\ Manufacturing Robots - Yenra

Manufacturing Robots - Yenra

Robots for medium-payload manufacturing and system processes for machine load/unload, palletizing, packing, water jet cutting, material removal, welding, laser cutting, dispensing, parts cleaning and testing

Manufacturing Robot

The new six-axis M-16iB series from FANUC Robotics is the latest generation robotic solution for a variety of medium-payload manufacturing and system processes for machine load/unload, palletizing, packing, water jet cutting, material removal, welding, laser cutting, dispensing, parts cleaning and testing.

The series includes the M-16iB/20 for applications requiring payloads up to 20 kg. The M-16iB/20 features the highest motion speeds in its class for maximum performance and productivity. The M-16iB/10L offers a 10-kg payload and a maximum reach of 1,885 mm, giving it the largest work envelope in its class.

The M-16iB's wrist has been reduced by 14 percent, and the arm by six percent, allowing the robot to reach into extremely compact work areas. While the wrist and arm are smaller, the robot has enhanced loading capabilities. The wrist payload has been increased from 16 to 20 kg.

Wrist moments have been increased 12-25 percent along with wrist inertia, which has been increased 4-26 percent. Rigidity and stiffness have also been increased to enhance the robot's performance in path-intensive processes. In addition, the height of the M-16iB has been reduced by 178 mm, providing more available workspace.

"Manufacturers will appreciate the compact, flexible design of the M-16iB series," said Virgil Wilson, product manager for FANUC Robotics. "Its new design allows the robot to accommodate larger parts in the work envelope. This means that no other robot in its class can carry as large and heavy of a payload."

The M-16iB uses FANUC Robotics' new R-J3iB Controller, which has the highest performance ever for FANUC robot controllers with increased processing speed, memory, I/O and communication processor enhancements over the previous R-J3 controller. User application programs written for the R-J3 controller will run on the R-J3iB with little or no modifications, protecting customers' investments in engineering developed using the R-J3 family of products.

The robot also supports the new i Pendant, an innovative color graphic user interface device to the FANUC R-J3iB Controller that is based on Internet technology.

"The M-16iB is engineered to provide maximum value and versatility," said Wilson. "This amazing new robot is at the top of its class for every major specification."

At the show, the M-16iB/20, equipped with the new visLOCi vision software, will pick randomly placed plastic parts from a table. The new software provides 2-D and 3-D robot guidance tools and a graphical environment that simplifies the integration of vision with a FANUC robot system.

FANUC offers over 175 robot model variations to meet the needs of a wide range of applications. They also produce software, controls and vision products that aid in the development of state-of-the-art robotic systems