Minister, counselor, and song-writer Jason Gastrich is a write-in candidate for Governor in California's recall election. Not only is his platform clear on a diverse range of issues, he has been tireless in getting other candidates to think out their own positions.
Energy Platform
Mr. Gastrich supports building more power plants in order to increase the energy supply. He encourages the development of natural, clean and renewable energy sources. He supports reducing energy costs through conservation, alternative energy sources, energy education and energy-efficiency programs.
Mr. Gastrich supports increasing energy options and supply through the development of alternative energy sources such as solar, geothermal, windmills, etc. He also supports nonpolluting energy sources such as hydrogen fuel cells.
Transportation Platform
Mr. Gastrich says he is concerned about traffic congestion and wants to reduce unnecessary traffic by expanding and upgrading roads, highways and freeways, rebuilding certain freeway interchanges, repairing potholes and damaged roads, etc. Instead of taxing Californians $5.2 billion for something that won't solve the problem (like Gray Davis did with the Traffic Congestion Relief Plan), Mr. Gastrich will continue to repair the state's roads and expand rail projects while encouraging mass transit options.
Higher gasoline taxes are not a part of Mr. Gastrich's vision for the state.
Health Care Platform
Mr. Gastrich says he wants to reduce the amount of paperwork, red tape and waiting that the state requires for individuals and families seeking Medi-Cal. He will continue reforming HMOs. He will also seek to get each child medical coverage.
Mr. Gastrich supports cost-effective, preventative, health care. This form of health care has been proven to save money and improve health.
Economy Platform
Mr. Gastrich does not support Gray Davis' plan to charge Californians triple the current rate they are paying for their car registration. This is Gray Davis' plan for the Fall of 2003, but it's a poor way to recover the energy crisis losses that he incurred for letting that problem turn into a crisis.
Mr. Gastrich supports providing tax incentives to California businesses and he supports low interest loans and tax credits for starting, expanding and relocating businesses. He says we need to improve the business atmosphere by removing the reasons that cause many employers to take jobs outside California; these reasons include frivolous lawsuits, high workers’ compensation costs, etc.
Environment Platform
Mr. Gastrich says he will continue to keep the state's beaches clean. He will encourage air purity by upholding California's existing emissions laws and guidelines. Jason discourages offshore drilling, but will consider other alternatives.
Mr. Gastrich will put together a committee to discover and utilize alternative ways to reduce air pollution. He also believes in educating the public on the causes and effects of air pollution.
Public Safety Platform
As a husband and parent, Mr. Gastrich understands the need to provide crime-fighting tools and the appropriate technology to law enforcement. He will make risky communities safer. He will also encourage rewarding our fire fighters and police forces with the benefits they deserve while ensuring a sensible increase in these authorities.
Mr. Gastrich supports California's anti-violence laws, including the "Three Strikes Law" and the "10-20-Life Law." He also supports scientifically proven, stress reduction programs that will help reduce crime rates.
Education Platform
As a credentialed teacher that has taught all student levels, Mr. Gastrich recognizes the hard work from our state's teachers. He will encourage college educational programs for high school graduates and G.E.D. recipients. He will also encourage the Cal State school system to maintain their affordable tuition costs while providing plenty of loans and grants to students.
Mr. Gastrich supports affirmative action only according to income; not according to race or color. The color of someone's skin should not give them an advantage or a disadvantage. However, applicants from low income families should receive the affirmative action benefits in the college application process.
Immigration Platform
As the husband of an immigrant, Mr. Gastrich understands the need to simultaneously uphold the rights of legal immigrants and maintain immigration laws. His wife was born in Beirut, Lebanon and is part Lebanese and part Armenian. She came to the United States when she was 2 years old and is a U.S. citizen, today.
Home Schooling Platform
Mr. Gastrich supports each family's right to home school their children. He believes they should be empowered to take advantage of this option as they see fit.
Family Values Platform
Mr. Gastrich supports traditional, family values and knows they are imperative for societal success.
Religious Rights Platform
Mr. Gastrich supports the separation of church and state. However, he recognizes the plans of some to use this separation as a way to remove morality from the country and impose their anti-religious agendas. Mr. Gastrich will continue to support religious rights and the right to worship where and how one chooses.
Mr. Gastrich supports a brief time of silence in public schools were students can choose to either pray, meditate, think or rest. He does not support public school teachers imposing their religious beliefs or world views on their students, but he does support the open and honest exchange of ideas concerning faith, religion and God.
2nd Amendment Platform
Mr. Gastrich supports the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. While the illegal use of weapons has been a problem, law abiding citizens will continue to enjoy their right to bear arms. The abusive nature of some people cannot penalize the law-abiding majority.
Mr. Gastrich supports gun locks and ID checks for those that desire to purchase firearms.
Life Platform
Mr. Gastrich supports the rights of the unborn. At the time of conception, a life begins. Therefore, he supports abortion education for pregnant mothers.
National Defense Platform
Mr. Gastrich supports peace efforts. He also supports the U.S. troops and the federal government. While it is imperative to have world peace, Mr. Gastrich knows that there are evil dictators that sometimes stand in the way of peace and require force to be removed before peace can flourish.
Mr. Gastrich supports the U.N. to help with humanitarian aid, peace talks, investigations and honest dialogue about important issues. He does not support decisions to relinquish U.S. sovereignty by giving it away to outside nations or organizations.