\ Brittney Ryan Legend of Holly Claus - Yenra

Brittney Ryan Legend of Holly Claus - Yenra

Address for the daughter of Santa Claus recognized by the post office in an assignment of zip code

Brittney Ryan

The United States Post Office has officially granted a separate zip code to the home of Santa Claus and his family as depicted in Brittney Ryan's best-selling The Legend of Holly Claus.

"Holly Claus, Santa's daughter, who was born from a wish, is inspiring the children of the world this Christmas to write letters, not about what they want as gifts, but about their dreams and aspirations," says author Ryan, "and Holly Claus is writing back to each child."

The letters to Holly Claus, from all around the globe, are addressed to "Holly Claus, The Royal Palace, The City of Forever, The Land of the Immortals," where the Claus family resides. And now the residence has its own zip code of 90209-1225.

"I welcome every letter that comes in from a child as a treasure," says Ryan. "And to each child, I write back a letter as Holly that inspires them to follow their dreams. As Santa Claus has a defined purpose for the children of the world, his daughter, Holly Claus, has her purpose. She lives to awaken the dreams inside children and supports them in realizing the value of their dreams. She inspires them to believe."

The Legend of Holly Claus is the first in a series of books and films involving Holly Claus and her quest to inspire people to discover and realize their dreams.