\ Advertising Calendar - Yenra

Advertising Calendar - Yenra

Publication highlights men and women ad industry professionals from Orange County agencies and related firms

Advertising Calendar

The Orange County Advertising Club is debuting the publication of dual 2006 calendars which highlight local industry professionals from various OC agencies and related firms. Titled "The Advertising Men and Women of OC Calendars," the effort is designed to promote both the Orange County advertising community as well as the quality of life within this Southern California region. "Outside of Southern California, people think that Orange County is a Los Angeles suburb. We want to change that perception by showing people that we are our own unique community with an unsurpassed quality of life and serve as a viable destination for skilled advertising professionals," said OC Ad Club president Ian Crockett.

Both a men's and women's version of the 2006 calendar highlights one industry professional per month. A range of entry- to senior-level professionals are featured, representing the various sides of the agency- and client-side business including advertising managers, creative, agency account management, strategic planning, media, production, and finance.

The ad professionals were photographed at various locales throughout Orange County in order to promote the area. "The calendar is not just about the people, it's also about OC itself," said vice president Richard Wang.

The OC Ad Club is offering the 2006 calendars free of charge, except for shipping and handling. Development and production costs were funded through sponsorship.

The calendars were offered initially at the OC Ad Club's annual gala holiday party on Dec. 1, 2005, in Newport Beach, Calif. The calendars are now available online at the ad club's Web site.

"This is truly a unique idea. The calendars are a fun, lighthearted way to introduce people around the country to the OC ad community throughout an entire year," added Wang.

The OC Ad Club is dedicated to the ongoing development of Orange County's advertising community.