Formidable Fighter 1 - Image Index | Yenra
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A young woman in a martial arts uniform kneels on the floor, preparing for or engaged in a training session.
Martial Arts Training Session: A young woman in a martial arts uniform, kneeling on the floor with her hands clasped together in front of her. The woman has long dark hair tied back in a ponytail and is wearing a white gi with black accents and a black belt. Her facial expression is one of concentration and focus, suggesting that she is preparing for or engaged in a martial arts training session. The background of the image is blurred, but it appears to be a studio or gym setting with mirrors on the walls and a wooden floor. The overall atmosphere of the image is one of calmness and serenity, despite the intensity of the activity being depicted.

Color Index

8 top colors in order of strength
SwatchColor Name (hex #)
Very Brown (#1D1711)
Cafe Noir (#4B3621)
Camel (#C69F59)
Authentic (#8A6843)
Double Villa White (#E6DCC5)
Hibernate (#5A5539)
Karens Pewter (#666156)
Weathered Blue (#677583)