\ Response to Legally Blonde: Legally Bleached - Yenra

Response to Legally Blonde: Legally Bleached - Yenra

Legally Blonde is not a movie about a Blonde. It is a feature-length hair bleach commercial.

Click here to read the article on Legally Blonde Barbie that drew this response

Legally Blonde is not a movie about a Blonde. It is a feature-length hair bleach commercial.

Bleached women are almost always Brunette so this commercial is really aimed at making Brunettes feel good about themselves while they PRETEND to be so light, so white, so bright, so much Blonder than any actual Blonde. Even poor Reese, who supposedly is Blonde, had to be bleached to be the RIGHT color. The sick part of this is that Blonde is NOT the right color.

Only Blonde hair is Blonde. Once you bleach hair that's what color it is, bleach color. The commercial should have been called "Legally Bleached".

You Bleached Brunettes don't like Blondes. You use our image and you use our name to make money and you give us nothing in return. You, as a group, have made Blonde into a stand-alone, one-word joke and insult.

You may have fooled Reese into thinking she was standing up for Blondes, MOST OF WHOM ARE VERY YOUNG CHILDREN, but you haven't fooled me. I know you want LEGAL claim to OUR name and I know you want to keep your Brunette name hidden because you'd lose at least HALF the power of Blonde if you didn't have the name.

Blonde people want their name back and they are taking their name back. They are OUTING Bleached Brunettes and pretty soon all the jokes will be about DumbBleachedBrunettes because that's exactly what they were always about. Hiding behind the name Blonde and FORCING Blondes to be associated with you was not our idea because it harmed us - it was your idea because it made you rich.

© 2003 Carol E. Cox (carolecox@blondfrombirth.org), published here by permission.