\ British Rescue Submarines - Yenra

British Rescue Submarines - Yenra

Exercise Sorbet Royal 2002, a major NATO submarine escape and rescue exercise, was conducted in the Kattegat, Dennmark, from May 20-31, 2002

British Rescue Submarine - LR5

As a part of the final exercise day of Sorbet Royal 2002, LR-5 and the British Submarine Rescue Service deployed onboard Geofjord operated in exercise areas of the Kattegat, Denmark.

Exercise Sorbet Royal 2002, a major NATO submarine escape and rescue exercise will be conducted in the Kattegat from 20 to 31 May 2002. Forces from eleven NATO nations: Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, The United Kingdom, Turkey and the United States of America will participate along with one Partnership for Peace Nation, Sweden and three non NATO nations, India, Japan and Singapore.

In total more than 500 officers, sailors and civilians are exercising on 13 surface ships, 4 submarines and 2 helicopters (incl. 45 doctors, 30 divers)

79 visitors and observers from 2 NATO nations (Spain and Turkey) and the following non-NATO nations (Argentina, Australia, China, India, Pakistan, Russia and the Ukraine) will observe the exercise.

Sorbet Royal 2002 is one of the primary NATO exercises conducted in the northern region this year, showing a wide range of NATO's capabilities in saving lives from a submarine in distress. British Rescue Submarines took part.

The aim of the exercise is to foster and improve the spirit of co-operation in the field of submarine escape and rescue (SMER) and to enhance the interoperability of the participating nations.

The 11 nations participating are contributing the most sophisticated rescue systems to the exercise, and they will work together to accomplish many various SMER-related objectives.

Included is the search for a submarine in distress, escape and rescue from a bottomed submarine and the medical treatment of the submariners onboard and ashore.

Remotely operated vehicles and atmospheric diving suits will also be tested.