DVS Shoes for Girls - Yenra

DVS Girls Line

DVS Shoes

DVS Shoe Company has announced its official entrance into the girls market with its DVS Girls line. The company delivered a small selection of girls' products for Holiday 2003 and after a couple of seasons of testing the waters, DVS now plans to move forward with an all out effort to cater to the girls market.

The DVS Girls line for Summer/Fall 2004 will offer something for every girl, all ages and lifestyles. Built with women's specific construction, the footwear line includes a variety of casual and lifestyle models. It also offers an array of fresh and exciting colors that are playful and feminine, everything from basic black and white to fun and spontaneous checkered patterns, stripes and pastels. In addition to the five footwear models (17 skus) being offered, DVS Girls will offer several complimentary soft good and accessory pieces, including a track jacket which ties into the all-new Marcos footwear design. The previous spring season, which will begin hitting stores in January, consists of four footwear models and a solid selection of sandal models, totaling 39 skus along with tanks, tees and accessories.

The plan of attack for DVS Girls is to grow the brand organically. Each season, the line has and will continue to progress from all standpoints. There will be increasingly more depth to the line with each season as well as a solidifying brand image and message. First steps include print advertising in SG and Vice magazines along with industry trade publications. The company will release a stand alone girls catalog for the first time for the Summer Fall 2004 season. DVS Girls point of purchase items will be available for Spring 2004 and a website will launch in early 2004.

DVS Girls product is currently available at skate surf specialty stores worldwide.