Do Not Spam List - Yenra

There is No National Do Not Email Registry - Yet

Spam Free

Have you submitted your email address to a "National Do Not Email Registry" that promises to reduce the amount of spam (unsolicited email) you receive? If so, you are the victim of a scam, according to the Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer protection agency.

The Web site at "" mimics the language, look, and navigation of the Web site for the National Do Not Call Registry, a legitimate free service of the federal government. The site is not run or authorized by the FTC.

The FTC is concerned that the "" site could be part of a high-tech scam that uses a deceptive Web site to trick consumers into disclosing their email address or other sensitive personal information. This site may be a ruse to collect valid email addresses to sell to spammers. The result could be even more spam for consumers who sign up for this "registry." Or it may be even worse -- some scammers have collected information through bogus web sites like this one that mimic those of legitimate organizations, and then used the information to commit identity theft.

The FTC is advising consumers not to submit their email addresses or any other personal information to any site claiming to be a "National Do Not Email Registry." The agency's Bureau of Consumer Protection says the best way to avoid scams like this one is to keep your personal information to yourself -- including your email address -- unless you know who you're dealing with.

The FTC is studying the feasibility of creating a National Do Not Spam Registry, and will issue a report in June 2004. At this time, there is no legitimate "National Do Not Email Registry."