\ Mother's Day Activities - Yenra

Mother's Day Activities - Yenra

Walking and going to the park, breakfast in bed, a spa or salon certificate, and time with family are most enjoyable


According to a recent survey, the top two activities mothers would most enjoy doing with their families on Mother's Day are walking (45 percent) and going to the park (23 percent). Nearly two thousand moms weighed in to vote for their favorite breakfast in bed (French Toast, 39 percent), the gift they would most like to receive (spa or salon gift certificate, 31 percent) and their ideal way to celebrate Mother's Day (spending time with their family, 66 percent).

Although Mother's Day is a time for families to gather and celebrate the household matriarch, celebrations tend to lead to over indulging and inactivity. "Mothers are role models to their children on how to lead and maintain a healthy lifestyle," said Jenny Craig nutritionist Lisa Talamini. "A perfect time to reinforce the importance of activity is during holiday gatherings, like Mother's Day. Family traditions can take the form of group activities including a walk, hike, or bike ride or a trip to the zoo, local mountains, beach, or park."

Talamini's other healthful tips for active families include:

1. Grab your walking shoes and hit the pavement, beach or trails. Instead of focusing on how far you need to walk, pay attention to the unique sights, sounds, and smells of spring. Your family will feel rejuvenated.

2. Instead of watching TV after Mother's Day dinner, take a family walk or bike ride around the neighborhood to help burn calories.

3. Throwing around a Frisbee is something even the dog can enjoy.

4. Plan a family hiking trip for the weekend. This is a great way to get in shape while enjoying nature.

5. Plan a healthy picnic in the park for the family. Just remember to pack nutritious and healthy foods.

"Staying active is an important component of successful weight management," Talamini said. "Of course, the only way to enjoy the long-term benefits of a healthy lifestyle is to combine regular activity with nutritious, portion-controlled meals and a healthy mindset toward eating."

Jenny Craig offers one-on-one consultations and customized plans.