\ ID Software - Yenra

ID Software - Yenra

Identification card production with Unicode language support, expanded security features, and ease-of-use enhancements

ID Software

Unicode support for global languages, increased security, and usability and productivity enhancements are among the new features of the latest release of Datacard ID Works identification software.

"We've expanded the flexible, modular design that made ID Works the industry standard for identification software," said Mike Schnaus of Datacard Group. "These new features further enhance the functionality and usability required by ID card program issuers," he said.

"As part of our efforts to continuously improve our software and address our customers' changing needs we designed the software from the ground up to provide worldwide language support," said Schnaus. "New Unicode support for data entry, storage and printing greatly simplifies the use of our solutions for customers in regions like the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe, which have additional character sets to support," he said.

ID Works v5.0 gives administrators increased control over the security of their card programs. This includes the ability to grant users varying levels of access to settings and projects, monitor activity and set login timeouts. In addition, ID Works v5.0 supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), allowing security professionals in enterprise organizations to automatically manage and update identity information in a directory service.

Also included are a variety of usability and productivity enhancements, including an improved photo adjustment wizard, thumbnail previews of photo and graphic files and multi-record table views, that make it easier than ever to manage ID card programs.

Datacard offers secure ID and card personalization solutions, including systems for high-volume card issuance, card delivery, secure ID issuance, and passport production.