\ Wild Bird Feeders to Make - Kits, Plans - Yenra

Wild Bird Feeders to Make - Kits, Plans - Yenra

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The Home Depot Bird Feeder Kit - Precut wood, a plastic window, screws, nails, and easy-to-follow instructions let you breeze through construction and knock yourself out on decor with this bird feeder kit from Home Depot. All you need is a hammer and a Phillips head screwdriver to get started. The feeder fills from the top and spills food to the ledge as needed. The window allows you a view of the feeder's contents. Paint it, varnish it, sticker it, or do whatever you think says "Eat here!" to the birds of your locale.

Wild about birds : the Department of Natural Resources bird feeding guide - Double the numbers and species of birds visiting your yard with the feeder designs and feeding techniques described in this book. Information in bird feeding as a hobby, bird feeding as a farm-related industry, birds that come to feeders, population trends, unusual wildlife visitors at feeders, problem animals at feeders, types of bird food, woodshop basics of bird feeder construction, bird feeder designs and an extensive glossary and appendix. Author Carrol L. Henderson is supervisor of the Non-game Wildlife Program at the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

The Backyard Bird Feeder's Bible : The A-To-Z Guide to Feeders, Seed Mixes, Projects, and Treats - Rodale Organic Gardening Book - Bird-watching is America's second most popular hobby after gardening. According to a recent survey, approximately 63 million Americans report that they watch and feed birds at home. With its beautiful 4-color layout, The Backyard Bird-Feeder's Bible is the ideal guide for beginning to intermediate bird watchers. And author Sally Roth's reassuring and friendly voice make this book a standout among the many more academic-style bird books currently on the market. Each colorful section is arranged alphabetically and addresses birds from each region of the country-even explaining the different food requirements for birds in different regions. Roth helps readers cut the costs of their favorite activity with economical tips throughout, from buying less expensive seed like cracked corn to using food leftovers as winter treats. Readers will delight in the color photos of the most popular feeder birds, and will enjoy projects for making feeders, food mixtures, and "food crafts," such as birdseed wreaths.

Hand-Feeding Backyard Birds : A Step-By-Step Guide - Have backyard birds eating from the palm of your hand. "I remember the first time I watched a Black-capped Chickadee fly down from a tree and perch on someone's hand," writes author and bird lover Hugh Wiberg. "Although this happened more than 20 years ago, it was a special moment that will stay with me forever." Before long, Wiberg was enticing birds to his own hand, and he's been hand-feeding birds in his backyard and in sanctuaries ever since. Now he describes the thrills and rewards of hand-feeding and explains how you can enjoy this exciting activity, too. Soon Chickadees, Nuthatches, Titmice, and others will recognize you as their friend and eagerly visit your hand for a snack. Featuring more than 80 color photos and simple instructions, Hand-Feeding Backyard Birds shares Wiberg's secrets for success. He lists the birds most likely to hand-feed, their favorite foods, and the best times, places, and weather conditions for hand-feeding. In addition, you'll learn how to take amazing close-up photos of birds of the hand.

FeederWatcher's Guide to Bird Feeding - Learn from FeederWatcher Experts How to Feed and Attract Birds. Join Margaret Barker on a fascinating tour of FeederWatcher's backyards and bird feeders. Margaret captures the joy in the FeederWatcher's words as they explain how to attract the finches you've seen down the road, how to discourage the flock of Starlings you'd really rather went elsewhere, and how to live peacefully with squirrels and raccoons. You'll discover which birds you can attract and which ones will return year after year. Each winter thousands of FeederWatchers identify birds attracted to their yards and record data about them. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology compiles the data into the largest existing database on backyard birds. No one has more hard facts on backyard birds than the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and no one knows more about attracting birds than the FeederWatchers. FeederWatchers are participants in Project FeederWatch, a joint research and education project of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the National Audubon Society, Bird Studies Canada, and the Canadian Nature Federation.