\ Can Top Advertising - Yenra

Can Top Advertising - Yenra

Advercan layered plastic label keeps top clean with a protective seal while reaching innumerable consumers


Advercan, a new can-top label for beverages, is the world's first Can Top Media Campaign. The product, a layered plastic label, debuted this week at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, with cans sporting the new Advercan labels.

Five years in development, the layered plastic Advercan label serves as both an advertising medium and a cleancap designed to keep the can top clean from the bottling plant to the store shelf. The protective seal can thwart the spread of dirt, germs, and other contaminants.

With the ability to print a message on both sides of the label, marketers can create a variety of marketing strategies with this unique new media. Fountain Power Boats, Boating Magazine, Rob Report, and Mercury engines each have Advercan ads being distributed at the show. The medium is helping market, brand, and build company awareness and traffic to the companies' Web sites and toll-free numbers.

"Advercan is a powerful marketing medium that's a perfect fit for today's health-conscious consumer," said Kenny Mac McClintock, Advercan's founder with mother Glenna Ann McClintock. With the guidance of befriended MBAs, the company received the Southern Methodist University Cox School of Business 2004 Business Plan Award for Advercan's business model, in part for its marketing focus, high speed feasibility studies, and long term pay outs.

"Advertisers are always looking for ways to reach consumers with unique new messaging," McClintock said. "This label double-delivers: It promotes the advertiser, and creates cleaner can."

For bottlers, Advercan's new media revenue stream can help lower the cost of canning beverages. Advercan is capable of labeling 200,000 cans daily at its facility in Dallas, Texas. The cost is comparable to imprinting a can with a marketer's message, McClintock said. The process offers a secure beverage solution, more attractive food packaging and delivery medium. It also assists marketers in sales, branding, and millions in potential advertising revenues, which could offset costs related to soda and syrup, thus driving profits straight to the bottom line.

With billions of dollars in advertising revenues looking for the next big marketing tool, team Advercan is contacting package goods companies, professional sports teams and leagues, and the advertising agencies that serve them.

"This simple beverage solution serves bottlers, marketers and consumers alike. Advercan now holds the first-place notice to have launched this new media," said Glenna McClintock. "Now that it's a go, just watch us grow."