\ Pablo Neruda - Yenra

Pablo Neruda - Yenra

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Pablo Neruda

100 Love Sonnets/Cien Sonetos De Amor - "Sensual as a tropical night swirling in honeysuckle and jazz, with its lush textures and effervescent lyricism, this book is like a smokey champagne which two lovers, mesmerized by each other's presence, are sipping." -- San Francisco Examiner.

Full Woman, Fleshly Apple, Hot Moon : Selected Poems of Pablo Neruda - Praise for Stephen Mitchell's translation of Rilke: "Perhaps the most beautiful group of poetic translations this century has produced." -- Chicago Tribune "This is, without any doubt, the best English rendering of Rilke. It is as faithful to the original as the translation of poetry can hope to be, faithful not only to its linguistic meaning but to its poetic expressiveness." -- Erich Heller, Poetry

Five Decades : A Selection (Poems : 1925-1970) - Air In The Stone [al Aire En La Piedra] - Ars Poetica: 1 [artes Poeticas] - Artichoke [oda A La Alcachofa] - Ballad [balada] - Baracole: The Baracole Begins: 1. The Lovers Of Capri - Baracole: The Baracole Begins: 2. Description Of Capri - Baracole: The Baracole Begins: 3. The Ships - Baracole: The Baracole Begins: 4. The Song - Bees: 1 [abejas] - The Beggars [los Mendigos] - The Bell-ringer [el Campanero] - Black Island Memorial [memorial De Isla Negra], Sels. - Black Pantheress [oda A La Pantera Negra] - The Blow [el Golpe] - Book [libro] - Boy With A Hare [oda Al Nino De La Liebre] - Cataclysm: 8 [cataclismo] - Catnap [sueno De Gatos] - A Century Dying [el Siglo Muere] - Conditions [condiciones] - Cristobal Miranda (stevedore, Tocopilla) - Critical Sonata: Memory [la Memoria] - Critical Sonata: The Truth [la Verdad] - The Cruel Fire: The Sea [el Mar] - The Cruel Fire: The Tides [mareas] - The Danger [el Peligro] - Dead Portraits [retratos Muertos] - The Dictators [los Dictadores] - Diver [oda Al Buzo] - Dog [perro] - A Dream Of Trains [suenos De Trenes] - Dying [morir] - Elemental Odes [odas Elementales], Sels. - Elephant [oda Al Elefante], Sels. - The Enemy [el Enemigo] - Enigma With A Flower [enigma Con Una Flor] - The Enigmas - The Fire [el Fuego] - Flies Enter A Clsoed Mouth [por Bosca Cerrada Entran Moscas] - For Everybody [para Todos] - Full Powers [plenos Poderes] - Further Elemental Odes [nuevas Odas Elementales], Sels. - General Song [canto General] - The Gift [el Regalo] - Girl Gardening [oda A La Jatdinera] - Goodbyes [adioses] - The Great Rock Table [la Gran Mesa De Piedra Dura] - The Harp [el Arpa] - The Heights Of Macchu Picchu: 4 [alturas De Macchu Picchu] - The Heights Of Macchu Picchu: 5 [alturas De Macchu Picchu] - The Heights Of Macchu Picchu: 7 [alturas De Macchu Picchu] - Horseman In Rain [jinete En La Lluvia] - Horses [caballos] - A Hundred Love Sonnets [cien Sonetos De Amor], Sels. - Hunger In The South [hambre En El Sur] - Lament [el Llanto] - A Lemon [oda Al Limon] - Little Devils [diablitos] - Love Sonnet: 12. Morning [manana] - Love Sonnet: 27. Morning [manana] - Love Sonnet: 29. Morning [manana] - Love Sonnet: 38. Afternoon [mediodia] - Love Sonnet: 60. Evening [tarde] - Love Sonnet: 76. Evening [tarde] - Love Sonnet: 78. Evening [tarde] - Love Sonnet: 86. Night [noche] - Love Sonnet: 87. Night [noche] - Love Sonnet: 90. Night [noche] - Me Again [siempre Yo] - The Moon In The Labyrinth: Opium In The East [el Opio Este] - The Moon In The Labyrinth: Religion In The East - The Moon In The Labyrinth: That Light [aquella Luz] - The Moon In The Labyrinth: Those Lives [aquellas Vidas] - Negatve Hands [las Manos Negativas] - Ode On Ironing [oda Para Lpanchar] - Old Women By The Sea [las Niejas Del Oceano] - Open Sea [el Gran Oceano] - Parthenogenesis [partenogensis] - Party's End: 10 [fin De Fiesta] - Party's End: 11 [fin De Fiesta] - Party's End: 12 [fin De Fiesta] - Party's End: 13 [fin De Fiesta] - Party's End: 8 [fin De Fiesta] - Party's End: 9 [fin De Fiesta] - Pastoral - Piano [oda Al Piano] - The Poet [el Poeta] - Poets Celestial [los Poetas Celestes] - Poor Fellows [pobres Muchachos] - Processional In Lima: 1947 [procesion En Lima] - A Remembrance [un Recuerdo] - Residence I: Ars Poetica [arte Poetica] - Residence I: Burial In The East [entierro En El Este] - Residence I: Dream Horse [caballo De Los Suenos] - Residence I: Gentleman Alone [caballero Solo] - Residence I: Nocturnal Collection [coleccion Nocturnal] - Residence I: Ritual Of My Legs [ritual De Mis Piernas] - Residence I: Savor [sabor] - Residence Ii: Alberto Rojas Jimenez Comes Flying - Residence Ii: Ode With A Lament [oda Con Un Lamento] - Residence Ii: There's No Forgetting: Sonata [no Hay Olvido] - Residence Ii: Walking Around - Residence Iii: A Few Things Explained [explico Algunas Cosas - Residence Iii: How Spain Was [como Era Espana] - Residence Iii: The Woes And The Furies, Sels. - The Root-hunter: Fisherman [el Pescador] - The Root-hunter: Hunter In The Forest [el Cazador El Bosque] - The Root-hunter: Winter Encounter [cita De Invierno] - The Same [el Mismo] - Semen - Sick Man In The Sun [el Enfermo Toma El Sol] - Sitting Down [a Sentarse] - Skystones: 1 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Skystones: 10 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Skystones: 13 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Skystones: 15 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Skystones: 16 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Skystones: 20 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Skystones: 23 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Skystones: 26 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Skystones: 27 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Skystones: 28 [las Pedras Del Cielo] - Sleeping Assassin [un Aseino Duerme] - A Smell Of Cordwood [ida Al Olor De La Lena] - Some Beasts [algunas Bestias] - Stationary Point [estacion Inmovil] - Summation [sumario] - Theater Of The Gods [teatro De Dioses] - Things Breaking [oda A Las Cosas Rotas] - Third Book Of Odes [tercer Libro De Las Odas], Sels. - To The Foot From Its Child [al Pie Desde Su Nino] - To Wash A Child [para Lavar A Un Nino] - The Traveler [el Caminante] - The Turtle [la Tortuga] - The United Fruit Co - V. (cesar Vallejo) - The Wars [las Guerras] - Where The Rain Begins: Father [el Padre] - Where The Rain Begins: Little Boy Lost [el Nino Peddido] - Where The Rain Begins: Swan Lake [el Lago De Los Cisnes] - Word [verbo] - The World Filled Up [se Lleno El Mundo] - The Xix [el Xix] - Yesterday [ayer]

Pablo Neruda: Selected Poems - The most comprehensive bilingual collection of Neruda, "the greatest poet of the 20th century in any language" (Gabriel García Márquez).

100 Love Sonnets/Cien Sonetos De Amor - San Francisco Examiner: "With its lush textures and effervescent lyricism, this book is like a smokey champagne which two lovers, mesmerized by each other's presence, are sipping."

Twenty Love Poems : And a Song of Despair - The book immediately established the author's reputation and became one of the most widely read collections of poetry written in Spanish.