We entreat You, MOST HOLY TRINITY, GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, in your tender kindness to deliver us from the chains in which our sins have bound us. Bless us and preserve us in holiness and all members of our families, our relatives, friends, all Your creatures, our homes and our households. Keep us all free from sin, and endow all of us with every virtue; give us peace and safety; restrain our enemies, seen and unseen; help us to control our earthly desires, and bless us with wholesome air. . Bless us, that we may always openly confess our faith which is to sanctify us, that we may never falter in our hope, even amidst pain and affliction, that we may ever grow in love for Thee and in charity towards our neighbor. Preserve us from all evil and from the snares of men; preserve us from lightning and hail and fire, from flood and from rage of the elements; preserve us from Thy wrath, from all hatred and from the evil intentions of our enemies, from plague, from diseases, famine, and war. Please bestow Your mercy on us, all members of our families, relatives, our friends and enemies, guard our city and country and the world. Keep all of us from every evil. Let Your blessing remain ever with us. We pray for forgiveness of our sins, conversion of sinners, for the safety of our children and all the unborn, the infants, children, youth all over the world and all those in danger, for all our spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, temporal and financial needs. Grant peace to all your people, to the whole world. Have pity on the sick, the handicapped, the mistreated, those in agony, the poor, the needy, the jobless, the homeless and the wrongfully accused and imprisoned. Please give us good health and long life, help us to be able to help those in need. Preserve the pope, the cardinals, bishops, priests, nuns, missionaries, deacons, seminarians and those in the religious order of the church. Keep them from sins and temptations, let them keep their vows. Increase religious vocations. We also pray for the enemies of our faith, for the unbelievers, for all government heads, officials and for the rich and those in power to be concerned to the less fortunate and those in need,for the law enforcers to work for the good and protection people under their authorities, for the preservation of our environment, for those who shall die today, preserve them from the pains of hell and admit them with all the poor souls in purgatory to Your Glory, grant them life everlasting especially the souls of the dead members of our families, relatives, friends, and the forgotten souls in purgatory. Let not one of us die without the Holy Sacraments. Bless our souls at the time of our death to reach Your Kingdom. Eternal Father, we offer you all our prayers,petitions, sufferings and sacrifices for the merits of the Most Precious Body and Blood of Your Dearly Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, our Divine Redeemer present in all the tabernacles in the world, being offered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated throughout the world, giving praise to You, Father, pleading for the coming of Your Kingdom for Your glory with the Holy Spirit, We offer You all our prayers, petitions, sufferings and sacrifices with all the prayers, petitions, sufferings and sacrifices of all peoples throughout the world. .") May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most mysterious and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in heaven on earth and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar Holy Mary Mother of God, Mother of grace and mercy, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you, intercede for us, bless us, protect us against the evil spirits; lead us by the hand through this vale of tears; reconcile us with thy Divine Son; commend us to Him, that we may be worthy of His promises. St. Joseph, foster father of our Saviour,guardian of His most holy Mother, head of the Holy Family, intercede for us, bless and protect us and our home always. Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. Peter all the Apostles, all the saints, martyrs, patriachs and confessors, pray for all the needs of our souls and bodies but most of all at the hour of our death. Shield each one of us by your constant protection, so that supported by your example and aid, we may live a holy life, die a happy death and attain everlasting happiness in heaven. Guide and help all government officials, comfort the afflicted, console the dying and convert sinners. Have pity on all who have died especially members of our families, relatives, friends, and all the people we know. Allow them to join you in the praise and glory of God. Pray for us before the throne of God. GOD THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, may the merits and prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, all the nine choirs of angels, the saints, martyrs, patriachs and confessors gain us Your constant help and protection. Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, St. Uriel, St. Sealtiel, St. Barachiel, St. Jhudiel. All the nine choirs of angels: Seraphims, Cherubims, Powers, Dominions, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels and Guardian Angels. All the Angels and Spirits of God, through the power and mercy of God, defend us against all the wicked wiles of the devil and all evil. Obtain for us that we may understand the Holy Will of God. Preserve us from ill heath and all dangers to life, pray for all of us with the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints, martyrs, partriachs and confessors Through the power and mercy of God, defend us against all the wicked wiles of the devil and all evil. Obtain for us that we may understand the Holy Will of God. Preserve us from ill heath and all dangers to life. BLESS US AND ALL YOUR CREATURES, OUR HOME AND HOUSEHOLDS God our Father, who created us, Divine Son, who suffered, died on the cross and rose from the dead for us, Holy Spirit who sanctify us in baptism. MAY GOD IN HIS THREE DIVINE PERSONS, preserve our bodies, purify our souls, direct our hearts and lead us to life everlasting , AMEN
MOST BLESSED TRINITY, FATHER SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT may You ever dwell within us and among us. In Your mercy conform all of us to Your image and likeness, and transform of us, Your creation according to Your holy Will. Most blessed Trinity, Triune God, preserve and protect all of us that You have created, sustained, redeemed, and sanctified. Keep us all, we ask You, from evil. May Your all-holy purpose be speedily accomplished, and may we share forever the glory of the place You have in love prepared for us. Amen. O God, come to our assistance, Lord, make haste to help us.
GOD OF GOODNESS AND MERCY, we commend to Thy all-powerful protection ourselves, our families, relatives, friends, all your creatures, our homes and households and all that we possess. Bless us all as You blest the Holy Family of Nazareth. -Father, we acknowledge your greatness; all your actions shows your wisdom and love. You formed us in your own likeness and set us over the whole world to serve you, our Creator, and to rule over all creatures. Even when we disobeyed you, and lost your friendship, you did not abandon us to the power of death, but helped all of us to seek and find You. Again and again You offered a covenant to us, and through the prophets taught us to hope for salvation. -Father, You so loved the world that in the fullness of time you sent your only Son to be our Savior. He was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary, a creature like us in all things but sin. To the poor,
LORD JESUS proclaimed the good news of salvation, and to those in sorrow, joy. -In fulfillment of Your will, He gave himself up to death but by rising from the dead, He destroyed death and restored life. And that we might live no longer for ourselves but for Him, He sent the Holy Spirit from You, Father, as his first gift to those who believe, to complete His work on earth and to bring us the fullness of grace. - God, on the first Pentecost, You instructed the hearts of those who believed in You by the light of the Holy Spirit; under the inspiration of the same Spirit, give us a taste for what is right and true and a continuing sense of His presence and power; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, by the will of the Father and the work of the Holy Spirit, Your death brought life to the world. By Your holy body and blood, free us from all our sins and from every evil. Keep us faithful to Your teaching and never let us be parted from You. -O Jesus, our most Holy Redeemer, by the love which Thou didst become man in order to save us, by the mercy through which that Thou didst die for us upon the Cross, bless us, protect us.
ST. JOSEPH - Ever blessed and glorious Joseph, kind and loving father, and helpful friend of all in sorrow! You are the good father and protector of orphans, the defender of the defenseless, the patron of those in need and sorrow. Look kindly on my request. My sins have drawn down on me the just displeasure of my God, and so I am surrounded with unhappiness. To you, loving guardian of the Family of Nazareth, do I go for help and protection. Listen, then, I beg you, with fatherly concern, to my earnest prayers, and obtain for me the favors I ask. I ask it by the infinite mercy of the eternal Son of God, which moved Him to take our nature and to be born into this world of sorrow. I ask it by the weariness and suffering you endured when you found no shelter at the inn of Bethlehem for the holy Virgin, nor a house where the Son of God could be born. Then, being everywhere refused, you had to allow the Queen of Heaven to give birth to the world's Redeemer in a cave. I ask it by that painful torture you felt at the prophecy of holy Simeon, which declared the Child Jesus and His holy Mother future victims of our sins and of their great love for us. I ask it through your sorrow and pain of soul when the angel declared to you that the life of the Child Jesus was sought by His enemies. From their evil plan you had to flee with Him and His Blessed Mother to Egypt. I ask it by all the suffering, weariness, and labors of that long and dangerous journey. I ask it by all your care to protect the Sacred Child and His Immaculate Mother during your second journey, when you were ordered to return to your own country. I ask it by your peaceful life in Nazareth where you met with so many joys and sorrows. I ask it by your great distress when the adorable Child was lost to you and His Mother for three days. I ask it by your joy at finding Him in the Temple, and by the comfort you found at Nazareth, while living in the company of the Child Jesus. I ask it by the wonderful submission He showed in His obedience to you. I ask it by the perfect love and conformity you showed in accepting the Divine order to depart from this life, and from the company of Jesus and Mary. I ask it by the joy which filled your soul, when the Redeemer of the world, triumphant over death and hell, entered into the possession of His kingdom and led you into it with special honors. I ask it through Mary's glorious Assumption, and through that endless happiness you have with her in the presence of God. O good father! I beg you, by all your sufferings, sorrows, and joys, to hear me and obtain for me what I ask. (make your request) Obtain for all those who have asked my prayers everything that is useful to them in the plan of God. Finally, my dear patron and father, be with me and all who are dear to me in our last moments, that we may eternally sing the praises of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
- Father, all powerful and ever-living God, we do well and always give you thanks as we honor Saint Joseph. He is that just man, that wise and loyal servant, whom you chose as the head of the Holy Family. With a husband's love he cherished Mary, the virgin Mother of God. With fatherly care he watched over Jesus Christ your Son, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Blessed foster-father of Jesus, extend to us the same tender care with which you protected Jesus and Mary that we may walk securely in the path of salvation. Obtain for us strong faith, ardent love and zeal in doing good. Saint Joseph, be our patron and intercessor with God. Implore for us a great purity of heart, a lively faith, firm hope and perfect charity.Help us in all our needs of soul and body but most of all in the hour of our death. Come to us then with Jesus and Mary and let us die in their love and with the help of your prayers. Glorious Saint Joseph, powerful protector of the Holy Church, let us implore your heavenly aid for the whole Church on earth, especially for the Holy Father, all the bishops, priests and religious. St. Joseph, you rescued the Child Jesus from the peril of His life, defend God's Holy Church from the snares of the enemy and from all adversity. Shield also each one of us by your constant protection, so that, supported by your example and your aid, we may live a holy life, die, a happy death and attain everlasting happiness in heaven. Guide and help all government officials, comfort the afflicted, and console the dying, and convert sinners. Have pity on all who have died especially members of our families and friends. Allow them to join you and the saints in the praise and glory of God. Amen.
BLESSED VIRGIN MARY We turn to you for protection, holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin. Oh blessed Virgin, pray to God for us always, that He may pardon us and give us grace, pray to God for us always, that He may grant us peace in this life pray to God for us always, that He may reward us with paradise at our death. AMEN Let intercession be made for us, we beseech You, O Lord, now and at the hour of our death, before the throne of Your Mercy, by the Blessed Virgin Mary, Your Mother, whose most holy soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow in the hour of Your bitter passion. Through You, O Lord Jesus Christ, Savior of the World, Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns world without end. Amen.
PRAYER IN TIME OF SUFFERING Behold me, my beloved Jesus, weighed down under the burden of my trials and sufferings, I cast myself at Your feet,that You may renew my strength and my courage,while I rest here in Your Presence. Permit me to lay down my cross in Your Sacred Heart,for only Your infinite goodness can sustain me;only Your love can help me bear my cross; only Your powerful hand can lighten its weight.O Divine King, Jesus,whose heart is so compassionate to the afflicted,I wish to live in You;suffer and die in You. During my life be to me my model and my support; At the hour of my death, be my hope and my refuge. Amen.
IN TIME OF NEED Heavenly Father, in my present need, help me to believe that you are a wave of my anxiety and will do what is best for me. Give me the strength to trust you and put the present and future in your hands. Grant this through Christ, our Lord, with the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of God to lose weight 60 pounds keeping it off forever.In the name of God all evil wicked devices of all people,all evil,all evildoers,all negative forces,The Occult,The Wicked,The Workers of Iniquity forever destroyed forever of no effect.In the name of God all Hindrances,Strategys and Strongholds of Satan aimed and formed against me forever destroyed forever of no effect.In the name of God forever bind all evil,all evildoers,all evilspirits,all Hindrances,Strategys and Strongholds of Satan,all negative forces,The Occult,The Wicked,The Workers of Iniquity forever bound and confounded.In the name of God for The Angel of The Lord to forever chase and persucute all evil,all evildoers,all negative forces,The Occult,The Wicked,The Workers of Iniquity day and night everywhere they go forever until they are forever destroyed.In the name of God so be it forever done.In the name of God to become forever Invisible and Invincible forever able to pass unseen and unheard forever disappearing day and night in the presence of all people,all Native people,all evil,all evildoers,all negative forces,The Occult,The Wicked,The Workers of Iniquity.
God filled your life with wonderful new experiences. Usually we enjoy new experiences but sometime we are afraid of them. We may be afraid of the unknown and want to remain in our comfort zone. Our fear may be a result of judging experiences as being bad or negative. With God as the source our strength, we have nothing to fear. If we choose to stay stuck in fear, we will miss the blessing of new experiences. Be thankful for them. Enjoy them. Each new experience comes to bless me.
I enjoy new experiences.
God has filled my life with wonderful experiences.
I am open and receptive to enjoying each new experience.
I judge all experiences good.
I accept the blessings in each experience.
I give thanks for each new experience and accept my good from them.
Thanks, God.
And So IT IS!
"The Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are joyful."
Psalms 126:3 Rich Blessings to you ES
Whatever healing you desire, accept it now. Are you struggling
financially? Accept the healing of your finance now. Do you have the
appearance of dis-ease in your body? Accept the healing of your body now.
Is there dis-harmony in a relationship in your life? Accept the healing
of the relationship. Your healing is already done. You need only accept
it for it to be made manifest in the physical realm.
I accept my healing now.
I am healthy whole and complete in all my affairs.
I accept my healing now.
Thanks, God.
And So It IS!
"Just as thy hand is freely stretched out for healing and wonders and thy
miracles which are done in the name of thy holy Son Jesus."
Acts 4:30 God loves you ES
At this very moment, enormous wealth is available to you. Not a
little bit of wealth, but ENORMOUS wealth is yours right here, right now.
As a child of God, you are heir to such vast wealth that you mind cannot
comprehend. This wealth is available to you now. Simple accept it and it
is yours. Accept your divine inheritance. Accept your rightful place.
Accept your enormous wealth now.
At this very moment, Enormous Wealth is available to me.
I release any blocks to my wealth.
I accept my divine inheritance.
I accept my enormous wealth, right here, right now.
Thanks, God.
And So It IS!
"But my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in
glory by Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:19
Peace, Love, Light, and Rich Blessings to You and Yours Now and Forevermore. God be with you ES
Mary will raise up apostles of the latter times to make war against the evil one.... But the power of Mary over all the devils will especially shine forth in the latter times, when Satan will lay his snares against her heel: that is to say, her humble slaves and poor children, whom she will raise up to make war against him. They shall be little and poor in the world's esteem, and abased before all like the heel, trodden underfoot and persecuted as the heel is by other members of the body. But in return for this they shall be rich in the grace of God, which Mary shall distribute to them abundantly. They shall be great and exalted before God in sanctity, Superior to all creatures by their lively zeal, and so well sustained with God's assistance that, with the humility of their heel, in union with Mary, they shall crush the head of the devil and cause Jesus Christ to triumph. ~St. Louis de Montfort
"The mercies of the Lord are never exhausted; the mercies of the Lord are never spent; but they are *new* each morning. Great is Thy faithfulness!" (Lam 3:22)
Trust the Church of God!
"Trust the Church of God implicitly even when your natural judgment would take a different course from hers and would induce you to question her prudence or correctness. Recollect what a hard task she has; how she is sure to be criticized and spoken against, whatever she does; recollect how much she needs your loyal and tender devotion; recollect, too, how long is the experience gained over so many centuries, and what a right she has to claim your assent to principles which have had so extended and triumphant a trial. Thank her that she has kept the faith safe for so many generations and do your part in helping her to transmit it to generations after you."
(John Henry Newman)
Fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in us the fire of your Love.
Send forth your Spirit and there shall be a new creation. And You will renew the face of the earth! Amen.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control....if we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit."
(Gal 5: 22, 23 25)
THE MIRACLE PRAYER Say this prayer faithfully, no matter how you feel. When you reach the point where you sincerely mean each word, with all your heat, something spiritually wonderful will happen to you: You will experience Jesus, and He will change your life.*** Lord Jesus, I come before You, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins. I repent of my sins. Please forgive me. In Your name, I fogive all others For what they have done to me. i renounce satan, the evil spirits, and all their works. I give you myself, Lord Jesus, now and forever. I invite You into my life Jesus. I accept You as my Lord, my God, and my Saviour. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in soul, spirit, and body. Come Lord Jesus, cover me with Your precious blood, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. i love You, Lord Jesus. I praise You Jesus. I thank You Jesus. I shall follow You every day of my life.
Dear Jesus and the Blessed Mother, I ask that you enable me to truly respect the privacy of people from my past and begin a life anew. I constantly worry and concern myself with problems that are not for me to ponder. I ask that you hold this large family in Your loving arms and give me a life seperate from them. I ask that flowers be planted in heaven for the many graces showered upon them and myself. Help me be faithful to You and a holy member of Your family. Please give me the strength to deal with my hurt and my jealousy. Please help me to break free of a cult I am deeply involved with. I ask for these things in Jesus's precious and holy name.
Thank you St. Jude for prayers answered, for filling my heart with your glory and love.
Renee R.
Rochester, NY
Thank you in advance St. Jude for intercessing in my behalf To our lord and savior I will always remember you as my loving st. Mar.rea
"Perfection is founded entirely on the love of God: 'Charity is the bond of perfection;' and perfect love of God means the complete union of our will with God's."
-St. Alphonsus
"At the Last Supper, on the night he was betrayed, our Saviour instituted the eucharistic sacrifice of his Body and Blood. This he did in order to perpetuate the sacrifice of the Cross throughout the ages until he should come again, and so to entrust to his beloved Spouse, the Church, a memorial of his death and resurrection: a sacrament of love, a sign of unity, a bond of charity, a paschal banquet in which Christ is consumed, the mind is filled with grace, and a pledge of future glory is given to us."
(Sacrosanctum Concilium, article 47)
Prayer to Saint Raphael.
O Raphael, lead us toward those we are waiting for, those who are waiting for us: Raphael, Angel of happy meeting, lead us by the hand toward those we are looking for. May all our movements be guided by your Light and transfigured with your joy.
Angel, guide of Tobias, lay the request we now address to you at the feet of Him on whole unveiled Face you are privileged to gaze. Lonely and tired, crush by the separations and sorrows of life, we feel the need of calling you and of pleading for the protection of your wings, so that we may not be as strangers in the province of joy, all ignorant of the concerns of our country. Remember the weak, you who are strong, you whose home lies beyond the region of thunder, in a land that is always peaceful, always serene and bright with the resplendent glory of God. Amen.
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."
(2 Cor. 4:8-9)
You are Christ, my Holy Father, my Tender God, my Great King, my Good Shepherd, my Only Master, my Best Helper, my Most Beautiful and my Beloved, my Living Bread, my Priest Forever, my Leader to my Country, my True Light, my Holy Sweetness, my Straight Way, my Excellent Wisdom, my Pure Simplicity, my Peaceful Harmony, my Entire Protection, my Good Portion, my Everlasting Salvation.
Christ Jesus, Sweet Lord, why have I ever loved, why in my whole life have I ever desired anything except You, Jesus my God? Where was I when I was not in spirit with You? Now, from this time forth, do you, all my desires, grow hot, and flow out upon the Lord Jesus: run . . . you have been tardy until now; hasten where you are going; seek Whom you are seeking. O, Jesus may he who loves You not be an anathema; may he who loves You not be filled with bitterness.
O, Sweet Jesus, may every good feeling that is fitted for Your praise, love You, delight in You, adore You! God of my heart, and my Portion, Christ Jesus, may my heart faint away in spirit, and may You be my Life within me! May the live coal of Your Love grow hot within my spirit and break forth into a perfect fire; may it burn incessantly on the altar of my heart; may it glow in my innermost being; may it blaze in hidden recesses of my soul; and in the days of my consummation may I be found consummated with You! Amen.
~St. Augustine of Hippo
I just wanted to share this with all of you. A priest started off his sermon by holding up a $20.00 bill. In the congregation of 200 he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill? Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give it to someone, but first let me do this." He proceeded to crumple the bill up. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. Well, he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air. "My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20." Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what happens to you, you will never lose your value: dirty or clean crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to God, Who loves you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or whom we know, but by WHO WE ARE as God's children. You are special - Don't EVER forget it. If you do not pass this on, you may never know the lives it touches or the hurting hearts that it can bring comfort to. Count your blessings, not your problems. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.
I HAVE A GIVING NATURE: Do you have a giving nature? Do you give to others? Having a giving
nature ensures you of your receiving. You reap what you sow. Therefore,
when you give of your time, talent and money to others, it will come back
to you blessed and multiplied. When you give to others you are giving of
and to yourself.
I have a giving nature.
I am generous with my time, talent and money.
Whenever I give, I give unconditionally from my heart.
I am a giving person.
Thanks, God.
And So It IS!
"Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially
to those who belong to the household of faith."
Galatians 6:10 Rich Blessings to you and yours. ES