\ Balloominator Illuminated Balloons - Yenra

Balloominator Illuminated Balloons - Yenra

Tiny bright reusable LED makes any white latex balloon light up, flash, glow, and change colors


A tiny, ultra-bright new LED device that weighs less than a dime can make any latex balloon containing either air or helium illuminate, flash, glow and even change colors. The device is called a Balloominator, and it's taking the balloon industry by storm.

"They're real attention getters," says Douglas Oxborrow of Ballumination. "A bunch of balloons is intrinsically festive. And when they twinkle, flash or sparkle the Wow factor really intensifies."

Available in red, blue, yellow, green or white the Balloominator illuminates balloons. Put color Balloominators in white latex balloons and watch the balloons change colors -- right before your eyes.

"I absolutely love this product," says Tonya King of Balloons and Gifts. "Not only are the Balloominators my biggest sellers -- they're wonderful attention getters, too. Since I began carrying them in my shop, my sales have increased by almost 50%."

"Professional decorators like to use Balloominators in balloon murals," says Oxborrow. "But they're just as popular when used in individual birthday, anniversary or baby shower balloons or in balloon bouquets. They work particularly well at evening events and really, anywhere you want to turn heads."

Pool party planners can float waterproof Balloominators in balloons or sink them for a unique lighting effect.

The small reusable device emits no heat will shine at maximum intensity for up to four hours. Balloominators continue to glow and flash for up to sixteen hours on one set of batteries and you can turn them off and on. Choose the constant light setting on the Balloominator for temporary lighting displays or in plant or gift baskets. Two sets of batteries are included with each reusable unit.

Balloominators are compatible with sealant used by professional balloon decorators. The product is available at many party and gift industry stores for less than $2.50.