St. Jude: thank you for answering my prayers!!
I ask the Lord to help my disabled son obtain gainful employment.
I ask God to bless our leaders and this country.
Saint Joseph
A prayer for Hopeless cases.
O Glorious St. Joseph, advocate of hopeless cases, what's impossible to
me is not imposible to Thee. Thou knowest my special intentions. I implore
Thee, please come to my aid in my present trouble and distress before
Christmas. O dear St. Joseph, all my confidence in Thee. Let it not be said
that I would invoke Thee in vain. St. Joseph, friend of the Sacred Heart,
pray for us.
Dear Holy Spirit, thanks for staying with me. Our talk was not as painful as it could have been. Please continue to stay with me and help me with A, my kids, my financial situation and my job. Please don't let me screw up. Protect me from myself. Thanks for prayers answered. ~J~
For Those Whom Suffer
Unto all those whom quiver
In the shadows of doubt, anxiety and fear
For those whom pain, mourn in pain or anguish
And have no mouth or voice to hear
For all those whom suffer
Wounds hidden or unbeknown
For all those whom walk in darkness
And for all those who fear they walk alone
For all those left unheard
Unspoken, neglected
Lost, forgotten or abused
For all those torn and tempted
May you be the path they choose
For all whom suffer
May they never be turned away
Instead open our hearts, souls and minds
To you and your love
Your hope, your promise
And in our hearts
Welcome it to stay.
By Anna S.
Oh St. Faustina, let us say the prayer that Jesus taught you. Jesus, I trust in you. Please interceed for us and ask Jesus to heal our soul through His pardon and forgiveness, heal our body through His compassion and pity, our hearts through His love and pour forth His inexhaustible Mercy on our lives.
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins and save us from the fires of hell, and lead all those to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy.
Praise You Jesus.
I love You Jesus.
Thank You Jesus.
I turst You Jesus.
Dear Michael my friend, I will pray for you, may God keep you healthy and so much strength for so many more years to come. God Bless you and I will pray for you tonight. A Friend on line.
Novena Prayer
Divine Jesus, You have said, "Ask and you shall receive; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you." Behold me kneeling at Your feet, filled with a lively faith and confidence in the promises dictated by Your Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary. I come to ask this favor: Mention your request).
To whom can I turn if not to You, Whose Heart is the source of all graces and merits? Where should I seek if not in the treasure which contains all the riches of Your kindness and mercy? Where should I knock if not at the door through which God gives Himself to us and through which we go to God? I have recourse to You, Heart of Jesus. In You I find consolation when afflicted, protection when persecuted, strength when burdened with trials, and light in doubt and darkness.
Dear Jesus, I firmly believe that You can grant me the grace I implore, even though it should require a miracle. You have only to will it and my prayer will be granted. I admit that I am most unworthy of Your favors, but this is not a reason for me to be discouraged. You are the God of mercy, and You will not refuse a contrite heart. Cast upon me a look of mercy, I beg of You, and Your kind Heart will find in my miseries and weakness a reason for granting my prayer.
Sacred Heart, whatever may be Your decision with regard to my request, I will never stop adoring, loving, praising, and serving You. My Jesus, be pleased to accept this my act of perfect resignation to the decrees of Your adorable Heart, which I sincerely desire may be fulfilled in and by me and all Your creatures forever.
Grant me the grace for which I humbly implore You through the Immaculate Heart of Your most sorrowful Mother. You entrusted me to her as her child, and her prayers are all-powerful with You. Amen.
Jesus Help Me
In every need let me come to you with humble Trust saying Jesus Help Me.
In all my doubts, perplexities and temptations, Jesus Help Me.
In hours of loneliness, weariness and trials, Jesus Help Me.
In the failure of my plans and hopes, in disappointments, troubles and sorrow, Jesus Help Me.
When others fail me and your grace alone an assist me, Jesus Help Me.
When I throw myself on your tender love as a Father and Savior, Jesus Help Me.
When I feel impatient and my cross irritates me, Jesus Help Me.
When I am ill and my head and hands cannot work and I am lonely, Jesus Help Me.
Always, Always, inspite of weakness, falls and short comings of every kind Jesus help me and never forsake me. Amen.
*A Prayer To The Sacred Heart (In Difficulties)*
This prayer is so powerful that you will get your request no matter how difficult your wishes may be. This prayer starts ON FRIDAY and continues for 15 days. Make 4 copies and give away. Each day light, a candle while praying then put it out. After 15 days, let I burn right out. Only 1 CANDLE to be used for 15 days.
Almighty arms of Jesus, before you I come with all my faith, begging you for comfort in difficulties. Do not forsake me, Good Jesus. Open your doors in my way, that your almighty arms will open and close as you design to give me the tranquility that I so desire.
(Make your petition for 3 difficulties)
Pray to Saint Rita and Saint Jude! Saint Therese, thank you all! Pray, pray and keep praying!
My sweet Jesus, I come to you as I am . Heal my brokeness and my addictions oh loving Jesus. Let me hide in Your wounds where I find refuge, strength and love that only You can offer. I praise Your Holy Name and thank You for this healing.
Father God, I lift in prayer my sister, newphew Tony and his friend. My nephew is leaving home to Oregon with his friend Damion. Protect them Lord as they venture out traveling through our country. Keep them safe and out of harms way. Surround them with your protective angels and keep them under the shawdow of they wings Lord. Bring them back home safely. May they be prosperous in their endeavors and in whatever they do Lord. Be in their Mist Lord always on the highway and whatever they will do. I ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord Amen. Thank you King of Kings, Lord of Lords Master.
Father God, I lift in prayer myself and my family...I pray that I will never be fired from my job Lord. Cover us with your preicous blood Father..from the Crown of our heads to the soles of our feet, our home, vehicles, places we work and the roads we must travel. Saturate your precious blood on us Lord. Surround us with your protective angels and keep us under the shawdow of your wings Lord. You know what is in our hearts and our needs and only you can meet them. I place myself and family at the foot of your cross Lord. Thank you King of Kings, Lord, Lords. Master. I ask this through Jesus christ our Lord Amen, Amen and Amen.
Please give me the answers, the wisdom, the strength and the courage to be successful with my love, my family, my work and my life. Thank you for answering my prayers.
Opening Prayer
St. Therese, beloved friend, you promised to spend your heaven doing good upon earth. We come before you in our need. We believe that you listen to us and approach God for and with us. You are love in the heart of the Church. You are love in the heart of God. Please accept these petitions, hopes, needs, and dreams I list below. Please present them to our Loving Father so that God may do what is best for us, for our loved ones, and for the fulfillment of God's Kingdom. Continue your shower of roses in our lives. We ask you, dear friend, with the bold confidence and loving surrender you taught us. We make this prayerful petition in the name of Jesus and through the power of His Spirit.
Our Lady of Good Remedy Novena
O QUEEN OF HEAVEN and earth, Most Holy Virgin, we venerate thee. Thou art the beloved Daughter of the Most High God, the chosen Mother of the Incarnate Word, the Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, the Sacred Vessel of the Most Holy Trinity.
O Mother of the Divine Redeemer, who under the title of Our Lady of Good Remedy comes to the aid of all who call upon thee, extend thy maternal protection to us. We depend on thee, Dear Mother, as helpless and needy children depend on a tender and caring mother.
Hail, Mary
O LADY OF GOOD REMEDY, source of unfailing help, grant that we may draw from thy treasury of graces in our time of need.
Touch the hearts of sinners, that they may seek reconciliation and forgiveness. Bring comfort to the afflicted and the lonely; help the poor and the hopeless; aid the sick and the suffering. May they be healed in body and strengthened in spirit to endure their sufferings with patient resignation and Christian fortitude.
Hail, Mary
DEAR LADY OF GOOD REMEDY, source of unfailing help, thy compassionate heart knows a remedy for every affliction and misery we encounter in life. Help me with thy prayers and intercession to find a remedy for my problems and needs, especially for... [Here indicate your special intentions].
On my part, O loving Mother, I pledge myself to a more intensely Christian lifestyle, to a more careful observance of the laws of God, to be more conscientious in fulfilling the obligations of my state in life, and to strive to be a source of healing in this broken world of ours.
Dear Lady of Good Remedy, be ever present to me, and through thy intercession, may I enjoy health of body and peace of mind, and grow stronger in the faith and in the love of thy Son, Jesus.
Hail, Mary
V. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of Good Remedy,
R. That we may deepen our dedication to thy Son, and make the world alive with His Spirit.
I pray that we may all seek the Lord in retreats, meetings, special events, and all other parts of the Catholic faith, not just in our mighty Church. Keep us inspired and curious of You my Lord. Amen
pray that we all may find THAT ONE TRUE LOVE in our lives,
for all marriages and all couples that they may be happier everyday then the day before, forever