SAINT MICHAEL - (Every Sunday)
O Prince of the heavenly hosts, St. Michael, we beg you to protect and defend us in all struggles against the everyday temptations in this world. Help us to overcome all evils and strengthen us, that we may declare our faith in and loyalty to the Most High so that together with all the angels and saints in heaven we may glorify the Lord. St. Michael, please intercede for us together with the Blessed Virgin Mary, and obtain for us the following requests..... Present to God the Father all these petitions through Jesus Christ, our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
SAINT GABRIEL - (Every Monday)
St. Gabriel, you, who are known as the bearer of God's secrets meant especially for His chosen ones, we, God's children are constantly keeping watch on God's message. Through your powerful intecession, may we receive God's words and messages so that together with Mary, our Blessed Mother, we may give glory and praise Him. May we also radiate God's ;pve to others by our examplary deeds. O St. Gabriel obtain for us the grace and present to God the Father the following requests...... through Jesus Christ, our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen
SAINT RAPHAEL - (Every Tuesday)
O great Archangel St. Raphael, you have been appointed by God to become our healer and guide in our earthly pilgrimage to our home in heaven. I beg you to assist us in all our undertakings and in all the trials and pains of this earthly life. We pray for constant good health spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. We beseech you to guide always our steps that we shall walk with confidence towards our journey, and enlighten us with our doubts generated by intellectual pride and worldly ambitions. St. Raphael, please present to God the following petitions ....... through Jesus Christ, our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen
SAINT URIEL - (Every Wednesday)
O illustrious St. Uriel, the Archangel of God's Divine Justice, as you hold the heavenly scales that weigh our lives on earth, we ask you to intercede for us, that god may forgive us all our sins. Obtain for us the grace of true repentance and conversion of heart that we may be spared of the punishment we deserve. Offer our prayers to God in our search for true peace and happiness founded on truth and justice. We pray for those who are suffering of inhumanities, dying because of injustice and the oppressed due to manipulation and exploitation. We also pray for our less fortunate brothers and sisters and ourselves for the following intentions...... Present to God the Father all these petitions, through Jesus Christ, our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen
SAINT SEALTIEL - (Every Thursday)
O pure and holy Archangel St. Sealtiel, you bow before the Almighty Lord offering angelic salutations of praise and thanksgiving. guide us in our prayer. Like you, we would like to unceasingly pray and worship God the right way. May our lives be like incense pleasing to God. While awaiting for the inevitable time of separation from this material world, may we praise the Holy Trinity in the spirit of true love and humility throughout the days of our lives and in eternity. Obtain for us these favors......... and present to God the Father all these petitions, through Jesus Christ, our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen
SAINT JHUDIEL - (Every Friday)
O merciful Archangel St. Jhudiel, dispenser of God's eternal and abundant mercy. Because of our sinfulness, we do not deserve God's forgiveness. Yet He continually grants us forbearance freely and lovingly. Help us in our determination to overcome our sinful habits and be truly sorry for them. Bring each one of us to true conversion of hearts. That we may experience the joy of reconciliation which it brings, without which neither we can know true peace. You who continually intercedes for us, listen to our prayers.....Present to God the Father all these petitions, through Jesus Christ, our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.
SAINT BARACHIEL - (Every Saturday)
O Powerful Archangel, St. Barachiel, filled with heaven's glory and splendor, you are rightly called God's benediction. We are God's children placed under your protection and care. Listen to our supplications....grant that through your loving intercession, we may reach our heavenly home one day. Sustain us and protect us from all harm that we may possess for all eternity the peace and happiness that Jesus has prepared for us in heaven. Present to God the Father all these petitions through Jesus Christ, our Lord together with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen
The Angels carry out God's will. Let us pray that we too may listen carefully to His voice and His call, as we say:Through the power and mercy of God, we beg you, hear our prayer.
- That the celestial choir of Seraphim, may make us worthy to burn with the fire of perfect charity.
Through the power and mercy of God, we beg you, hear our prayer.
- That the celestial choir of Cherubim may grant us the grace to leave the ways of wickedness and run in the
paths of christian perfection.Through the power and mercy of God, hear our prayer.
- That the celestial choir of Thrones may infuse into our hearts a true and sincere spirit of humility.
Through the power and mercy of God, we beg you, hear our prayer.
- That the celestial choir of Dominions may give us the grace to govern our senses and subdue our unruly passions. Through the power and mercy of God, we beg you, hear our prayer.
- That the celestial choir of Powers, may protect our souls against the snares and temptations of the devil.
Through the power and mercy of God, we beg you, hear our prayer.
- That the celestial choir of Virtues, may preserve us from evil, and not allow us to fall into temptation.
Through the power and mercy of God, we beg you, hear our prayer.
- That the celestial choir of Principalities may fill our souls with a true spirit of obedience.
Through the power and mercy of God, we beg you, hear our prayer.
- That the celestial choir of Archangels, may give us perseverance in faith and all our works that we may gain the glory of heaven. Through the power and mercy of God, we beg you, hear our prayer.
- That the celestial choir of Guardian Angels, may protect us in this mortal life and conducted hereafter to eternal glory. Through the power and mercy of God, we beg you, hear our prayer
GOD OF GOODNESS AND MERCY, we commend to Thy all-powerful protection ourselves, our families, relatives, friends, all your creatures, our homes and households and all that we possess. Bless us all as You blest the Holy Family of Nazareth. -Father, we acknowledge your greatness; all your actions shows your wisdom and love. You formed us in your own likeness and set us over the whole world to serve you, our Creator, and to rule over all creatures. Even when we disobeyed you, and lost your friendship, you did not abandon us to the power of death, but helped all of us to seek and find You. Again and again You offered a covenant to us, and through the prophets taught us to hope for salvation. -Father, You so loved the world that in the fullness of time you sent your only Son to be our Savior. He was conceived through the power of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary, a creature like us in all things but sin. To the poor,
LORD JESUS proclaimed the good news of salvation, and to those in sorrow, joy. -In fulfillment of Your will, He gave himself up to death but by rising from the dead, He destroyed death and restored life. And that we might live no longer for ourselves but for Him, He sent the Holy Spirit from You, Father, as his first gift to those who believe, to complete His work on earth and to bring us the fullness of grace. - God, on the first Pentecost, You instructed the hearts of those who believed in You by the light of the Holy Spirit; under the inspiration of the same Spirit, give us a taste for what is right and true and a continuing sense of His presence and power; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, by the will of the Father and the work of the Holy Spirit, Your death brought life to the world. By Your holy body and blood, free us from all our sins and from every evil. Keep us faithful to Your teaching and never let us be parted from You. -O Jesus, our most Holy Redeemer, by the love which Thou didst become man in order to save us, by the mercy through which that Thou didst die for us upon the Cross, bless us, protect us.
We entreat You, MOST HOLY TRINITY, GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON AND GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT, in your tender kindness to deliver us from the chains in which our sins have bound us. Bless us and preserve us in holiness and all members of our families, our relatives, friends, all Your creatures, our homes and our households. Keep us all free from sin, and endow all of us with every virtue; give us peace and safety; restrain our enemies, seen and unseen; help us to control our earthly desires, and bless us with wholesome air. . Bless us, that we may always openly confess our faith which is to sanctify us, that we may never falter in our hope, even amidst pain and affliction, that we may ever grow in love for Thee and in charity towards our neighbor. Preserve us from all evil and from the snares of men; preserve us from lightning and hail and fire, from flood and from rage of the elements; preserve us from Thy wrath, from all hatred and from the evil intentions of our enemies, from plague, from diseases, famine, and war. Please bestow Your mercy on us, all members of our families, relatives, our friends and enemies, guard our city and country and the world. Keep all of us from every evil. Let Your blessing remain ever with us. We pray for forgiveness of our sins, conversion of sinners, for the safety of our children and all the unborn, the infants, children, youth all over the world and all those in danger, for all our spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, temporal and financial needs. Grant peace to all your people, to the whole world. Have pity on the sick, the handicapped, the mistreated, those in agony, the poor, the needy, the jobless, the homeless and the wrongfully accused and imprisoned. Please give us good health and long life, help us to be able to help those in need. Preserve the pope, the cardinals, bishops, priests, nuns, missionaries, deacons, seminarians and those in the religious order of the church. Keep them from sins and temptations, let them keep their vows. Increase religious vocations. We also pray for the enemies of our faith, for the unbelievers, for all government heads, officials and for the rich and those in power to be concerned to the less fortunate and those in need,for the law enforcers to work for the good and protection people under their authorities, for the preservation of our environment, for those who shall die today, preserve them from the pains of hell and admit them with all the poor souls in purgatory to Your Glory, grant them life everlasting especially the souls of the dead members of our families, relatives, friends, and the forgotten souls in purgatory. Let not one of us die without the Holy Sacraments. Bless our souls at the time of our death to reach Your Kingdom. Eternal Father, we offer you all our prayers,petitions, sufferings and sacrifices for the merits of the Most Precious Body and Blood of Your Dearly Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, our Divine Redeemer present in all the tabernacles in the world, being offered in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass celebrated throughout the world, giving praise to You, Father, pleading for the coming of Your Kingdom for Your glory with the Holy Spirit, We offer You all our prayers, petitions, sufferings and sacrifices with all the prayers, petitions, sufferings and sacrifices of all peoples throughout the world. .") May the most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most mysterious and unutterable Name of God be always praised, blessed, loved, adored and glorified in heaven on earth and under the earth, by all the creatures of God, and by the Sacred Heart of our Lord Jesus Christ in the most Holy Sacrament of the altar Holy Mary Mother of God, Mother of grace and mercy, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to you, intercede for us, bless us, protect us against the evil spirits; lead us by the hand through this vale of tears; reconcile us with thy Divine Son; commend us to Him, that we may be worthy of His promises. St. Joseph, foster father of our Saviour,guardian of His most holy Mother, head of the Holy Family, intercede for us, bless and protect us and our home always. Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. Peter all the Apostles, all the saints, martyrs, patriachs and confessors, pray for all the needs of our souls and bodies but most of all at the hour of our death. Shield each one of us by your constant protection, so that supported by your example and aid, we may live a holy life, die a happy death and attain everlasting happiness in heaven. Guide and help all government officials, comfort the afflicted, console the dying and convert sinners. Have pity on all who have died especially members of our families, relatives, friends, and all the people we know. Allow them to join you in the praise and glory of God. Pray for us before the throne of God. GOD THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, may the merits and prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, all the nine choirs of angels, the saints, martyrs, patriachs and confessors gain us Your constant help and protection. Archangels: St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, St. Uriel, St. Sealtiel, St. Barachiel, St. Jhudiel. All the nine choirs of angels: Seraphims, Cherubims, Powers, Dominions, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels and Guardian Angels. All the Angels and Spirits of God, through the power and mercy of God, defend us against all the wicked wiles of the devil and all evil. Obtain for us that we may understand the Holy Will of God. Preserve us from ill heath and all dangers to life, pray for all of us with the Blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints, martyrs, partriachs and confessors Through the power and mercy of God, defend us against all the wicked wiles of the devil and all evil. Obtain for us that we may understand the Holy Will of God. Preserve us from ill heath and all dangers to life. BLESS US AND ALL YOUR CREATURES, OUR HOME AND HOUSEHOLDS God our Father, who created us, Divine Son, who suffered, died on the cross and rose from the dead for us, Holy Spirit who sanctify us in baptism. MAY GOD IN HIS THREE DIVINE PERSONS, preserve our bodies, purify our souls, direct our hearts and lead us to life everlasting , AMEN
BLESSED VIRGIN MARY We turn to You for protection, holy Mother of God. Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs. Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed virgin. Oh blessed Virgin, pray to God for us always, that He may pardon us and give us grace, pray to God for us always, that He may grant us peace in this life pray to God for us always, that He may reward us with paradise at our death. Mary, our Mother, live in us, act in us, speak in us and through us. Think you thoughts in our minds, love through our hearts, give us your disposition and feelings. Teach, lead and guide us to our Heavenly Father, to Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit - spirit of the Father and the Son. Correct, enlighten and expand our thoughts and behaviors, possess our souls, takeover our entire personality and lives. Replace them with yourself. Incline us to constant adoration and thanksgiving. Pray in us and through us. Let us live in You and keep us in this union always. AMEN
Let intercession be made for us, we beseech You, O Lord, now and at the hour of our death, before the throne of Your Mercy, by the Blessed Virgin Mary, Your Mother, whose most holy soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow in the hour of Your bitter passion. We ask the Father through You, Our Lord Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit, who lives and reigns world without end. Amen.
Loving Redeemer through your passion, teach me self-denial, strengthen me, our families, relatives, friends, all your creatures, against evil and adversity and so make me celebrate your Resurrection. Healer of body and soul, cure the sickness in my spirit so that I may grow in holiness through your constant care. Forgive my sins against the unity of your family; make me love as you loved me. Good Master, make me mindful of the dignity you gave me in Baptism, may I live for you at every moment. Give me a perfect heart to receive your work, that I may bring forth fruit in patience. Renew my eagerness to work with you in building a better world, so that my friends may hear your gospel of peace and justice. Lord Jesus Christ, who for us sinners, Thy hands and Thy feet and Thy whole body were placed upon the wood of the Cross; and didst bear the crown of thorns, set upon Thy head by the soldiers in dishonor of Thy most holy body; and hanging upon the Cross didst suffer five wounds for the sake of us sinners, and hast redeemed us by Thy sacred Blood, grant us we beseech Thee, O Lord, this day, and every day, the practice of penitence, abstinence, patience, humility, and chastity, and light, sense, understanding, and knowledge of the truth, even unto the end. Through Thee, Jesus Christ, Saviour of the world, King of glory, who, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, livest and reignest God, world without end. Amen. Remember the price of Thy Blood and blot out the sins of all Thy people; and as Thou west pleased to endure for us reproaches, spitting, bonds, blows, the scourge, the Cross, the nails, the bitter cup, death, the spear, and lastly burial, vouchsafe to us wretched ones, for whom Thou didst suffer this, the infinite blessedness of the heavenly kingdom, that we who bow down in reverence for Thy Passion may be raised up to things heavenly in the joys of Thy resurrection. Amen.
PRAYER TO KEEP THE PRESENCE OF GOD Lord, God Almighty, you have brought us safely to the beginning of this day. Defend us today by your mighty power , so that we may not fall into any sin, and that all our words may proceed and all our thoughs and actions be so directed as to be always just in your sight.Through Christ our Lord. Father, may everthing we do begin with your inspiration and continue with your saving help. Let our work always find its origin in you and through you reach completion. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reignswith you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
DAILY OFFERING God the Father, I thank Thee for creating me. God the Son, I thank Thee for redeeming me. God the Holy Spirit, I thank Thee for sanctifying me; infuse into my thoughts, words and actions Thy grace, so that they may be pleasing to Thee forever. O Blessed Trinity, assist me in becoming that which Thou intended me to become when Thou created me, for in that perfection I will give Thee the glory Thou desirest of me, and in that perfection I will find my greatest joy in heaven. Amen.
PRAYER TO ST. CECILIA - Feast Day November 22 O glorious saint, who chose to die Instead ofdenying your King.We pray you please to help us As His fair praise we sing! We lift our hearts in joyous son To honor Him this way, And while we sing, remembering, To sing is to doubly pray. At once in our hearts and in our tongues. We offer double prayer Sent heavenward on winged notes To praise God dwelling there.While in our hearts and tongues we try With song to praise God twice, We ask dear saint, to help us be United closed to Christ
SAINT DOMINIC O renowned champion of the faith of Christ,most holy saint Dominic, who didst renounce the honour and dignity of an earthly principality to embrace the poor,laborious, and mortified life which should distinguish a disciple of Him Who has said:"If any man will come after Me,let him take up his cross and follow Me."O burning torch,who being thyself consumed with the fire of divine love,didst incessantly labour to enkindle that sacred flame in the hearts of others,look down upon me from that throne of glory where thou enjoyest the reward of all thy labours,and obtain that some sparks of that blessed fire
may be lighted in my soul,to animate and encourage me under any crosses or trialswith which it shall please the divine goodness to visit me.Thou, O great Saint,regardest as nothing all the afflictions thou didst endure,and all the toils thou didst undergo for the promotion of God's holy cause;obtain, I beseech Thee, that the same ardent love whichs strengthened thee, may make sweet to me labours, humiliations, disgraces, or whatever other mortifications I may have to suffer for the Name of Jesus. May I ever bear in mind that nothing can happen to me but by the particular dispensation of a God Who is infinitely wise, and therefore knows what is best for my welfare;infinitely powerful, and consequently able to effect it;and above all,infinitely merciful and loving,Who has laid down His life for my redemption,and continues daily to give new proofs of His love and bounty. O tender Father of the poor who,when all other resources were exhausted,didst offer thyself for their relief,obtain for me that true spirit of compassion for the suffering members of Jesus Christ,which shone forth so conspicuously in thy holy life. May I, by charity to those whom Jesus so dearly loves, lay up for myself treasures in heaven, where thou now enjoyest that which the eye hath not seen,nor the ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, but which God has prepared for those who love Him, and who prove themselves His Disciples by the observance of His Divine precept - love one another.I praise and thank God for the high degree ofsanctity to which He had raised thee, and the special privileges by which He has distinguished thee. I conjure thee, by that gratitude with which thou shalt for all eternity be penetrated for thy Divine Benefactor,implore for me the grace to root out of my heart whatever is not agreeable in His sight,especially that evil habit by which I most frequently offend Him.Obtain likewise the favours I request in this Novena,through thy powerful intercession. (Here specify your intentions).
O glorious Mother of God, Queen of the most sacred Rosary, thou who didst love Dominic with the affection of a mother, and were most tenderly loved and honoured by him, look upon me, for his sake, with an eye of pity, deign to join with him in presenting these petitions to thy most Blessed Jesus. I sincerely desire from this moment to love Him with all my heart, and serve Him with all my strength, and now place myself under thy powerful protection, as a sure means of obtaining all the graces necessary to serve Him faithfully here, that I may eternally rejoice with Him hereafter. Amen.
ST. EXPEDITUS-patron when money is needed and in urgent necessities We beseech you O Lord, to pour Your grace upon us, may it guide all our thoughts and actions; may it render them efficacious so that our prayers and our work may begin in You and be continued by the intercession of St. Expeditus, courageously, faithfully, promptly, happily.. and accomplished in Your good time, so that we may merit to arrive one day at the possession of heavenly things, throught Our Saviour, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit Father of endless charity, I am heartily sorry for all my sins, grant me, therefore, pardon of my sins and the grace I ask of You through the merits of the sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mother and the virtues of Your martyr, St. Expeditus.
ST. EXPEDITUS - Blessed St. Expeditus who are honored by the gratitude of those who have invoked you in their last hour, or in urgent necessities, please obtain for us this day (mention the request). This we beg and hope, in all submission to the will of God, through the intercession of our Immaculate Mother and all the saints, to receive from the infinite mercy of the Sacred Heart of Our Divine Saviour, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit. St. Expeditus aid me in all my needs. Let your strength and support protect my income and help me obtain my needs so that I will not suffer any need and want. Please let peace and enjoyment reign in my household. I ask you and pray that my wishes be granted and glorify your intercession. I trust you St. Expeditus to place your good hand upon everything I desiere and need. O St. Expeditus, my protector, in you I place my hope that my petitions may be granted if they are for my own good. Please ask our Lord, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, for the forgiveness of my sins, and the grace to change my life, particularly the grace (mention here the particular grace desired) and I promise to follow your examples and will propagate this devotion to you. Amen.
ST. ANNE - Good Saint Anne, you were especially favored by God to be the mother of the most holy Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Savior. By your power with your most pure daughter and with her divine Son, kindly obtain for us the grace and the favor we now seek. Please secure for us also forgiveness of our past sins, the strength to perform faithfully our daily duties and the help we need to persevere in the love of Jesus and Mary. Amen.
ST.RESA OF AVILA - O Saint Teresa, seraphic Virgin, beloved spouse of thy crucified Lord, thou who on earth didst burn with a love so intense toward thy God and my God, and now dost glow with a brighter and purer flame in paradise: obtain for me also, I beseech thee, a spark of that same holy fire which shall cause me to forget the world, all things created, and even myself; for thou didst ever avidly desire to see Him loved by all men. Grant that my every thought and desire and affection may be continually directed to doing the will of God, the supreme Good, wheter I am in joy or in pain, for He is worthy to be loved and obeyed forever. Obtain for me this grace, thou who art so powerful with God; may I be all on fire, like thee, with the holy love of God. Amen.
ST. MARTHA - O St. Martha, I resort to thee and to thy petition and faith. I offer up to thee this light which I shall burn every Tuesday for nine consecutive Tuesdays. Comfort us in all our difficulties through the great favor thou didst enjoy when Our Saviour lodged in thy house. I beseech thee to have definite pity in regard to the favour we ask (mention favour). Intercede for us and our families and friends that we may always be provided for in all our necessities. We ask thee St. Martha to overcome the dragon which thoud didst cast at thy feet. (One Our Father, three Hail Mary's and a lighted candle every Tuesday and the above prayer made known with the intentions of spreading devotion to St. Martha.
Student's Prayer Before Study by ST. THOMAS AQUINAS - Ineffable Creator, Who, from the treasures of Your wisdom have established three hierarchies of angels, have arrayed them in marvelous order above the fiery heavens, and have marshaled the regions of the universe with such artful skill, You are proclaimed the true font of light and wisdom, and the primal origin raised high beyond all things. Pour forth a ray of Your brightness into the darkened places of my mind; disperse from my soul the twofold darkness into which I was born: sin and ignorance. You make eloquent the tongue of infants. Refine my speech and pour forth upon my lips the goodness of Your blessing. Grant to me keenness of mind, capacity to remember skill in learning, subtlety to interpret, and eloquence in speech. May You guide the beginning of my work, direct its progress, and bring it to completion. You Who are true God and True Man. Who live and reign, world without end Amen.
ST. THOMAS AQUINAS Almighty and everlasting God, behold I come to the sacrament of Thine only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ: I come as one sick to the physician of life, unclean to the fountain of mercy, blind to the light of eternal brightness, poor and in need of the Lord of heaven and of earth. Therefore, I beseech the abundance,Thine infinite bounty that hou wouldst vouchsafe to heal my weakness, wash my uncleanness, give light to my blindness, enrich my poverty, and clothe my nakedness, so that I may receive the Bread of Angels, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords with such reverence and humility, such contrition and devotion,such purity and faith, such purpose and intention, as shall aid my soul's salvation.Grant unto me, I beseech Thee, not only to receive the sacrament of the Body and blood of the Lord, but also its full reality and power. O most merciful God, grant me so to receive the Body of Thine only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, which He took from the Virgin Mary, that I may merit to be incorporated into His mystical Body and to be numbered among Him members. O most loving Father, give unto me to behold for all eternity face to face Thine own beloved Son, whom now upon my pilgrimage I purpose to receive under a veil, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, world without end. Amen
ST. PHILOMENA Illustrious virgin and martyr, Saint Philomena, behold me prostrate before the throne whereupon it has pleased the Most Holy Trinity to place thee. Full of confidence in thy protection, I entreat thee to intercede for me with God, from the heights of Heaven deign to cast a glance upon thy humble client! Spouse of Christ, sustain me in suffering, fortify me in temptation, protect me in the dangers surrounding me, obtain for me the graces necessary to me, and in particular (Here specify your petition). Above all, assist me at the hour of my death. Saint Philomena, powerful with God, pray for us. Amen. O God, Most Holy Trinity, we thank Thee for the graces Thou didst bestow upon the Blessed Virgin Mary, and upon Thy handmaid Philomena, through whose intercession we implore Thy Mercy. Amen.
SAINT MONICA - Patron Saint of Married Women, Mothers, Alcoholics, Abuse Victims, Victims of Unfaithfulness
Exemplary Mother of the great Augustine, you perseveringly pursued your wayward son not with wild threats but with prayerful cries to heaven. Intercede for all mothers in our day so that they may learn to draw their children to God. Teach them how to remain close to their children, even the prodigal sons and daughters who have sadly gone astray. Amen.
ST. MONICA - troubled wife and mother, many sorrows pierced your heart during your lifetime. Yet you never despaired or lost faith. With confidence, persistence and profound faith, you prayed daily for the conversion of your beloved husband, Patricius and your beloved son, Augustine. Grant me that same fortitude, patience and trust in the Lord. Intercede for me, dear St Monica, that God may favorably hear my plea for (mention your petition here) and grant me the grace to accept his will in all things, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen
ST. MONICA - for our chidren. Great St. Monica, patroness of fathers and mothers, please take our children, especially those who have turned from the ways of God and His Church, under your protection. Let them always remain faithful their baptismal vows. Give them strength to walk always in the ways of the Lord, despite the temptations and false values they find in the world today. Grant that they may share with you in the joys of eternal life in God. Amen.
ST. RITA - O glorious St. Rita, who did so wonderfully participate in the Sorrowful Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for us the graces we needm who in Your goodness, bestowed on St. Rita abundant grace to love all who injured her, to have her heart ever devoted to Jesus Christ, our Saviour; and her forehead wounded from thought of His suffering, grant we beseech You, that through her intercession and merits we also may fully pardon our enemies, and be so mindful of Jesus sorrowful unto death, that we may merit the reward He has promised to the meek of heart and to all who suffer patiently for His sake, Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.
ST. RITA - Dear Rita, model Wife and Widow, you yourself suffered in a long illness showing patience out of love for God. Teach us to pray as you did. Many invoke you for help, full of confidence in your intercession. Deign to come now to our aid for the relief and cure of {name of sufferer}. To God, all things are possible; may this healing giveglory to the Lord. Amen.
ST. RITA - patroness of impossible causes Dear Rita, model Wife and Widow, you yourself suffered in a long illness showing patience out of love for God. Teach us to pray as you did. Many invoke you for help, full of confidence in your intercession. Deign to come now to our aid for the relief and cure of {name of sufferer}. To God, all things are possible; may this healing give glory to the Lord. Amen.
ST. MARTIN DE PORRES - Most glorious Martin de Porres, whose burning charity embraced not only thy needy bbrethren, but also the very animals of the field, splendid example of charity, we hail thee and invoke thee! From that high throne which thou dost occupy, deign to listen to the supplication of thy needy brethren that, by imitating thy virtues, we may live contented in that state in which God has placed us and carrying with strength and courage our cross, we may follow in the footsteps of Our Blessed Redeemer and His most afflicted Mother, that at last we may reach the Kingdom of Heaven through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
St. Martin de Porres To You we lift up our hearts filled with serene confidence and devotion. Mindful of your unbounded and helpful charity to all levels of society and also of your meekness and humility of heart, we offer our petitions to you. Pour out upon our families the precious gifts of your solicitous and generous intercession; show to the poeple of every race and every color the parths of unity and of justice; implore from our Father in heaven the coming of His kingdom, so that through mutual benevolence in God men may increase the fruits of grace and merit the rewards of eternal life. Amen.
ST. MARIA GORETTI - Saint Maria Goretti, strengthened by God's grace, you did not hesitate, even at the age of eleven, to sacrifice life itself to defend your virginal purity. Look graciously on the unhappy human race that has strayed far from the path of eternal salvation. Teach us all, and especially our youth, the courage and promptness that will help us avoidanything that could offend Jesus. Obtain for me a great horror of sin, so that I may live a holy life on earth and win eternal glory in heaven. Amen.
ST. JOHN BOSCO - Father and Teacher of the Young In need of special help, I appeal with confidence to you, Saint John Bosco, for I require not only spiritual graces, but also temporal ones, and particularly... (add your personal intentions here) May you, who on earth had such great devotion to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and to Mary Help of Christians, and who always had compassion for those who were suffering, obtain from Jesus and His Heavenly Mother the grace I now request, and also a sincere resignation to the Will of God. Admirable apostle of youth, founder of religious Congregations, catechist, educator, writer, and a light that shone brightly in our time, you know that one of the greatest powers today is the power of the Press. Prompt editors to be always truthful and to work for the good of human beings, thus serving the greater glory of God. Amen.
ST. CLARE OF ASSISI - O Glorious St. Clare! God has given you the power of working miracles continually, and the favor of answering the prayers of those who invoke your assistance in misfortune, anxiety, and distress. We beseech you, obtain from Jesus through Mary His Blessed Mother, what we beg of you so fervently and hopefully, (mention your petition in private) if it be for the greater honor and glory of God and for the good of our souls. Amen
ST. PANCRATIUS St. Pancratius, glorious martyr of Christ and our own loving protector, I pray for your powerful intercession in favor of my petition which, with humble trust in the infinite mercy of the Lord and through your own mediation, I ask the Eternal Father for his help in this hour of need. (state your petition).The burning love of God made you offer your life in testimony of the faith. Encouraged by this fact, I plead now that we be given this same grace and strength in the practice and confession of the faith. In order to obtain your continued protection for me and my family, relatives and friend, help us to be faithful in the fulfillment of the laws of God, as well as in our duties in our present state of life. Help us receive the sacrament of penance and of the holy eucharist. Serving God with your kind assistance, I hope that we attain eternal glory in heaven. Amen. ST. PANCRATIUS - for all the children and teenagers. St. Pancratius, pray for all the children and teenagers that their faith may be as strong as yours, strong enough to lead them through all the trials of their life
THE HOLY MARTYR PANCRATIUS - BISHOP OF TAORMINA IN SICILY - This holy hierarch was born in Antioch at the time that the Lord Jesus walked as a man among men on earth. Hearing of Christ's miracles, Pancratius' parents came to Jerusalem, bringing Pancratius, where they saw Jesus, heard of His words and witnessed His miracles. There Pancratius met the Apostle Peter. After the Lord's Ascension, both parents and their son were baptized in Antioch. Pancratius retired to a cave in Pontus, where the Apostle Peter found him and, in consultation with the Apostle Paul, installed him as Bishop of Taormina in Sicily. St. Pancratius worked great wonders in that town. He destroyed idols, baptized the unbaptized and instructed the baptized, and governed the Church of God. A pagan general, Aquilinus, hearing that the whole town of Taormina had become Christian, se out with an army to the town to destroy it. Holy Pancratius encouraged the faithful to be fearless, and he himself went out from the city with the clergy, carrying in his hands the unconquerable sign of the precious Cross. When the soldiers drew near to the town, a darkness fell on them, and they were seized with great terror. A great confusion arose, so tha they ell over one another and were stabbed and cut about by their own swords. Thus, that Godly man, Pancratius, saved his city and his flock by the power of his prayers before God. He was finally stoned to death by some envious pagans and entered into est in the Lord. His holy relics are preserved in Rome
ST. BENEDICT Glorious Saint Benedict, sublime model of virtue, pure vessel of God's grace! Behold me humbly kneeling at your feet. I implore you in your loving kindness to pray for me before the throne of God. To you I have recourse in the dangers that daily surround me. Shield me against my selfishness and my indifference to God and to my neighbor. Inspire me to imitate you in all things. May your blessing be with me always, so that I may see and serve Christ in others and work for His kingdom. Graciously obtain for me from God those favors and graces which I need in life. Your heart was always full of love, compassion and mercy toward those who were afflicted or troubled in any way. You never dismissed without consolation and assistance anyone who had recourse to you. I therefore invoke your powerful intercession, confident in the hope that you will hear my prayers and obtain for me the special grace and favor I earnestly implore. {mention your petition} Help me, great Saint Benedict, to live and die as a faithful child of God, to run in the sweetness of His loving will, and to attain the eternal happiness of heaven. Amen.
ST. BENEDICT - patron against poisoning of the body as well as of mind and soul. Admirable Saint and Doctor of Humility, you practiced what you taught, assiduously praying for God's glory and lovingly fulfilling all work for God and the benefit of all human beings. You know the many physical dangers that surround us today, often caused or occasioned by human inventions. Guard us against poisoning of the body as well as of mind and soul, and thus be truly a "Blessed" one for us. Amen
Novena to the Precious Blood:
By the Voice of your Blood, O Jesus, I would press you, solicit you, importune you. Though you seem to reject my supplications, I will not leave your bleeding feet until you hear me. Too many graces, too many mercies flow from your Blood for me not to hope in its efficacy.
Then, O Jesus, by the Precious Blood seven times shed for the welfare of all, by each drop of that sacred price of our redemption, by the tears of your Immaculate Mother, I implore you, hear my prayer.
(here specify your request)
O Jesus, during all the days of your mortal life you consoled so many sufferers, healed so many infirmities, raised so often a sinking courage, You will not fail to have pity on one who cries to you from the depths of anguish. Oh! No, it is impossible. Another profound sigh from my heart, and from the wound in your own there will flow to me upon a wave of your Merciful Blood the grace so ardently desired. O Jesus, Jesus, hasten the moment when you will change my tears into joy, my sighs into thanksgiving.
Holy Mary, source of the Divine Blood, I implore you not to loose this occasion of glorifying the Blood which made you Immaculate. Amen.