\ Rugged Thermal Acquisition Monocular - Yenra

Rugged Thermal Acquisition Monocular - Yenra

Low-power, high-resolution OLED microdisplays provide crisp night vision images

Thermal Acquisition Monocular

The Department of Homeland Security chose a lightweight, rugged thermal acquisition monocular from Nivisys for Border Patrol. To deliver thermal images clearly and efficiently, the TAM-14 employs a low-power, high-resolution, rugged OLED microdisplay from eMagin.

"Our TAM-14 monocular is ideal to meet the growing demand for thermal imagers. It provides optimal performance on minimal power," said Byron Harding of Nivisys. "It delivers crisp images instantly at startup, regardless of ambient temperature. The ruggedness and low power consumption of OLED displays make them ideal for our thermal imager's extended use on night patrols."

The night vision monocular delivers IR imagery immediately at startup and operates continuously up to six hours on two standard lithium batteries. It can be quickly adapted to head gear, helmets, weapons, video output, extender lenses and other equipment.

The basic system delivers 1.5X magnification over a 17-degree field of view.

Other options include a 0.5x lens for a wide field of view, a 3X lens, and a 3X lens extender. The TAM-14 is available in configurations that enable the user to assign temperature colors and provide standard NTSC video output for surveillance applications.

"Our OLED microdisplays continue to deliver the power efficiency and ruggedness needed for security programs," said Susan Jones of eMagin. "Performance comparisons with legacy display technologies underscore the superiority of OLED microdisplays for thermal imaging and situational awareness."

Nivisys Industries supports the high-tech night vision requirements of the security community.

eMagin integrates high-resolution OLED microdisplays, magnifying optics, and systems technologies.