Blessed Mother, thank you for your guidence. Please guide us always amen.
~ Powerful Novena of Childlike Confidence ~
(This novena is to be said at the same time every hour for nine consecutive hours - just one day)
O Jesus, who hast said, ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you, through the intercession of Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother, I knock, I seek, I ask that my prayer be granted. (Make your request)
O Jesus, who hast said, all that you ask of the Father in my name, he will grant you through the intercession of Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother, I humbly and urgently ask Thy Father in Thy Name that my prayer be granted. (Make your request)
O Jesus, who hast said, "Heaven and earth shall pass away but My word shall not pass", through the intercession of Mary, Thy Most Holy Mother, I feel confident that my prayer will be granted. (Make your request)
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe, mystical rose, intercede for the Church, protect the Holy Father, help all who invoke You in their necessities. Since You are the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the True God, obtain for us from Your Most Holy Son the grace of a firm and sure hope amid bitterness of life, as well as an ardent love and the precious gift of final perseverance.
Dearest Lady, fruitful Mother of Holiness, teach me Your ways of gentleness and strength. Hear my prayer, offered with deep felt confidence to beg this favor.
O Mary, conceived without sin, I come to your throne of grace to share the fervent devotion of your faithful Mexican children who call to Thee under the glorious title "Guadalupe" - the Virgin who crushed the serpent.
Queen of Martyrs, whose Immaculate Heart was pierced by seven swords of grief, help me to walk valiantly amid the sharp thorns strewn across my path. Invoke the Holy Spirit of Wisdom to fortify my will to frequent the Sacraments so that, thus enlightened and strengthened, I may prefer God to all creatures and shun every occasion of sin.
Help me, as a living branch of the Vine that is Jesus Christ, to exemplify His divine charity always seeking the good of others. Queen of Apostles, aid me to win souls for the Sacred Heart of my Savior. Keep my apostolate fearless, dynamic, and articulate, to proclaim the loving solitude of Our Father in Heaven so that the wayward may heed His pleading and obtain pardon, through the merits of Your Merciful Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer to St. Therese To Obtain Favors
O admirable St. Therese of the Infant Jesus,
we beg you to obtain for us always the grace to persevere
in our quest for holiness, in imitation of you,
purity of mind and heart, and to abhor with constant will
whatever could offend even in the slightest degree a virtue so sublime,
and one which renders us dear to Jesus, Our Lord.
Dear Saint Therese, grant us in all our needs
to put to the test the power of your intercession
to gain for us consolation in all the bitter trials of life
and especially in our last hour.
We commend to your intercession these things (list your needs)
for our temporal and spiritual welfare;
and especially to obtain in our last hour the grace of final perseverance,
so that we may share with you the eternal happiness of Paradise. Amen.
I pray for all those who call themsleves my friends. Love and Peace to all.
Bless, O God, the senior citizens of our nation.
Let them know how deeply we value the contributions they have made to our freedom. Cause us as a nation to rise up and bless those who have lived long, sacrificed much and worked hard so that younger generations may enjoy a quality of life that our seniors may not have had. Work among the great corps of older Americans, Lord, inspiring them to leave a legacy of faith and prayer for all generations that remain after them. And may they remain faithful to You throughout their lives. Amen.
Please send me the prayer of St. Gertrude to release 1000
souls from purgatory.
May Mother Mary, Holy Infant of Jesus Christ, Saint Anthony
and St. Jude... firstly thank you for answering my prayer that I found myself a new home. May my prayer be continued to be showered by your blessings and please answer my prayers that Michael will outgrow his rare disease and grow taller everyday and 20 cm to 30 cm taller year end. Love PO
Oh Heavenly Father, Jesus the only Son of God, Holy Spirit, Blessed Mother of God, St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Therese, St. Claire, and all of the Saints I thank you. Thank you for the strength to keep going and thank you for I know I am very blessed. I am eternally grateful. Please answer my prayers. Your loving servant. WSC
Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy
O Queen of Heaven and earth, Most Holy Virgin, we venerate thee. Thou art the Beloved Daughter of the Most High God, the chosen Mother of the Incarnate Word, the Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Vessel of the Most Holy Trinity.
O Mother of the Divine Redeemer, who under the title of Our Lady of Good Remedy comes to the aid of all who call upon thee, extend thy maternal protection to us. We depend on thee, Dear Mother, as helpless and needy children depend on a tender and caring mother.
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee, Blessed Art Thou among women and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death
O Lady of Good Remedy, source of unfailing help, grant that we may draw from thy treasury of graces in our time of need.
Touch the hearts of sinners, that they may seek reconciliation and forgiveness. Bring comfort to the afflicted and the lonely; help the poor and the hopeless; aid the sick and the suffering. May they be healed in body and strengthened in spirit to endure their sufferings with patient resignation and Christian fortitude.
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee, Blessed Art Thou among women and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death
Dear Lady of Good Remedy, source of unfailing help, thy compassionate heart knows a remedy for every affliction and misery we encounter in life. Help me with thy prayers and intercession to find a remedy for my problems and needs, especially for (mention your special intention here).
On my part, O loving Mother, I pledge myself to a more intensely Christian lifestyle, to a more careful observance of the laws of God, to be more conscientious in fulfilling the obligations of my state in life, and to strive to be a source of healing in this broken world of ours.
Dear Lady of Good Remedy, be ever present to me, and through thy intercession, may I enjoy health of body and peace of mind, and grow stronger in the faith and the love of thy Son, Jesus.
Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee, Blessed Art Thou among women and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of Good Remedy.
That we may deepen our dedication to thy Son, and make the world alive with His Spirit.
The more we have denied ourselves during the day, the nearer are
we each evening to the Heart of our Lord. -St. Madeline Sophie Barat
Blessed Mother please help us during these trying times, please guide us and protect us amen.
Here is the prayer to Ste. Therese:
O' Glorious Ste. Therese, whom Almighty God has raised up to aid and inspire the human family, I implore your miraculous intercession. You are so powerful in obtaining every need to body and spirit from the Heart of God. Holy Mother Church proclaims you "prodigy of Miracles, The Greatest Saint of Modern Times." Now I fervently beseech you to answer my petition (mention here) and to carry out your promises of spending Heaven doing good upon earth... of letting fall from Heaven a Shower of Roses. Little Flower, give me your childlike faith, to see the Face of God in the people and experiences of my life, and to love God with full confidence. Ste. Therese, my Carmelite Sister, I will fulfill your plea "to be made known everywhere" and I will continue to lead others to Jesus through you.
Blessed Mother please guide and protect us during these trying times. We love you, thank you, amen.
Blessed Mother, please guide us during these trying times.
Please help us. Thank You, we love You, Amen.
Thank you Lord for leading me to this websight. I love you Lord and I need you by my side always, teach me and guide me always in whatever I do. Help me to be a blessing wherever I go. Teach me the right way and to lead my children in the right direction. Be with us always Lord. AMEN
WHEN YOU PRAY: --- "Say what you mean, and mean what you say." Take time to pray, it is the greatest power on earth!
"God governs the world but prayer governs God."
Thankyou God for leadimg me to this website.Please hear and answer my prayer, I need help as tou already know. Help my faith to be strong.
Blessed Mother, please help us and guide us during these trying times. Thank you, amen.
Our Lord needs from us neither great deeds nor profound thoughts.
Neither intelligence nor talents. He cherishes simplicity. -St.
Thérèse of Lisieux