\ Clustered Water - Yenra

Clustered Water - Yenra

Increasing the absorption of water into the body


Tropical Beverage has become the exclusive manufacturer for VIVO water. VIVO is a clustered water product that has shown to increase the absorption of water into the body. VIVO has had enormous success in Japan and is currently sold in the US at Albertsons, SAV-ON, Jewel and OSCO stores. The plans are to continue the expansion into other retail chains.

"We have oversold our initial projections and are doubling our shelf space," said Dr. Lee Lorenzen, president of CSI, inventor of VIVO. "VIVO is a clustered water that is structured like biowater within our bodies," he added. "After 15 years of documenting the effects of Clustered Water the United States Patent office has issued 2 patents for the production of stabilized Clustered Water making it available to everyone. Those who use it even for short periods of time report a multitude of beneficial effects. Clinical studies in China documented improved cell function in the elderly patients studied," he added.

Tropical Beverage develops and distributes value-added water based beverages. Their extensive product line includes flavored waters, vapor distilled waters, ultra pure purified waters, micro clustered waters and waters with additives (including oxygen, caffeine, electrolytes and other enhanced minerals and vitamins). VIVO is their latest acquisition.