\ Japanese Budo, Martial Ways, by Capital Area Budokai at Otakon 2017 - Yenra

Japanese Budo, Martial Ways, by Capital Area Budokai at Otakon 2017 - Yenra

Capital Area Budokai

Capital Area Budokai will perform martial arts demonstrations on Friday and Saturday at this year's Otakon 2017 Matsuri.

The Budokai is dedicated to the proliferation of Japanese Budo and Martial Ways. They are students of Kendo, Atarashii Naginata, Kyudo, Shindo Muso Ryu Jodo, Nakamura Ryu Battodo, Toyama Ryu Iaido, and Mugai Ryu Iaihyodo. They will have live demonstrations from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday and from noon to 2 p.m. in the Marriott.

Budō is a compound of the root bu, meaning war or martial; and dō, meaning path or way (including the Buddhist conception of path, or mārga in Sanskrit). The term refers to the idea of formulating propositions, subjecting them to philosophical critique and then following a path to realize them. Dō signifies a way of life. Dō in the Japanese context, is an experiential term, experiential in the sense that practice (the way of life) is the norm to verify the validity of the discipline cultivated through a given art form. Modern budō has no external enemy, only the internal enemy, one's ego that must be fought.