The Word of the Lord: "Your Father knows you need these things. Instead, put his kingdom first in your life, and He will provide you with these things."(Luke: 23:30-31) Heavenly Father, all wise and all knowing, you see my need before I ask, and then graciously grant my request in your tender mercy. In Christ's name I beg you. Amen. Hear all of our prayers on this site. God Bless! Keep praying -don't give up...
Feast Day Sept 23rd for Padre Pio O Glorious Saint Pio, bearing the wounds of Christ you generously accepted your sufferings, and labored faithfully for the good of all souls. Help me to embrace that same attitude of acceptance in my life. With confidence, I ask for your intercession to obtain the grace of (make your request) which I ardently deisre. If it is not, however God's will that this should come to pass, then help me to find serenity and joy in God's choices for me. Amen
Say Glory be to the Father 25 times in honour of St. Teresa.
Have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Queen of the Angels, pray for us. St. Michael the Archangel, pray for us. Most glorious attendant of the Triune Divinity, *Pray for us is repeated after each invocation Standing at the right of the Altar of Incense, Ambassador of Paradise, Glorious Prince of the heavenly armies, Leader of the angelic hosts, Warrior who thrust Satan into Hell, Defender against the wickedness and snares of the devil, Standard-bearer of God's armies, Defender of divine glory, First defender of the Kingship of Christ, Strength of God, Invincible prince and warrior, Angel of peace, Guardian of the Christian Faith, Guardian of the Legion of Saint Michael, Champion of God's people, Champion of the Legion of Saint Michael, Guardian angel of the Eucharist, Defender of the Church, Defender of the Legion of Saint Michael, Protector of the Sovereign Pontiff, Protector of the Legion of Saint Michael, Angel of Catholic Action, Powerful intercessor of Christians, Bravest defender of those who hope in God, Guardian of our souls and bodies, Healer of the sick, Help of those in their agony, Consoler of the souls in Purgatory, God's messenger for the souls of the just, Terror of the evil spirits, Victorious in battle against evil, Guardian and Patron of the Universal Church Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us. Pray for us, O glorious Saint Michael, That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let Us Pray Sanctify us, we beseech Thee, O Lord, with Thy holy blessing, and grant us, by the intercession of St. Michael, that wisdom which teaches us to lay up treasures in Heaven by exchanging the goods of this world for those of eternity, Thou Who lives and reigns, world without end. Amen. Relying, O Lord, upon the intercession of Thy blessed Archangel Michael, we humbly beg of Thee, that the Holy Eucharist in whose presence we kneel, may make our soul holy and pleasing to Thee. Through Christ Our Lord. R. Amen.
To Saint Peregrine - a prayer of thanksgiving: our prayers have been answeered. my cousin cancer is in remission. This saint is a true Wonder;O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty," "The Wonder-Worker," because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you. For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.
(Pause here and silently recall the names of the sick for whom you are praying)
Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy. Amen.
Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked you for many favors. This time I ask you for this very special one (Request) Take it Dear Jesus and place it within Your own broken heart where your Father sees it. Then in your merciful eyes it will become your favor and not mine. Dear Jesus, please help me to meet a great guy soon whom I will love and he will love me and we will marry. I love you so much.
Sacred Heart Novena: May the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised, worshiped, honored, adored and glorified throughout the world; now and forever Amen.
Good St.Anne, Mother of her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You. Immaculate Heart of Mary I love you.
God beless those I love and all the people in the world. The sick, the poor, the needy, the hungry, the homeless, the lost and the lonely. Show them Your presence Oh Lord. Let them know You love them. Help us to love You, to respect You, to honor You and to obey You all the days of our lives. We ask You this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen
God beless those I love and all the people in the world. The sick, the poor, the needy, the hungry, the homeless, the lost and the lonely. Show them Your presence Oh Lord. Let them know You love them. Help us to love You, to respect You, to honor You and to obey You all the days of our lives. We ask You this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen
Oh Heart of Love, I place all my trust in Thee, for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Thy goodness. Amen I live through the mercy of Jesus, to whom I owe everything and from whom I expect everything. Amen Love of Jesus, fill us. Holy Spirit, guide us. Will of the Father be done. Amen
O my God, relying on your infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Your grace and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen
O Christ Jesus. I acknowledge You King of the Universe. All that has been created has been made for You. Exercise upon me all Your rights. I renew my baptismal promises renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps. I promise to lead a good Christian life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You my poor actions in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Your sacred royality and that thus the reign of Your peace may be established throughout the Universe. Amen
O Blessed Archangel Gabriel, we beseech thee, do thou intercede for us at the throne of Mercy in our present necessities, that as thou didst announce to Mary the mystery of the Incarnation, so through thy prayers and patronage in heaven we may obtain the benefits of the same, and sing the praise of GOd forever in the land of the living. Amen
Glorious Prince of the heavenly hosts and victor over rebelious spirits, be mindful of me who am so weak and sinful and yet so prone to pride and ambition. Lend me, I pray, thy powerful aid in every temptation and difficulty and above all do not forsake me in my last struggle with the powers of evil. Amen
O my God, source of all mercy, I acknowledge Your sovereign power while recalling the wasted years that are past. I believe that You, Lord, can in an instant turn this lost to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Your grace, both now and in the future. Amen
O God, who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that by reason of the weakness of our nature we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance through Christ our Lord. Amen
Merciful God, Eternal Father, give fullness of victory to your Church! Have mercy on the people of the world: our own, our benefactors, even on our enemies, and grant them salvation. Bless those who are kind to us and forgive those who harm us. Protect our leaders and all those who do not as yet know You; open their eyes and change their hearts so that they may turn to You in faith. Come to the assistance of the poor, the orphans, prisoners and the unfortunate. Protect the pure of heart. Lead travellers in peace to their destination. Heal the sick, comfort the dying and bring into your kingdom the souls in purgatory. Keep and protect us now and at the hour of our death, and grant that we may die believing in You. In Jesus name, Amen!
Dear St. Anthony, thank you for interceding for me
concerning my check which did not arrive; it was
sent back to the sender and will be reissued. I know you always help me through your prayers to God. Now I come to you again; I am having such
difficulty keeping track of letters etc. because
physically I am unable to sort things; it just throws me into more pain and shaking. I have lost
an important paper which I need for tomorrow; I have searched as best as I can and am unable to find it. Miracle worker, I need your intercession
again! You have never failed me. Please lead me to
this document I need. Thank you Dear St. Anthony and thank you God, for the favor you will grant.
Good St. Dymphna, you placed all your hope in Christ's promises, and sacrificed even your life in that hope. The Lord, God, rewarded your constancy by making your name known and loved over many centuries by the thousands whom you have aided in time of difficulty. Please assist us now in our present necessity, and intercede before God for our intentions. Obtain for us a firm hope like your own in God's unfailing protection. Amen.
Dear St. Anthony, I believe in the resurrection of the body. I have Christ's solemn pledge that whoever believes in Him, though he should die, shall live again. St. Anthony, Reviver of the Dead, through your mighty prayers life was restored to the dead. Confirm my faith in the resurrection. Make me a confident Christian who expects a glorious Easter beyond the grave. Please take my need to God in prayer. (Name your special intentions.)
Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace to men of good will. We praise You. We bless You. We adore you. We glorify You. We give You thanks for Your great glory. O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty. O Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father: you Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. You Who take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. You Who sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are holy. You alone are the Lord. You alone, O Jesus Christ, are most high. Together with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Lord I praise you I always come to you coz you are the source of my strength. Please forgive me for all the sins I have committed. Lord I leave and surrender everything to you my strengths and my weaknesses, my dreams, my family, my career, my friend and my loved ones. Lord you know what is best for me that's why I let you decide and plan for my self. Grant me the wisdom to understand all your trials and challenges, grant me the courage to face all your trials and challenges. Make me strong and be patient with your plans for me. I love you LOrd.
I live through the mercy of Jesus, to whom I owe everything and from whom I expect everything. Amen Love of Jesus, fill us. Holy Spirit, guide us. Will of the Father be done. Amen
Oh Heart of Love, I place all my trust in Thee, for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Thy goodness. Amen
Oh my God, source of all mercy, I acknowledge Your sovereign power while recalling the wasted years that are past. I believe that You, Lord, can in an instant turn this lost to gain. Mirserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Your grace, both now and in the future, that I may appear before You in "wedding garments." Amen
O God, who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that by reason of the weakness of our nature we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance through Christ our Lord. Amen
Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Hosts and victor over rebellious spirits, be mindful of me who am so weak and sinful and yet so prone to pride and ambition. Lend me I pray, they powerful aid in every temptation and difficulty and above all do not forsake me in my last struggle with the powers of evil. Amen
O Blessed Archangel Gabriel, we beseech thee, do thou intercede for us at the throne of divine Mercy in our present necessities, that as thou didst announce to Mary the mystery of the Incarnation, so through thy prayers and patronage in Heaven we may obtain the benefits of the same, and sing praise of God forever in the land of the living. Amen
O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the Universe. All that has been created has been made for You. Exercise upon me all Your rights. I renew my baptismal promises renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps. I promise to lead a good Christian life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your Chruch. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You my poor actions in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Your sacred royality and that thus the reign of Your peace may be established throughout the Universe. Amen
God bless those I love and all the people in the world. The sick, the poor, the needy, the hungry. the homeless, the lost and the lonely. Show them Your presence Oh Lord. Let them know You and to obey You all the days of our lives. We ask You this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen
O my God, relying on your infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Your grace and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen
Say Glory be to the Father 25 times in honour of St. Teresa.
dear lord please help remove the pain from my heart and answer the prayer i pray every night to stop my heart from breaking and help me to be grateful for all the good things in my life and to think of those less fortunate than me when i am sad
Glorious, St Anthony of Padua, you renounced every earthly ambition when yet very young. You gave yourself wholly and perpetually to God's service. Hence, I beg of you to secure for me the means to respond readily to God's purpose for me. Grant me the favor I now seek if it is God's will. (Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be.) Your great humility encourages me to approach you, most powerful St. Anthony. With confidence I ask you to gain from God the grace I so much desire and need. Please win for me some of your own sincere humility; then, will my prayers be more acceptable to God. In your kindness; (Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be) St. Anthony, you were ever blessed with affection for our Lady, Queen of Heaven. Help me to imitate your own dedication to the Mother of God. May the holy Virgin protect me amid the perils of life, assist me in my present need, and at the hour of our death. Please offer in her honor the prayers I make to you. (Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory be) say for 13-Tuesday in St. Anthony's honor
Jesus,Mary and Joseph, i beg you to cure Sylvi Maria from
her canser illness.Pl.let her have a quite pensjonlife.She deserves it.Pl. Help Lars in his brain illness,make it easy to diagnose it and cure it because he deserves a free pensjon life ,Thank you Jesus. Theresa
Jesus & Mary: I want to thank you both for allowing me to get a part-time job to help my family. Thanks to God we are doing fine financial wise, but it didn't hurt in getting a part-time job. Now I pray that you help me in getting acustomed to working nights. I pray I won't get too tired and get upset with my family. So, please Jesus & Mary help me. Please forgive me my sins, and protect us from all harm. Help my children succeed in their education. Again, thank you for everything you've given to me and my family. I pray you help the ones in need of you. Love you always with all my heart. Thank you. Leo
LORD and Mary Mother:
PLEASE help me weight control!
PLEASE HELP MY Father operation!
Dear Saint Anthony, finder of lost items and worker
of miracles, thank you for interceding with God for
me when I did not receive my retirement check. I
found out that it was returned to the retirement
association from which it was sent...with no explanation given; somehow it was received by the
wrong person and returned to one really
knows, but it is going to be sent out again today
in a special envelope. I am so grateful to you for
praying for my intention and I thank you Father,
Son and Holy Spirit for hearing and answering St.
Anthony's prayer. You have never failed to find a
lost item for me.
Novena in Urgent need to the Infant Jesus of Prague To be said nine consecutive hours or for nine days Jesus, You said, "Ask and you shall re- ceive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your holy Mother, I knock, I seek. I ask that my prayer be granted. Mention your request. Jesus, You said, "All that you ask of the Father in my name, He will grant you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Your Father in Your name that my prayer be granted. Mention your request. Jesus, You said. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word shall not pass." Through the intercession of Mary, Your holy Mother, I feel confi- dent that my prayer will be granted. Mention your request.
Good St.Anne, Mother of Her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, please intercede on our behalf until our request is granted.
lord please forgive me for what I have done. all my life i have let evil prevail over me. grant me the power over it from this point forward and bless all in my life. rid me of the evil that i have called upon myself in Jesus name Lord help me and my family.
A Novena to Find a Future Spouse://
O Blessed Anna Marie Taiga, by that humble submission with which you believed in and adored the august mystery of the One True God in Three Persons, obtain for me from the Most Holy Trinity the favor which I confidently implore . . . (fill in your petition.)
Glory be the Father . . . (three times)
O Blessed Anna Marie Taiga, by the great love and tender pity with which you honored the mysteries in the life of Jesus, obtain for me from Him the favor which I earnestly implore... (fill in your petition.)
Glory be the Father . . . (three times)
O Blessed Anna Marie Taiga, through your filial devotion to the Blessed Virgin, obtain for me from Her the favor which I humbly implore . . . (fill in your petition.)
Glory be the Father . . . (three times)
This is what I found with this prayer when I did a search, so it has worked for at least two people.
"These actions helped me to live my single life better but as I got older the "waiting patiently" became more and more of a struggle. At one point a friend gave me a novena that her sister prayed with the intention of finding her future spouse. Shortly after, she met her future husband on the internet. I decided to pray the novena myself with the same intention. A few months later I, too, met my future husband on the internet. Coincidence? I don't know but people have since asked for a copy of the novena."
O Glorious St. Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and inspire the human family, I implore your Miraculous Intercession. You are so powerful in obtaining every need of body and spirit from the Heart of God. Holy Mother Church proclaims you "Prodigy of Miracles... the greatest saint of Modern Times." Now, I fervently beseech you to answer my petition (Ask request) and to carry out your promises of spending heaven doing good on earth.. of letting fall from heaven a Shower of Roses. Little Flower, give me your childlike faith to see the Face of God in the people and experiences of my life and to love God with full confidence.
My Saint Expedito of the Fair and Urgent Causes, Help me in this time of Desperation and the Recklessness, intervene for me together with Jesus Christ! You whom are the Saint of Despair. You whom are the Saint of the Desperate. You whom are the Saint of the Urgent Causes. Protect me , Help me, Give me Strength, Courage and Serenity. Grant my request "make your request". Help me through these hard times, protect me of all that could be against me, Protect my family, Uregently Grant my request. give me back Peace and Tranquility. I will be grateful for the rest of my life and will speak of your name to all of those with faith. Thank you. Pray 1 Our father, 1 Hail Mary and make the sign of the cross. In thankfulness, I will print and distribute one thousand copies of this prayer, to teach the benefits of the great Saint Expedito.
O Mother of Perpetual Help, grant that I may ever invoke Thy most powerful name, which is the safeguard of the living and the salvation of the dying. O Purest Mary, O Sweetest Mary, let Thy name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, O Blessed Lady, to help me whenever I call on Thee, for, in all my needs, in all my temptations I shall never cease to call on Thee, ever repeating Thy sacred name, Mary, Mary. O what consolation, what sweetness, what confidence, what emotion fill my soul when I pronounce Thy sacred name, or even only think of Thee. I thank God for having given Thee, for my good, so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name. But I will not be content with merely pronouncing They name: let my love for Thee prompt me ever to hail Thee, MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP.
Recite Nine Hail Marys.
O Good St. Gerard, powerful intercessor before God and Wonderworker of our day, I call upon you and seek your aid. You who on earth did always fulfill God's designs, help me to do the Holy will of God. Beseech the Master of Life from Whom all paternity proceeds, to render me fruitful in offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this Life and heirs to the Kingdom of His Glory in the world to come. Amen.
May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adord, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. Saint Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. Saint Jude, help of the hopeless, pray for us. Amen
Oh Hear of Love, I place all my trust in Thee, for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Thy goodness. Amen I live through the mercy of Jesus, to whom I owe everything and from whom I expect everything. Amen Love of Jesus, fill us. Holy Spirit, guide us. Will of the Father, be done. Amen
God bless tose I love and all the people in the world. The sick, the poor, the needy, the hungry, the homeless, the lost, and the lonely. Show them Your presence Oh Lord. Let them know You love them. Help us to love You, to respect You, to honor You and to obey You all the days of our lives. We ask You this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen
O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the Universe. All that has been created has been made for You. Exercise upon me all Your rights. I renew my baptismal promises renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps. I promise to lead a good Christian life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you my poor actions in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Your sacred royality and that thus the reign of Your peace may be established throughout the Universe. Amen
O Blessed Archangel Gabriel, we beseech thee, do thou intercede for us at the throne of divine Mercy in our present necessities, that as thou didst announce to may th emystery of the Incarnation, so through thy prayers and patronage in heaven we may obtain the benefits of the same, and sing the praise of God forever in the land of the living. Amen
Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Hosts and victor over rebellious spirits, be mindful of me who am so weak and sinful and yet so prone to pride and ambition. Lend me, I pray, thy powerful aid in every temptation and difficulty and above all do not forsake me in my last struggle with the powers of evil. Amen
Oh my God, source of all mercy, I acknowledge Your sovereign power while recalling the wasted years that are past. I believe that You, Lord, can in an instant turn this lost to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Your grace, both now and in the future. Amen
O God, who knowest us to be set in the midst of such g5eat perils, that by reason of the weakness of our nature we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance through Christ our Lord. Amen
O my God, relying on your infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Your grace and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen
Lord I'm so sorry for the sins I have committed.
Good ST.Anne, Mother of Her who is the life, our sweetness and our hope. Pray for us.
St. Anthony, in all the years that I have asked you
to find lost items, you have never failed to inter-
cede for me to our Lord and restore that which is
lost. Please Dear St. Anthony, pray that my retire-
ment check which did not arrive in the mail and is
now way overdue may appear tomorrow. Thank you dear
saint of lost articles. The answer to my prayer may
need a miracle, but you are the saint of miracles.
O God, Who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that, by reason of the weakness of our nature, we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body, that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Novena Prayer to St Rita of Cascia O Holy Patroness of those in need,St Rita,whose pleadings before thy Divine Lord are almost irresistible,who for thy lavishness in granting favors hast been called the advocate of the hopeless and even of the impossible;St Rita so humble so pure,so mortified,so patient and of such compassionate love for thy Crucified Jesus that thou couldst obtain from GOD whatsoever thou askest,on account of which all confidently have recourse to thee,expecting,if not always relief,at least comfort;be propitious to our petition,showing thy power with GOD on behalf of the suppliant;be lavish to us as thou hast been in so many cases,for the greater glory of GOD,for the spreading of thine own devotion,and for the consolation of those who trust in thee. We promise,if our petition is granted,to glorify thee by making known thy favor,to bless and sing thy praises forever Relying upon thy merits and power before the Sacred Heart of Jesus,we pray:(mention your request) obtain for us our request by the singular merits of thy childhood,by thy perfect union of the Divine Will,by the heroic sufferings during thy married life,by the consolation thou didst experience at the conversion of thy husband,by the sacrifice of thy children rather than see them grievously offen GOD,by the miraculous entrance into the convent,by the severe penances and thrice daily bloody scourgings,by the suffering caused bu the wound thou didst receive from the thorn of thy crucified Savior,by the Divine love which consumed thy heart,by that remarkable devotion to the Blessed Sacrament,on which alone thou didst exist for four years,by the happiness with which thou didst part from thy trials to join thy Divine Spouse,by the perfect example thou gavest to people of every state of life. Pray for us, o holy St Rita, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. ask St Rita to pray for you, tell everyone once your prayers have been answered by GOD.
O Mother of Perpetual Help, Pray for Us!
Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace to men of good will. We praise You. We bless You. We adore you. We glorify You. We give You thanks for Your great glory. O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty. O Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father: you Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. You Who take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. You Who sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are holy. You alone are the Lord. You alone, O Jesus Christ, are most high. Together with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Glory to God in the highest. And on earth peace to men of good will. We praise You. We bless You. We adore you. We glorify You. We give You thanks for Your great glory. O Lord God, heavenly King, God the Father almighty. O Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son. O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father: you Who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. You Who take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. You Who sit at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are holy. You alone are the Lord. You alone, O Jesus Christ, are most high. Together with the Holy Spirit in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
Good St. Dymphna, you placed all your hope in Christ's promises, and sacrificed even your life in that hope. The Lord, God, rewarded your constancy by making your name known and loved over many centuries by the thousands whom you have aided in time of difficulty. Please assist us now in our present necessity, and intercede before God for our intentions. Obtain for us a firm hope like your own in God's unfailing protection. Amen.
Dear St. Anthony, it is still as St. Peter said: The devil prowls about, lion-like, looking for someone to devour. I confess that I don't always resist him; I sometimes toy with temptation. St. Anthony, Disperser of Devils, remind me of my duty to avoid all occasions of sin. May I always pray in temptation that I may remain loyal to my Lord Jesus. Pray for my other intentions, please. (Name them.)
may he support us all the day long
The Novena for Sr. Josefa Menendez (listed below) should be said for 9 consective days.
Novena Prayer through Sr. Josefa Menendez~~O Jesus, full of Grace and Charity, Victim for sinners, So impelled by Love for us that You willed to die on the Cross, I humbly beseech You to glorify in heaven and on earth The Servant of God and Victim Soul, Sr. Josefa Menendez, Who faithfully participated in Your Passion and shared Your Sufferings, to prepare the way for The Devotion to the Divine Mercy, For the salvation of souls, And for the Glory of Your Heavenly Father. With confidence I beg You to grant me, Throught her intercession, the Grace of:(state your intention here). In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.
Then say one decade of the Rosary, or on decade of the Chaplet od Divine Mercy & "Glory be to the Father...(three times)" In honor of Sr. Josefa Menendez. njf
Novena Prayer through Sr. Josefa Menendez~~O Jesus, full of Grace and Charity, Victim for sinners, So impelled by Love for us that You willed to die on the Cross, I humbly beseech You to glorify in heaven and on earth The Servant of God and Victim Soul, Sr. Josefa Menendez, Who faithfully participated in Your Passion and shared Your Sufferings, to prepare the way for The Devotion to the Divine Mercy, For the salvationof souls, And for the Glory of Your Heavenly Father. With confidence I beg You to grant me, Throught her intercession, the Grace of:(state your intention here). In Jesus's name I pray, Amen.
Then say one decade of the Rosary, or on decade of the Chaplet od Divine Mercy & "Glory be to the Father...(three times)" In honor of Sr. Josefa Menendez. njf
God almighty,please let the doctors find the real course for Lars recent sudden illness in the brain,and cure it with correct medecine or operation if necessary,pl.don"t let him loose the memory or any function,Thank you Jesus.Theresa.
The Word of the Lord: So Jesus answered her you are a woman of great faith! What you want will be done for you." (Matt. 15:28)Lord God, I beg you to give me some of the great faith of that pagan woman. Kindly overlook my unworthiness and grant my request because I rely so entirely on your mercy. This I ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen
Father in heaven, I thank you for your conruntless favors to me today and in all my past. I am grateful for the silent inspirations of your Holy Spirit and the assistance He lends my human weakness and instability. I know my prayers and petitions are present before you, and rely confidently on your granting my requests I ask for your powerful and far-seeing goodness. I ask above all for the special favor of remaining ever faithful to the teachings of you only Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and rules with you in union with the Holy spirits, one God, now and for all the ages to come. Amen I keep praying
Say Glory be to the Father 25 times in honour of St. Teresa.
Novena in Urgent need to the Infant Jesus of Prague To be said nine consecutive hours or for nine days Jesus, You said, "Ask and you shall re- ceive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your holy Mother, I knock, I seek. I ask that my prayer be granted. Mention your request. Jesus, You said, "All that you ask of the Father in my name, He will grant you." Through the intercession of Mary, Your holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Your Father in Your name that my prayer be granted. Mention your request. Jesus, You said. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My word shall not pass." Through the intercession of Mary, Your holy Mother, I feel confi- dent that my prayer will be granted. Mention your request.
Good St.Anne, Mother of Her who is our life, our sweetness and our hope, pray for us. St.Jude Worker of miracles, helper of hopeless cases pray for us. St.Joseph, foster father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for us. Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I love you. Amen,
Father all-powerful, your gifts of love are countless and your goodness infinite. On Thanksgiving Day, we come before you with gratitude for Your kindness. Open our hearts to concern for our fellow men and women, so that we may share Your gifts in loving service. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reighn with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever. Amen
God bless those I love and all the people in the world. The sick, the poor, the needy, the hungry, the homeless, the lost and the lonely. Show them Your presence, Oh Lord. Let them know You love them. Help us to love You, to respect You, to honor You, and to obey You all the days of our lives. We ask You this through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen
I live through the mercy of Jesus, to whom I owe everything and from whom I expect everything. Amen Oh Heart of Love, I place all my trust in Thee, for I fear all things from my own weakness, but I hope for all things from Thy goodness. Amen Love fo Jesus, fill us. Holy Spirit, guide us. Will of the Father, be done. Amen
Oh my God, source of all mercy, I acknowledge Yur sovereign power while recalling the wasted years that are past. I believe thta You, Lord, can in an instant turn this lost to gain. Miserable as I am, yet I firmly believe that You can do all things. Please restore to me the time lost, giving me Your grace, both now and in the future. Amen
O God, who knowest us to be set in the midst of such great perils, that by reason of the weakness of our nature we cannot stand upright, grant us such health of mind and body that those evils which we suffer for our sins we may overcome through Thine assistance thrugh Christ our Lord. Amen
Glorious Prince of the Heavenly Hosts and victor over rebellioous spirits, be mindful of me who am so weak and sinful and yet so prone to pride and ambition. Lend me, I pray, thy powerful aid in every temptation and difficulty and above all do not forsake me in my last struggle with the powers of evil. Amen
O Blessed Archangel Gabriel, we beseech thee, do thou intercede for us at the throne of divine Mercy in our present necessities, that as thou didst announce to Mary the mystery of the Incarnation, so through thy prayers and patronage in heaven we may obtain the benefits of the same, and sing the praise of God forever in the land of the living. Amen
O Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the Universe. All tht has been created has been made for You. Exercise upon me all Your rights. I renew my baptismal promises renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps. I promise to lead a good Christian life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer You my poor actions in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge your sacred royality and that thus the reign of Your peace may be established throughout the Universe. Amen
O my God, relying of our infinite goodness and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Your grace and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen