\ Recall Email - Yenra

Recall Email - Yenra

Erasable, recallable email on all major email servers even if recipient has already read your email


A unique, new email service called BigString uses a proprietary, patent-pending technology "that permits email users to recall, modify, or set an expiration date for an email already sent, even after the recipient has read it," announced Darin Myman, CEO of Recall Mail Corporation, the parent company.

BigString email accounts work with all major email services and can be used by both businesses and consumers, Myman said. Successful Beta tests for the product have been conducted since last December and the product is now available on the Internet.

Myman thinks of BigString as a "Mission Impossible" type service that can "magically redress" business and personal email problems. These include recalling old photographs and data, deleting dated legal and business offers, erasing embarrassing love letters or business correspondence, correcting mistakes in email and out-of-date resumes, and more.

The idea was conceived last summer when Myman told co-founder and Chief Technical Officer David Daniels he sent a client an email with the wrong attachment and asked if there was any way to recall it. Daniels thought it over and said, "Well, if we reconfigure the new system [an email management system] you can erase your mail, edit it, change attachments, set it to expire at a certain time and even know when it's been read." Myman responded, "So it's like you have a big string on your email and pull it back" ... and BigString was born.

Myman suggests considering BigString if you ever sent an email: with the wrong information in it... to the wrong person... without the attachment ... that you wanted to self-destruct in a day, week, month or more... that you wish you could just erase.