\ 3D Dentistry - Yenra

3D Dentistry - Yenra

Technology enables dental professionals to visually explain procedures to patients through tablet display animation

Animation Display

MedVisor/dental from Reality Engineering is a patient education and communication tool that translates highly technical details and procedures into easy-to-understand three-dimensional dental animations. 3D technology shows patients graphic simulations of diagnoses and treatment plans.

Patients and doctors have been responding well to the paradigm shift in communication.

"MedVisor beautifully translates complicated medical terms and procedures into understandable language through 3-D animations displayed on our computer screen," said Dr. Mark Dire. "I can depend on MedVisor to easily illustrate complicated diagnoses and operations to patients where before, reams of paper and hours of explanation would have been required and still may have fallen short."

Patients can now receive personalized information through MedVisor/dental's custom import/export capabilities that incorporate data unique to that individual. From intraoral photos to x-rays of an individual's teeth, the tool sets a new standard for consultation and treatment planning.

MedVisor promises to close in on the substantial communication gap between patient and doctor, thereby enhancing the patient's understanding and acceptance of treatment recommendations.

A dentist can discuss implant particulars with a patient in one operatory equipped with a chair-side monitor while down the hall a dental hygienist can review the art of brushing and flossing teeth with a younger patient and parents. Later, the portable chart can be carried to the operatory or consulting room via a wireless slate-style tablet. MedVisor is interactive; drawing, notation and highlighting tools are at the dentist's fingertips when most needed.

MedVisor/dental establishes greater patient comprehension while professionals can easily access retrievable records of dialogue. In addition, patients with cultural or language barriers are better able to grasp pertinent information using MedVisor's realistic visual diagrams.

Reality Engineering's new dental office innovation can be utilized in an integrated tablet PC with Microsoft Windows XP functionality that is engineered to meet the healthcare professional's broad range of computing needs. Alternatively, it can be installed in a practitioner's existing computer system for use on chair-side monitors with a Wacom electronic writing pad or pen-abled LCD.

"Patients who may have been unclear about their dental health and treatment options now can make sound decisions based on a clearer understanding. Dentists who use MedVisor as a communication tool will appreciate the dramatically enhanced interest and understanding by their patients," said Dr. Ron Sakaguchi. "Healthcare professionals can expect better doctor-patient communication and relationships as a result of boosting patient understanding to a higher level."

Prices start at $2000 with packages available for a variety of office configurations.

Reality Engineering specializes in three-dimensional animations for industrial and professional applications.

MedVisor is an interactive tool designed to enhance understanding between healthcare professionals and their patients.