\ Visa Payment-Enabled Wearables: Olympic Gloves, Pin, and Sticker - Yenra

Visa Payment-Enabled Wearables: Olympic Gloves, Pin, and Sticker - Yenra

Payment-Enabled Wearables: Glove

On November 8, 2017, Visa introduced three commercially available payment-enabled wearables. In the spirit of the Olympic Winter Games, Visa created NFC-enabled payment gloves, commemorative stickers and Olympic pins that allow fans and athletes to complete seamless and secure payments with a simple tap at any contactless-enabled terminal.

NFC stands for near-field communication, a set of communication protocols that enable two electronic devices, one of which is usually a portable device such as a smartphone, to establish communication by bringing them within 1.6 inches of each other. NFC devices are used in contactless payment systems, similar to those used in credit cards and electronic ticket smartcards and allow mobile payment to replace or supplement these systems.

Visa teamed up with Lotte Card, the financial arm of South Korean-based Lotte Department Store, to produce and make these new prepaid payment wearables available for purchase in Korea beginning November 9. About the products:

Payment-Enabled Wearables: Pin

The stickers and pins can be purchased from Lotte Card's customer centers in Korea and the Lotte Card website. During the Games, all three wearables will also be available for purchase at the Olympic Superstores in conveniently located Visa vending machines.

Payment-Enabled Wearables: Sticker

In addition to the wearables and as the exclusive payment partner of the Olympic Games, Visa is facilitating and managing the entire payment system infrastructure and network throughout all venues within the Games. This includes more than a thousand contactless point-of-sale terminals capable of accepting mobile and wearable payments.