Calculator - Yenra

Sizing Tall Photos for Instagram using Lightroom, Photoshop, and Calculator - Yenra

Video of how I use Lightroom, Photoshop, and Calculator to increase canvas size so that tall photos don't have to crop when they go onto Instagram.

Music: Evan Schaeffer, Chimera
Cosplay: Link, Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild by Minomotu at Anime USA 2017


0:00:01.000 -> 00:00:05.000
Here's what I do when I want to put a picture on Instagram but it's kind of tall.

00:00:06.000 -> 00:00:08.000
So let's look at what happens when I export.

00:00:08.000 -> 00:00:10.000
1600 on the long edge.

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It's exporting.

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My P Work folder.

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I open it up here.

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And I see it's size is 1068 by 1600.

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This would have to crop in Instagram and I put my logo at the top.

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So I'm going to have to fill in the sides a little bit

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I'm going to show you how to decide how to do that.

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Let me open it up in Photoshop.

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So there's going to be a canvas size increase.

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You decide the color that you want it to be.

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I'm going to go with the foreground or it could be black or it could be white.

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I think I'm just going to pick a color from these curtains here for my extension.

00:01:03.000 -> 00:01:11.000
If I go this, Control-Alt-i, you can see what size it is, 1600.

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I'm going to be doing a canvas size, but to decide what's the right width.

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To get it up on Instagram in full

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You take the number, 1600, of the tall edge

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Let's get Calculator up

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1600 times .8 equals 1280

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So now I know what the width should be

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So I go Image - Canvas Size - 1280

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And I'm going with the foreground color that I picked out of the curtain

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And there it is

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So I'm going to export that guy

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I'm going to give it a little hyphen i (-i) so I know it is for Instagram

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I'm going to put it over on Google Drive and then pull it down to my phone so I can put it on Instagram.

00:02:00.000 -> 00:02:04.000
So let's say the height was something different

00:02:04.000 -> 00:02:06.000
Let's say the height was 1800

00:02:12.000 -> 00:02:16.000
Times point eight (.8) equals 1440

00:02:16.000 -> 00:02:18.000
That's how wide you'd want it to be when you increase the canvas size

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And this width will work out great on Instagram

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Go over to the folder

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So this is the one I'm going to be using on Instagram

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And it won't get cropped

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And here's the tall one I can use say on Twitter or Facebook.

Sizing Tall Photos for Instagram