\ Hot Spot Locations - Yenra

Hot Spot Locations - Yenra

The top hot spot locations among mobile users are in key travel locations and coffee shops

Hot Spot Locations

Mobile users continue to take advantage of wireless network capabilities, but more so in their personal lives than in their professional lives. According to a recent survey by IDC, 34% of respondents use a wireless 802.11 (Wi-Fi) LAN at home compared to 27% at work. These results confirm IDC's position that although Wi-Fi is being utilized more frequently by highly mobile individuals, business use of Wi-Fi, especially within the enterprise, is lagging behind home use.

As mobile workers become increasingly dependent on electronic forms of communication, user demand for hot spot locations and potential increases in productivity will drive businesses to implement wireless networks. In addition, as consumers become more accustomed to the benefits of wireless solutions in the home, information and entertainment applications will drive higher demand for home-based solutions.

Personal hot spot locations are proliferating as people share their WLANs at home with friends and family.

Public hot spot interest remains high, but users' price expectations and payment preference is mixed.

The top hot spot locations among mobile users are in key travel locations and coffee shops; universities represent the highest degree of daily use; and laptops remain the device platform of choice.

Mobile office applications such as email, PIM, Internet and Intranet access remain strong among business users, while entertainment and messaging applications are strong among home users.

The study, Mobile Usage Patterns 2003, reviewed the latest survey findings from IDC's Mobile User panel on the usage patterns of a variety of mobile users and consumers. The survey findings reveal insights related to use of mobile devices within a variety of locations, and the applications used by hot spot location and by device, including within the home, within the office, and in a hotspot.