\ Portable Medical Records - Yenra

Portable Medical Records - Yenra

USB flash memory device holds a digital file that includes consent forms, treatment history, and doctor information

Portable Medical Records

An innovative portable medical records system that fits in the palm, pocket or purse is now available through Dx-PRN. Designed primarily for people with chronic or acute illnesses, Dx-PRN's device holds a complete medical file that is especially useful while traveling. Parents who have a child with a serious illness will also find this device reassuring.

The name, Dx-PRN, is medical short hand for diagnosis when needed. The logo helps emergency medical personnel recognize that this device contains medical information important to the individual they are treating. The digital file holds reams of information--everything from recent medical treatments, medical history, physician names and contact numbers, consent forms, and all-important medical power of attorneys or living wills. The information is stored in a universally available software format so most hospitals, emergency rooms or physician offices can read the information using a computer.

"I'm a lawyer. I see so many issues surrounding medical records and privacy today. That's why I created this device to help parents of children with special needs, adults with chronic diseases or anyone who travels regularly," said Sanford Hockey of Dx-PRN.

Mr. Hockey developed this system after hearing about the parents of his wife's patients who had to carry folders full of medical records. "In an emergency, medical information on a Dx-PRN can be searched, copied for critical records or printed for the treating physician. I see Dx-PRN as peace of mind in a pen-sized package."

Client-gathered records are digitized, indexed, made searchable, and then loaded on a flash drive microchip device. This device weighs less than one ounce. It can be carried on a key chain, worn as a necklace, attached to a watch band or slipped into a pocket. It is designed to plug into the USB port on any computer for a quick read out of all the person's pertinent medical information.