\ Daylight Savings Time - Yenra

Daylight Savings Time - Yenra

Daylight saving time began at 2 a.m., Sunday, April 4th, when the clock sprang forward by one hour

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings time began at 2 a.m. on Sunday, April 4th, 2004. Clock manufacturer Howard Miller will set 1,400 clocks ahead one hour before they are shipped. At home, a Howard Miller employee family prepare for the task ahead and set forward their own Howard Miller floor clock.

This happened on the first Sunday in April. Time will revert back to standard time at 2 a.m. on October 31st, the last Sunday of October.

Daylight savings time is not followed in Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Eastern Time Zone portion of the State of Indiana, and by most of Arizona (except for the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona).