Prayer of Confidence to St. Anthony:
Most holy St. Anthony, friend of Jesus, I place myself in your heavenly care. Be with me, especially in life's troubles and difficulties. Intercede before the Lord for me, so that I may confidently know I do not face my problems alone.
I join my prayers to yours, O great Saint, as I ask God to give me consolation in times of sorrow, courage when I am afraid, and healing from all the ills that afflict me.
Obtain for me from God, Most High, the grace to accept whatever is God's holy will for me and my loved ones. Strengthen my faith so that I will never despair, but always have hope in God's healing presence and power in my life. Amen
One of the greatest gifts Jesus gave to his disciples is the gift of peace, not as the world gives, but a peace that will allow our hearts freedom from fear and anxiety; a peace and serenity that comes from knowing the merciful goodness of God. A peace that allows us to freely give of ourselves to others. PS
Prayer to Our Lady for Healing: OUR LADY, Health of the Sick, I look to you for the comfort of a mother's love. I pray to you on behalf of those who are suffering and for my own healing needs. Mary, your love strengthens me and brings me peace. OUR LADY, Health of the Sick, embrace all who are emotionally and physically ill that they may return to good health under your tender care. And please intercede for my very special needs (mention your needs). Mary, your love strengthens me and brings me peace. Amen. (cah)
OUR LADY, Health of the Sick, we pray for the comfort of your love. Amen.
O Jesus full of grace and charity, victim for sinners, so impelled by love for us that you willed to die on the cross, I humbly thank you for glorifying in heaven and on earth St Pio Pietreclina, who generously participated in your sufferings, who loved so much and laboured so faithfully for the glory of your heavenly Father and for the good of souls. With confidence I beseech you to grant me through his intersession the grace of (mention request) which I ardently desire . . . Say 3 Glory Be's. Please hear my prayer.
Prayer to St Rita. Holy Patroness of those in need. Saint Rita, you were humble, pure and patient. Your pleadings with your divine spouse are irresistible, so please obtain from our risen Jesus the request I make of you (mention your petition) Be kind to me for the greater glory of God, and I shall honour you and sing your praises forever. Glorious Saint Rita, you miraculously participated in the sorrowful passions of our Lord Jesus Christ. Obtain for me now the grace to suffer with resignation the troubles of this life, and protect me in all my needs. Amen. Please hear my prayer St Rita
Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and in the hour of our death. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. The moment you received it say one Hail Mary and one Our Father and watch what happens on the 4th day. The Hail Mary and Our Father is the Novena. This is a Novena from Mother Theresa that she started in 1952. It has never been broken. Within 48 hours send five copies to family and friends. - To All let's keep praying...
Dear St. Anthony, after all these years in the school of Christ, I still haven't learned the lesson of true humility. My feelings are easily ruffled. Quick to take offense, I am slow to forgive. St. Anthony, Example of Humility, teach me the importance and necessity of this Christian virtue. In the presence of Jesus, who humbled Himself and whom the Father exalted, remember also these special intentions of mine. (Name them.)
The Word of the Lord: "Your Father knows our need these things. Instead, put His Kingdom first in your life, and He will provide you with theses things. " (Luke 12:30-31) Heavenly Father, all wise and all knowing, you see my need before I ask. Please help me to put your kingdom first in my life, and then graciously grant my request in your tender mercy. In Christ's name I beg you. Amen Please hear all our prayers Thank you Lord!
SANCTE Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio, contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium. Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur: tuque, Princeps militiae coelestis, Satanam aliosque spiritus malignos, qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo, divina virtute, in infernum detrude. Amen.
Thank 7:20:09 I have never heard of this novena. Thank you for sharing such a simple prayer....Please stay on this site. We help each other everyday. Amen
God,I need u so much at this point of my know the state of mind which i am passing through right now and u know my needs,let not my love fail..Dear father,please help me..wipe away my tears and give me a new hope for living.."S"
I just received and finish this novena,I have no friends to send, so I choose to public. Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and in the hour of our death. Amen. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive
us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen. The moment you received it say one Hail Mary and one Our Father and watch what happens on the 4th day. The Hail Mary and Our Father is the Novena. This is a Novena from Mother Theresa that she started in 1952. It has never been broken. Within 48 hours send five copies to family and friends.
O Blessed Archangel Gabriel, we beseech thee do thou intercede for us at the throne of divine Mercy in our present necessities that as thou didst announce to Mary the mystery of the Incarnation so through thy prayers and patronage in heaven we may obtain the benefits of the same and sing the praise of God forever in the land of the living.AMEN
I just received and finish this novena,I have no friends to send, so I choose to public.
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and in the hour of our death. Amen.
Our Father
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
The moment you received it say one Hail Mary and one Our Father and watch what happens on the 4th day. The Hail Mary and Our Father is the Novena. This is a Novena from Mother Theresa that she started in 1952. It has never been broken. Within 48 hours send five copies to family and friends.
Ps.111 Hallelujah! I want to express publicly before his People my heartfelt thanks to God for His mighty Miracles. All who are thankful should ponder them With me. For His miracles demonstrate His honor, Majesty, and Eternal Goodness. Who can forget the wonders He performs-deeds of mercy and of grace? He gives food to those who trust him; he never forget His promises. PSll6: I love the Lord because he hears my prayers and answers them. Because he bends and listens. I will pray as long as I breathe!
I pray that all who post these prayers are blessed by God the Almighty. I also ask that all visit Jesus in the tabernacle. Keep HIM company and console HIS Sacred Heart. All of us represent humanity to our Lord when we visit HIM in front of the tabernacle. Console HIM as He was consoled by an angel in the garden of Gethsemanne. You will soothe HIS Sacred Heart for all the neglect and indifference HE receives from humanity. Approach HIM with HIS Mother and our LORD will honor your prayers. HE will bless you a thousand times for this act of love towards HIM. Amen.
I pray that all who post these prayers are blessed by God the Almighty. I also ask that all visit Jesus in the tabernacle. Keep HIM company and console HIS Sacred Heart. All of us represent humanity to our Lord when we visit HIM in front of the tabernacle. Console HIM as He was consoled by an angelin the garden of Gethsemanne. You will soothe HIS Sacred Heart for all the neglect and indifference HE receives from humanity. Approach HIM with HIS Mother and our LORD will honor your prayers. HE will bless you a thousand times for this act of love towards HIM. Amen.
Prayer or Blessing Against Storms. Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace. God became man,and the word was made flesh. Christ was born of a virgin. Christ suffered. Christ was crucified. Christ died. Christ rose again from the dead. Christ ascended into Heaven. Christ conquers. Christ reigns. Christ orders. May Christ protect us from all
storms and lightning. Christ went through their midst in Peace, and the word was made flesh. Christ is with us with Mary. Flee you enemy spirits because the lion of Juda, the Root of David,has won. Holy God! Holy Powerful God! Holy Immortal God!Have mercy on us. Amen
Dear St. Anthony, you became a Franciscan with the hope of shedding your blood for Christ. In God's plan for you, your thirst for martyrdom was never to be satisfied. St. Anthony, Martyr of Desire, pray that I may become less afraid to stand up and be counted as a follower of the Lord Jesus. Intercede also for my other intentions. (Name them.)
Dear St. Jude please intercede on our behalf so that all of the money due to my children and myself from the sale of our house it paid to us and accessible today. Please pray for us.
dear GOD, i pray that my mom be enlightened that my dog Bessie is far off better in my care, than with her as a companion for her male dog(as she reasoned out). i can take good care of her better than she does.Bessie grew up with me and loves me.through st.francis of assissi, i hope he could mediate for my sake as i aspired for the same love he had for animals. this might be a subtle prayer as compared to others who's in dire need of your help. but i hope my prayers would be heard also. amen.
Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favors. This time, I ask you this very special one (that JP calls me soon and thinks of me alot). Take it Dear Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in your Merciful eyes, it will become your favor not mine. Amen.
Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favors. This time, I ask you this very special one (please bless Zach's business, and let it take off to give all of he and his workers confidence. Take it Dear Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in your Merciful eyes, it will become your favor not mine. Amen.
Be my love
My only love
And I will ask nothing more
Be my love
My forever love
And I will give until
I can give no more
Take this love
My eternal love
For which I pray
Will pour from me
Until I the day
I breathe no more
For if my love ceases,
So will my life
And my love - without it
There is nothing -
no life
no more.
Written by Anna.
Dear Saint Joseph, my foster Father please pray for me to Lord Jesus to grant a miracle. Saint Joseph, Jesus will never refuse whatever you ask of Him. Therefore Saint Joseph, for the sake of your love for me, please pray for me to Lord Jesus so that Jesus will grant me the job in the cruise ship by the end of this month. Oh, Saint Joseph please ask Lord Jesus to solve all the problems with the vessel, the company and the agents and make everything as perfect as it was first scheduled to be. Please Saint Joseph interceed and ask Lord Jesus to grant me the job in the cruise ship, please. Amen
Dear Saint Joseph, my foster Father please pray for me to Lord Jesus to grant a miracle. Saint Joseph, Jesus will never refuse whatever you ask of Him. Therefore Saint Joseph, for the sake of your love for me, please pray for me to Lord Jesus so that Jesus will grant me the job in the cruise ship by the end of this month. Oh, Saint Joseph please ask Lord Jesus to solve all the problems with the vessel, the company and the agents and make everything as perfect as it was first scheduled to be. Please Saint Joseph interceed and ask Lord Jesus to grant me the job in the cruise ship, please. Amen
Dear Saint Joseph, my foster Father please pray for me to Lord Jesus to grant a miracle. Saint Joseph, Jesus will never refuse whatever you ask of Him. Therefore Saint Joseph, for the sake of your love for me, please pray for me to Lord Jesus so that Jesus will grant me the job in the cruise ship by the end of this month. Oh, Saint Joseph please ask Lord Jesus to solve all the problems with the vessel, the company and the agents and make everything as perfect as it was first scheduled to be. Please Saint Joseph interceed and ask Lord Jesus to grant me the job in the cruise ship, please. Amen
Dear Saint Jude, Saint Philomena and Saint Rita, saint of the impossibles and patron of the hopeless, please pray for me with your powerfull intercession to Lord Jesus so that Lord Jesus will grant me the job in the cruise ship by the end of September, please pray that Lord Jesus will make the vessel land as first it was scheduled to be and that Lord Jesus will solve all problems with the company and Moses. Dear Saint Jude, Saint Philomena please pray for me to Lord Jesus so that Lord Jesus will grant me the job in the cruise ship by the end of September.
I promise to pray for the souls in purgatory in your honour. Amen
Dear Our Lady of Perpetual Help, i offer you my first set of 9 week Novena which i completed to you together with the second 9 week novena in completion now. Please do not leave me empty handed disapointed or in despair. Dear Mother for the sake of your love for me please pray to Lord Jesus so that Jesus will grant me the job in the Cruise ship. Mother please grant that through your miraculous intercession to Lord Jesus will grant me to have signed the contract to join the cruise ship by the end of september. Amen
Dear Saint Martha, you were so close to Jesus that you obrtained everything from Jesus which you asked from Him, even the most impossible of petitions.
Even now, i believe that when you pray Jesus will definately hear your prayers for me and grant me my petition. Dear Saint Martha, please sympatise with my poor situation . Grant that in mind with the two full set of Novena's i prayer to you please interceed for me to Lord Jesus so Jesus will grant a miracle in my life.
Saint Martha, please pray to Lord Jesus that i will get the cruise job somehow, no matter how impossible it may seem by thhe end of this month. Saint Martha,please pray to Lord Jesus that Moses will call me to sign the contract to join the ship by the end of this month. My foster not forsake my poor plight. Amen
Dear Our Lady of Velankanni, please pray for me so that i will get the cruise jop by the end of this month. Dear Mother, please grant that a miracle will happen that by the end of this month i will get the job.
If i get the job in the cruise ship, i promise to say a decade of rosary everyday for the souls in purgatory in your honour
Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favors. This time, I ask you this very special one please let Zach's business take off and let the office feel refreshed- help us to take care of Matt, Phil and Michael. Take this prayer Dear Jesus and place it within your broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then in your Merciful eyes, it will become your favor not mine. Amen
Efficacious Prayer To Me Holy Child Jesus
O Child Jesus, I have recourse to You thru Your Holy Mother; I implore You to assist me in this necessity, for I firmly believe that Your Divinity can assist me. I confidently hope to obtain Your holy grace. I love You with my whole heart and soul. I am heartily sorry for my sins, and entreat You, O good Jesus, to give me strength to overcome them. I am firmly resolved never to offend You again and to suffer everything rather than displease You. Henceforth, I wish to serve You faithfully. For love of You, O divine Child, I will love my neighbor as myself. O Jesus, omnipotent Child, I beg You again to come to my assistance in this necessity. (Mention it)
Grant me the grace of possessing You eternally with Mary and Joseph, and of adoring You with Your Holy Angels and Saints. Amen. SG
Holy Spirit You Who lights all roads, so that I can reach my ideal. You who gives me the divine gift to forgive an forget all evil done against. I want to confirm once more that I never want to be separated from You even and in spite of all material illiusions, I wish to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for many answered prayers. NM
Dear St. Anthony, you were prompt to fulfill all justice. You gave God and His creation the service He required from you. You respected other people's rights and treated them with kindness and understanding. St. Anthony, Zealous for Justice, teach me the beauty of this virtue. Make me prompt to fulfill all justice toward God and toward all creation. Help me also in my pressing needs. (Name them.)
Hallowed Mother, do this favor: Those Wounds that gored my Savior, deeply on my heart engrave. Mine it be, Christ's throes in sharing. Mine it be, his anguish bearing. These, his wounds, to keep in mind. From the flame of hell unending, be thou, Virgin, me defending, in that dreadful reckoning day! When in death my eyes are closing, open them, Lord, to see reposing, Victory's crown in Mary's hand. When my frame by death is broken, and my doom by thee is spoken, be it, Lord, the better land. Amen.
I beseech you, O Lord Jesus Christ, that the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose most holy soul was pierced in the hour of your Passion by the sword of sorrow, may intercede for us with your mercy now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
"Not a hair of your head will be lost. Your perseverance will win you your lives" (Luke 21:18-19)
Dear St. Anthony, God wants us to see Christ, our brother, in everyone and love Him truly in word and in deed. God wills that we share with others the joy of His boundless love. St. Anthony, Generator of Charity, remember me in the Father's presence, that I may be generous in sharing the joy of His love. Remember also the special intentions I now entrust to you. (Name them.)
Very strong Chaplet - It works!
For power over the devil
"Recite the Chaplet of Tears of Blood! Spread this practice! The devil flees the places where it is recited. By this Chaplet, you will obtain the conversion of sinners, more specifically, of those possessed by the devil...."
. . . .words of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Together, let us begin by praying:
Chaplet of Mary's Tears of Blood
"Jesus crucified, prostrate at your feet,
We offer you the tears of blood of the one who,
With a tender and compassionate love,
Accompanied you during your painful way of the cross.
Grant, Oh good Master, that we take to heart the teachings learned
From the tears of blood of your Blessed Mother,
So that, by carrying out your Holy will on earth,
We may praise you, and glorify you in Heaven for all of Eternity.
On the Our Father beads:
"Oh Jesus, look upon the tears of blood of the One who loved You the most on earth,
And who loves you the most in Heaven."
On the small beads:
"Oh Jesus, grant our prayers because of the tears of blood of your most Blessed Mother."
Recite 7 groups of 7 and end with:
"Oh Mary, Mother of Love, of Sorrows, and of Mercy, we ask you to unite your prayers to ours, so that Jesus your Divine Son, to whom we send our prayers in the name of your Motherly tears of blood, may grant our requests and obtain for us, through the graces we ask, the crown of Eternal Life.
May your tears of blood, oh sorrowful Mother, overwhelm the power of hell.
May your divine tenderness, Oh Jesus bound in chains, protect the world from the confusion which threatens it.
Prayer for Discernment:
God, I know you love me and have great plans for me. But sometimes I am overwhelmed by the thought of my future. Show me how to walk forward one day at a time.
May I take heart while I search openly, learn about all the choices, listen to others for advice, and pay attention to my own feelings. By doing these things, may I hear your call to a lifestyle and a career that will let me love as only I can, and let me serve others with the special gifts that you have given me.
To keep me from being too elated by the abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, to harass me, to keep me from being too elated. Three times I besought the Lord about this, that it should leave me; but he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2Cor. 12:7-9)
"And Jesus said to them: 'The cup that I drink you will drink; and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized.'" Mark 10:39
Pro-Life Prayer . . . .
Lord of goodness and mercy we thank you for the gift of life,
We beg you to teach us how to love one another as ourselves.
May it please you oh Lord to free all children how are in danger of abortion at this moment and let their mothers realise that children are gifts from you alone and the right to life include the right to be born.
Help us to know that to pay injury for injury is not your will.
May we never forget that killing in the name of civilization is not allow, you are the creator of us all and you alone have the right take one's life.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Lord, Amen.
Obi-Akpere EEM.
He who prays is certain to be saved; while he who prays not is certain to be damned. All the saints were saved, and came to be saints by praying; all the accursed souls in hell were lost through neglect of prayer; if they had prayed, it is certain that they would not have been lost. And this will be one of the greatest occasions of their anguish in hell, the thought that they might have saved themselves so easily; that they had only to beg God to help them, but that now the time is past when this could avail them (from The Necessity of Prayer). I keep praying. God Bless all on this site.