May God be with you all. I keep each and everyone of you in my prayers every night. Please pray for me also. My life has been turned upside-down recently and I have tried to fix it and carry one, only I have not been as successful as I had hoped. You see, the person I loved and was supposed to marry has suddenly gone away and is not coming back. He hates me for loving him and tells me that for the past 3 years I had taken his life from him. We still talk occassionally, but he only laughs at me and tells me he does not want me anymore. Now I found out he met someone on a catholic pray chat. It hurts alot. I did not think that it would but it does. I know I have to go on, but I am finding it hard. Please pray for me. Thank You
Please God, help everyone here to be strong. We are all going through different trials in our lives right now, but we all know you are with us.
NOVENA: to the KING OF ALL NATIONS: RECEIVE NINE COMMUNIONS and receive ONE Sacretment of RECONCILIATION - (communions can be each Sun. for 9 weeks and/or any pattern you choose) Upon completion you may offer your petition to the Lord and at his Great Mercy will Grant your request, this Novena suggested by Jesus for the Love of his Mother Mary to us her children here on earth. Prayers & petitions are answered, Jesus never fails us. Amen
Jesus you are so Wonderful
You are Perfect Love
You are the Fullness of Mercy
You are Absolute Truth
Here our prayers Sweet Jesus and answer them
according to Your Will
Thank You
Thy Name is my healing O My God, and rememberance of thee is my remedy. Nearness to thee is my hope and love for thee is my commandment. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Verily Thou are the all bountiful, the almighty, the all wise.~~~Baha'u'llah
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
O, Holy Spirit, thou who makes me see everything and shows me the way to my ideals.You hwo have given me the divine gift to forgive and forget all the wrong doing against me and who are in all instances of my life with me. I , in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated from you in eternal glory. AMen!
Good Saint Jude you were called to be one of Christs chosen apostles, and labored to bring the knowledge and love of God to others. The church honors you as the patron Saint of hopless and difficult cases. Listen now with compassion to the prayers we faithfully entrust to your intercession (here present your special intentions) In this troubled world of ours we have many trials, difficulties, and temptations. May it please God to answer our prayers in the way he knows best giving us the grace to see His purpose in everything. AMEN. Thank you Saint Jude for prayers answered.
Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony
"Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints"
O Holy St. Anthony, gentlest of Saints, your love for God and Charity for His creatures, made you worthy, when on earth, to possess miraculous powers. Encouraged by this thought, I implore you to obtain for me (request). O gentle and loving St. Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy, whisper my petition into the ears of the sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be folded in your arms; and the gratitude of my heart will ever be yours. Amen.
dear st jude please hear the prays of every body on this site and help them in there time of need and hear my requests please amen
Enternal Father thank you for loving us!
Thank you God, for answering my prayers in helping my family to sell our home when we were in need to do so. Also, thank you for helping us find a great place to move to. Thank you for answering my prayers. Holy Mary Mother of God, thank you for hearing my Rosaries. May you continue to intercede for us and for all who need your prayers. Amen.
Thank you God, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Heart of Mary, St. Joseph, St. Jude, St. Theresa, St. Clare, St. Rita for the begining of the light at the end of the tunnel. Please let your graces and love continue to shine down on us and may the miracle please continue. Amen
Please pray for Cardinal Law of Boston, that he will be blessed with courage to continue and wisdom to guide and the love to know what to say and do. Please pray for nine days at noon time for his needs and prayers to be answered.Danny D.
Thank you Saint Rita for your help and intersession. I thank everyone for your prayers and most of all My Dearest Lord Jesus for his miracle. Lord Thank you for ansewering our prayers and for loving us so much to give us what our heart desires. I praise you lord and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Dear Jesus thank you for your miracle In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear God, Blessed forever, God over all: Bless us this day with Your divine love and peace. Help us to look to You for everything in our lives. Keep us united in the Body of Christ. Let Your love be expressed in all that we do. We ask for Your gifts to be used with Your will, not ours. May we receive all that You have for each and every one of us. May we truly be Your servants on earth.
O Little Flower of Jesus, ever consoling troubled souls with heavenly graces, in your unfailing intercession I place my trust. From the Heart of Our Blessed Savior petition these blessings of which I stand in greatest need (mention here). Shower upon me your promised roses of virtue and grace, dear St. Therese, so that swiftly advancing in sanctity and in perfect love of neighbor, I may someday receive the crown of eternal life.Amen.
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.
I praise you Lord Jesus my savior. I thank you for your miracle, because it is truly a miracle. I thank you Jesus because my brother will now know your thrue power. I thank you Saint Anthony for your intersession. God bless all those who prayed for me and God bless all those who are on this site. May the good Lord Jesus answered each and every one of these prayers, in Jesus name, Amen. Don't give up the Lord hears you and he will answer, soon.
For the person who told me to "get a life", God Bless You!! For all those who read and responded to a person in need know that God will always shine his light on you. Thank you. For others who need people to share their troubled times with, thats what this site is about, keep writing. You have been there for me and I will be there for you. God be with you all!!
pray for my family an my fiancee , peace an strength in our lives, im run down lord help us amen
Dear St. Jude, friend and relative of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of Mary and Joseph, thank you for prayers answered.
St. Christopher, I ask that you carry my petition to our Heavenly Father to protect my family and me as we travel later this week to Orlando -- this is our first flight since September 11, and we are anxious. Thank you Lord, for hearing my prayer. Amen.
I pray for the Souls in Purgatory who are souls destined to go to heaven and have great power to help the living.They suffer horribly to cleanse them in preparation to entering the glory of heaven and they have great influence on God our Father as they liven lives deserving eternal salvation They cannot help themselves but can help us who are still in this world and suffering in the Church Militant.What we do while here on earth can be offered up to the souls in purgatory and any praying or other little pennance or suffering that we do and offer to the souls in purgatory will reduce the time that they have to serve in purgatory and they will be your friends and constant supporters forever as they are very grateful for anyone who will help them in their need My prayer is that everybody will realize this facts and will constantly offer up prayers for the soul in purgatory and utilize this very strong source of support for us who are still trying to cope and save our soul in this world.The day the Catholic Church realizes this facts, that day they will have anything they need and will prosper, but they are blinded by their diffidence and discrimination and stigma against sinners.We must spread the word from outside the church so that our prayers will open up the closed hearts of the clergy and this is my prayer.
Father God, I ask a special prayer for my aunt Stella, she had cancer last year and is going back for retesting. She has gone thru Chemo and since then received healing. I prayer that all will go well with her tests. That she receive a good bill of health. I ask this through Jesus Christ Our Lord Amen.
Dear lord help those who are so disillusioned that they would use this site to criticize and fight with others. Let this site be use only by those share a love of you and your will.and instead of criticizing and fighting they pray to you for the fallen brothers salvation. Amen
St. Theresa of the Child Jesus
O wondrous Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus, who, in thy brief earthly life, didst become a mirror of angelic purity, of courageous love and of whole-hearted surrender to Almighty God, now that thou art enjoying the reward of thy virtues, turn thine eyes of mercy upon us who trust in thee. Obtain for us the grace to keep our hearts and minds pure and clean like unto thine, and to detest in all sincerity whatever might tarnish ever so slightly the luster of a virtue so sublime, a virtue that endears us to they heavenly Bridegroom. Ah, dear Saint, grant us to feel in every need the power of thy intercession; give us comfort in all the bitterness of this life and especially at its latter end, that we may be worthy to share eternal happiness with thee in paradise. Amen.
V. Pray for us, O blessed Theresa,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
O Lord, who has said: "Unless you become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven"; grant us, we beseech Thee, so to walk in the footsteps of thy blessed Virgin Theresa with a humble and single heart, that we may attain to everlasting rewards: Who livest and reignest world without end. Amen.
Thanks for favours received
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit,Thou who makes me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal you who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are in all instances of my life with me,I ,in this short dialogue,want to thank you for everything and confirm once more that i never want to be separated from you,no matter how great the material desires may be. iI want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory Amen!
Dear St Jude, Thank you so much for hearing my prayer request, you have answer all of them except two of them on these I will humbly wait, unitl your ready for me to recive them.. I thank you, anyone asking for prayer ask him......
dear st jude please take my request to the foot of our holy father and ask him to embrace it to his heart ive asked your help a couple of times this month so am hopeing you will yet again help me,my partner has just became friendly with his fmily again which is a good thing but my problem is each time they come back into our little family they like to interfer am white and hes an asian and they like to think that they can tell me what to do with my children were i think they should just butt out they only put up with my children becaues if they dont he wont vist them so they are nice to them when es around but when hes not they arent nice at all i dont care if they like me but to take it out on innocent children thats what gets me angry and if any of them try and tell there dad he wont belive them even thou i think he no,s its really the truth, he wont stand up for his children its got so bad we nearly split up over it i dont want to lose my partner but i cant put up with this for much longer so am asking for your help let him see for himself whats going on and stop pushing my girls on them when they dont really want to no them at all he made a family with me please let him relze that before its to late i dont want to split him up from his family but he doesnt need to bring the girls near them he can see them without putting my kids thru hell and makeing bad feelings between us i dont want to lose him but hes gotta see what its doing to us as a family please take my request to the feet of our father and ask him to help me i ask you this thru pray amen
The Miracle Prayer
Lord, Jesus, I come before you, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all their works. I give you my entire self. Lord Jesus, now and forever, I invite you into my life Jesus. I accept you as my Lord and Savior. Heal me, change me, strengthen me in body, soul and spirit.
Come Lord Jesus, cover me with your precious blood, and fill me with your Holy Spirit, I love you Jesus. I praise you Jesus. I thank you Jesus. I shall follow you every day of my life. Amen.
Say this prayer faithfully, no matter how you feel, when you come to the point where you sincerely mean each word, with all your heart, something good spiritually will happen to you. You will experience Jesus, and He will change your whole life in a very special way. You will see.
Thank You Lord, thank you!! Now, please help me choose the right job so that your will and plans for me will be done!!!! AMEN
St Jude, please assist me with the money issues with my borther and parents. I do not want to take more than my share; you know what is in my heart. You know my family situation; Help me!
There is no problem so perplexing for which St. Jude Thaddeus, "Patron of difficult cases," cannot find a solution, thereby bringing joy and happiness to you. I believe in you, Saint Jude in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and that you will judge me in need of my request. Amen.
Thank You Lord for this beautiful day. Please hear my prayers--welcome JK into your arms - he was a good person, and we will miss him; Please take this project away from our company, I still fear that it would wipe our company out. Thank You for taking my anxiety away, I truly am being carried by Your Love. I ask all of this through the intercession of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.
9TH DAY: OH holy St Jude,apostle and martyr,rant that we may so dispose our lives that we may always be pleaseing to God.In working out our salvation in t his life we have many needs and necessities.Today we turn to you,asking you to interceded for us and obtain for us the favors... Please please St jude today they are going to work on my teeth and I am so sceard of the pain durning and after,Please waych over me this afternoon, I also want to add pplease dont let my future payment to the dentist be so high, I also like to add please let them move me up in the company soon, asst or store I really dont care as long as I making alot more then what I making now, and last thing please send me a special man to my life soon, one that wants a ready made family if I may please hear and bless every one with a special gift on this sight answer them all soon......May we not so much seek temporal good but rather what will whole world yet suffer the loss of our soul. Therefore, may we incline God's good gracious purpose in all our trails. Amen,St Jude,pray for us!My Jesus Mercy..
Most Blessed Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus assist me with JCAHO. Guide me in my work and direction for staff. Assist me with finding the information I need for the church. Open the door for me to improve relationships with family. Interven and assist my love ones in seeking Jesus Christ.
Most Blessed Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus. As I read the prayers and pleas for you Divine Intervention from all your people here my heart grieves for their pain and my prayers go out to You on their behalf. I beg you to hear their prayers. I understand their pain for I too am in need of your intervention. We All know you hear us and take mercy on us and WILL GRANT US OUR REQUESTS THROUGH YOUR DIVINE POWER GOD HAS BESTOWED UPON YOU. Thank You St. Jude.
Most Blessed Apostle Saint Jude Thaddeus. As I read the prayers and pleas for you Divine Intervention from all your people here my heart grieves for their pain and my prayers go out to You on their behalf. I beg you to hear their prayers. I understand their pain for I too am in need of your intervention. We All know you hear us and take mercy on us and WILL GRANT US OUR REQUESTS THROUGH YOUR DIVINE POWER GOD HAS BESTOWED UPON YOU. Thank You St. Jude.
dear lord you are so wonderful and i am so glad i have you in my life and you will always be there until you take me with you thank you for everything
Psalm 27.
The Lord is my light and my salvation -
whom shall I fear
The Lord is the stronghold of my life -
of whom shall I be afraid
...One thing I ask of the Lord
all the days of my life ,to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and seek him in his temple ... At his tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy , I will sing and make music to the Lord ... Hear my voice when I call, O Lord , be merciful to me and answer me . My heart says of you , 'seek his face 'Your face Lord I will seek . ...I am still confident of this .I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living .Wait for the Lord ; be strong and take heart and , yeah , wait for the Lord .
DAY EIGHT: O holy Saint Jude, apostle of Christ, pray that we may ever imitate the Divine Master and live according to his will. MAy we cooperate with the grace of God and ever remain pleaseing for our salvation.Forget not our special petirions.... Please help me move up in the company real soon si I will be able to pay for my teeth, also please send me specail man to my life that will want a ready made family, Please watch over all my freinds here on this sights and answer there prayers soon, and my friends that I hnag around with also.. May we always be thankful to God for blesseings we have recived in the past. Whatsovere we ask for the present or the future, we submit to the divine will, realizing that God knows best what is good for us.We know HE will respond to our prayers and petitions inone was or another.Amen.St Jude,pray for us.My Jesus, Mary...
Thank you St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Joseph and Infant Jesus of Prague for hearing and answering my prayers. It has been said many, many times before, but you can believe that God will hear you and answer your cries for help. Just remember to be patient, be earnest in your requests and give thanks for what you do have.
Dear Holy Mother: We need you to keep your hand on us and to guide us this day. Teach us how to extend our boundaries for you Son Jesus. Give us a heart like yours and assist us in increasing our faith and trust in God. Protect us for the evil one and do not let our action cause harm or pain to our brother and sisters.
st,jude your helping me at the minute now i need you to help me again wacth over my partner and daughters and his mum, his has to see someone tonight let him not lose his temper and to stay cool and let me here that the people that he sees will not need to see any of our family anymore that things have been settled and we wont here from them again ,take this request to our lord lay it at his feet so he can pick it up and embrace it to his heart and grant my request i ask this of you amen also here the prays of all the people thar are asking for help amen
dear st jude help my partner be strong i no he loves me help us to stay together i ask for strengh to get thru the days without an argument let him no his golden years are with me i ask you this thru your good name amen
God Bless Mr. Negrete in his last day's here with us. He has cancer and everyday he is becoming more and more weak.
Amen God. Sonny
Dear God, I would like to sat thank you for always listening to my prayers everyday! Im so gratful I have someone I can talk to when things are getting out of control and when things are going swell. Dear God please always keep an eye out for my family and friends and specialy my godson (Raymond) because he is so young and in high school. Thank you Lord. Sonny
Dear St. Jude, St. Francis, and St. Claire, please bless all who read this site. Pray for us.
Dear Lord, you are wonderful!