TenFold Corporation today announced a breakthrough in applications development technology, called AutoDocument, that automatically writes application documentation.
"When you are developing and changing your application up to the end of a complex project, there is never enough time to document. Then, as soon as you document, it becomes obsolete the moment you change anything," said Clay Christensen, Manager at Bearing Point. "Imagine putting new applications into production and having precisely accurate documentation immediately available on your desktop. AutoDocument is an amazing EnterpriseTenFold feature."
EnterpriseTenFold lets people build applications by describing desired applications behavior and retaining that description in a relational database, called TenFold Dictionary. AutoDocument is a series of EnterpriseTenFold menu choices that each automatically produces a different, precisely-correct, Microsoft Word document that documents some aspect of your application. Menu choices are available to document applications Messages (what they mean, how to react, why caused), applications Menus and responsibilities, RDBMS Database design, and SmartCode design. Additional menu choices soon to be available document UseCases and Transactions.
"AutoDocument is unique to TenFold and probably cannot be duplicated by others because of how TenFold approaches applications development," said John Davenport, TenFold's Director of Development. "Only TenFold completely separates the applications definition from its rendering technology, which is how we are able to automate documentation. Every TenFold-powered application benefits from AutoDocument, including applications built with our new Tsunami product."
Tsunami is TenFold's code name for a single-user version of its patented Universal Application product for building software applications. Tsunami is now available from TenFold via an Internet installation. Tsunami comes with a script that, if followed, lets practically anyone with an interest in applications development build an enterprise-scale CRM application in just a few hours.
"Building complex applications is a complex activity. It's no wonder that it can take a large, capable project team years to do it thoroughly and right," said Jeffrey L. Walker, TenFold's Founder and CTO. "Of course, no one has ever produced perfectly-correct applications documentation, because it has, up until now, just been impossible to do so. The AutoDocument feature of EnterpriseTenFold caps a ten-year quest for Speed (build a complex application at least ten times faster), Quality (perfectly-correct documentation as one example), and Power (up-to-the-moment documentation a mouse-click away)."
"When we demonstrate AutoDocument at our Tsunami Previews, people are amazed," said Tim Nelson, a TenFold product demonstrator. "In seconds, Tsunami automatically documents the application that we build in front of them. AutoDocument writes documentation in seconds that would otherwise take people weeks. But, most importantly, AutoDocument produces precisely correct documentation -- no oversights, no mistakes."
TenFold licenses its patented technology for applications development, EnterpriseTenFold, to organizations that face the daunting task of replacing obsolete applications or building complex applications systems.